Pacific Alliance holds public-private discussion on the roadmap for MSMEs and entrepreneurship
Pacific Alliance holds public-private discussion on the roadmap for MSMEs and entrepreneurship
Pacific Alliance holds public-private discussion on the roadmap for MSMEs and entrepreneurship

June 27, 2024. - This morning, in the framework of the International Day of MSMEs, the Technical Group of SMEs of the Pacific Alliance organized a discussion (in a hybrid way) on the Public-Private Roadmap for the Development of MSMEs and Entrepreneurship in the Pacific Alliance (PA) with the participation of authorities of the bloc, the PA Business...
Seminar on Pacific Alliance investment promotion focused on start-ups held in Korea
Seminar on Pacific Alliance investment promotion focused on start-ups held in Korea
Seminar on Pacific Alliance investment promotion focused on start-ups held in Korea

June 21, 2024.- The “Investment Promotion Seminar on the Pacific Alliance Markets”, organized by the Seoul Office of UNIDO ITPO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization - Investment & Technology Promotion Office) and the embassies of the Pacific Alliance (PA) countries in the Republic of Korea -Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru- was...
Pacific Alliance holds webinar on data registration and interoperability
Pacific Alliance holds webinar on data registration and interoperability
Pacific Alliance holds webinar on data registration and interoperability

June 4, 2024.- On this day, staff from the Ministry of Social Development and Family of Chile held a virtual webinar on the institutional and regulatory framework of the Social Information Registry, the Social Household Registry (RSH) and an interoperable administrative data system, which they currently manage in Chile.
The activity, which is part...
IIPA-AP Network researchers participate in course on oceanographic data processing
IIPA-AP Network researchers participate in course on oceanographic data processing
IIPA-AP Network researchers participate in course on oceanographic data processing

The Pacific Alliance Network of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institutions (IIPA-AP Network) has agreed to promote and share training opportunities on topics of interest to the institutions of the member countries.
June 4, 2024.- During April and May 2024, the course “Phyton: Pre-processing of geophysical data for Hydrodynamic Models” was held...
Ninth Pacific Alliance Youth Meeting to be held in Chile is launched
Ninth Pacific Alliance Youth Meeting to be held in Chile is launched
Ninth Pacific Alliance Youth Meeting to be held in Chile is launched

The event to be held in Chile will feature three major events: a food innovation bootcamp, the largest international virtual job fair in the region and will culminate with the Youth Meeting that will take place on October 23 in Santiago de Chile, which will bring together a thousand people in person.
May 23, 2024.- With the participation of the Undersecretary...
Pacific Alliance holds public-private discussion on the roadmap for MSMEs and entrepreneurship
Seminar on Pacific Alliance investment promotion focused on start-ups held in Korea
Pacific Alliance holds webinar on data registration and interoperability
IIPA-AP Network researchers participate in course on oceanographic data processing
Ninth Pacific Alliance Youth Meeting to be held in Chile is launched
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