Boosting the Cross-Border Flow of Personal Data in the Pacific Alliance

December 16, 2024.- During the AP Days 2024, held on November 5-7 in Santiago, Chile, a key dialogue was held on the cross-border flow of personal data, which is part of the second pillar of the Regional Digital Market (MDR): Creating an enabling environment to promote the exchange of digital goods and services. This pillar includes the action of designing or adopting mechanisms that facilitate regulatory compliance and promote the free flow of personal data in the member countries of the Pacific Alliance.

Previously, in this context, the Subcommittee on Digital Economy requested technical support from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to develop a study to identify key regulations and international best practices. The IDB consultant, Edgardo Martínez, presented the most relevant findings, highlighting options for immediate action, such as mutual recognition mechanisms, safe harbors and specific certifications for the region. He also shared a medium and long-term vision, aimed at building consensus to transform the Pacific Alliance into a global benchmark for cross-border data flow.

The event included a panel discussion with representatives of the national data protection agencies of Chile, Peru and Colombia, who analyzed strategies to overcome regulatory barriers and strengthen trust in protection mechanisms. Among the highlights was the need to coordinate efforts towards a common framework that guarantees both the free flow of data and respect for privacy. In addition, the strategic potential of a regional agreement that not only benefits member countries, but also serves as a model for other international blocs, positioning the Pacific Alliance as a leader in this critical area, was highlighted.

Finally, the Global Data Flow Forum panel incorporated the views of the United States, the European Commission, and the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). This panel offered a global perspective, highlighting lessons learned and best practices from the private sector and international regulatory frameworks. Among the main recommendations, interoperability was emphasized as a key principle, as well as the importance of international collaboration to strengthen trust in digital commerce, balancing the protection of personal data with the development of digital industries.

Communications PPT 2024 Pacific Alliance