Hasta el 16 de febrero se recibirán postulaciones a las becas que el Gobierno de Hungría otorga a los países de Alianza del Pacífico

Convocatoria Becas Hungria (PDF)

Alianza del Pacífico (Noviembre 21 de 2017) El Gobierno de Hungría ofrece ocho becas para estudios de licenciatura, maestría y doctorado en ciencias de la ingeniería en áreas vinculadas al agua, agricultura y saneamiento a través de la Alianza del Pacifico y en particular, de su Plataforma de Movilidad Estudiantil que tiene el propósito de contribuir a la formación del capital humano de alto nivel en los cuatro países.

Los estudios se realizarán en universidades públicas de Hungría de alto reconocimiento en las áreas de la oferta académica y la modalidad de estudios será presencial. Los documentos exigidos deben ser ingresados a la plataforma on line con plazo máximo al 31 de enero de 2018, hasta las 23.59 horas, hora central europea.
Una guía para el sistema online estará disponible para descargar del sitio: www.stipendiumhungaricum.hu en el apartado “Call for Applications 2018/2019”, en diciembre.
Las becas incluyen todos los costos académicos, el alojamiento, seguro médico y se otorgará una manutención mensual en moneda nacional de Hungría (Forint húngaro) de HUF 40460 (aprox EUR130) para licenciaturas y maestrías; y de HUF 140000 (aprox EUR 455) para estudiantes de doctorado. Es importante aclarar que la beca no incluye pasajes de ida y regreso, desde y hacia países de origen, de las personas seleccionadas.

La Alianza del Pacífico nació en 2011 como una iniciativa económica y de desarrollo entre cuatro naciones de América Latina: Chile, Colombia, México y Perú. La clave está en la articulación de fuerzas más allá de las fronteras territoriales. Este es un mecanismo de articulación política, económica, de cooperación e integración que busca encontrar un espacio para impulsar un mayor crecimiento y mayor competitividad de las cuatro economías que la integran. Los miembros de la Alianza del Pacífico confían que esto es posible a través de un avance progresivo de la libre circulación de bienes, servicios, capitales y personas.

Jóvenes con vocación de servicio se movilizan gracias al Programa de Voluntariado de la Alianza del Pacífico

Con el propósito de contribuir al fortalecimiento de la integración regional a través de la incorporación de la juventud de los cuatro países miembros de la Alianza del Pacífico en el ejercicio de derechos y deberes que permitan contribuir en la superación de los desafíos de desarrollo, 48 jóvenes de Chile, Colombia, México y Perú participaron en la tercera convocatoria del Proyecto de Voluntariado Juvenil de la Alianza del Pacífico, coordinado por el Grupo Técnico de Cooperación – GTC.

El Programa Vive tus Parques de Chile, materializado en Chile gracias a la colaboración de la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional de Chile (AGCI), el Instituto Nacional de la Juventud (INJUV) y Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF),  recibió a los voluntarios de los países miembros de la Alianza del Pacífico entre el 18 de julio y 1 de agosto. Los jóvenes realizaron trabajos de mantención y mejoras en cuatro Parques y Reservas Nacionales chilenos en el norte del país, en las regiones de Tarapacá y Coquimbo. Durante su voluntariado visitaron la Casa de La Moneda, así como el Campamento ubicado en los  Parque Nacional Los Flamencos, Llanos de Challe y Pingüinos de Humboldt.

Colombia recibió a los voluntarios el 2 de agosto, quienes permanecerán durante cuatro semanas en el país para apoyar, a través de su trabajo voluntario, proyectos sociales que se desarrollan en las Casas de la Juventud de la Secretaría Distrital de Integración Social. Los jóvenes participan a partir de este 3 de agosto, en áreas de trabajo de iniciativas de emprendimiento en el sector de las industrias culturales y creativas conocidas como ‘economía naranja’.

“Vine a Colombia porque tengo la convicción de que se pueden generar muchos cambios a través de la gestión cultural”, dijo Christian Arizmendi, voluntario chileno, durante la jornada de bienvenida. Otra voluntaria es Kiera Lozano, quien viajó desde Cajamarca en Perú a Bogotá, para aportar su conocimiento en comunicación a “los grupos de jóvenes para ayudarles a la promoción cultural, en el área de audiovisuales”.

La participación activa y efectiva de los jóvenes en la experiencia de voluntariado logra impactar, no solo en su formación ciudadana, reforzando sus conocimientos y habilidades laborales y sociales, sino también en sus comunidades y poblaciones locales. Así lo explica Ezequiel Domínguez Cardozo, voluntario mexicano quien inicia labores en Bogotá, “me interesa mucho el tema de la ‘economía naranja’, de transformar ideas en bienes y servicios culturales que contribuyan al desarrollo social de la comunidad”.

En México la tercera edición del programa se desarrolló entre el 18 de julio y el 4 de agosto.  El voluntariado de la Alianza se insertó en el Programa ‘Hagamos Hogar’ que ejecuta el Gobierno del estado de Puebla y Voluntarios ONU, lo cual fue posible gracias a la coordinación del Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud (Imjuve) y la Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AMEXCID).

De este modo, durante 14 días, el grupo conformado por los 16 jóvenes de los países miembros de la Alianza del Pacífico, llevó a cabo actividades de voluntariado en el Municipio de Atzizihuacán, ubicado en Puebla.

En Perú, los voluntarios permanecieron entre el 2 y el 18 de julio, participaron en el Proyecto ‘Humanizando los espacios: Intervención educativa para la promoción del buen trato en los espacios públicos’, que tuvo como propósito el fortalecimiento del desarrollo y promoción de habilidades interpersonales, con especial énfasis en la empatía, el asertividad y el buen trato de jóvenes y adultos.

Este programa fue desarrollado por la Secretaría Nacional de la Juventud – SENAJU, órgano rector en materia de juventud del Ministerio de Educación y la Agencia Peruana de Cooperación Internacional – APCI, que articularon esfuerzos para contribuir al fortalecimiento de las habilidades interpersonales de los jóvenes voluntarios a través del Voluntariado Juvenil de la Alianza del Pacífico.

En las dos etapas del voluntariado (2015 y 2016), se ha logrado la movilización de 96 jóvenes de Chile, Colombia, México y Perú por períodos entre dos y cuatro semanas en la que a través de sus labores compartieron sus experiencias y conocimiento en el marco de diferentes programas y proyectos locales.

Este proyecto de voluntariado está dirigido a jóvenes entre 18 y 28 años de edad, nacionales de los países miembros de la Alianza del Pacífico y que tienen residencia en su país de origen al momento de postularse.

La Alianza del Pacífico impulsa la libre circulación de bienes, servicios, capitales y personas de los gobiernos de Chile, Colombia, México y Perú. Con el Proyecto sobre Voluntariado Juvenil se busca dar continuidad a los esfuerzos de impulsar el intercambio vivencial mediante actividades que formen conductas solidarias en los jóvenes, que impacten positivamente en la sociedad, teniendo en cuenta que la juventud es actor clave en la región.

Imágenes del Programa de Voluntariado 2017 de Alianza del Pacífico, aquí.

El 31 de octubre cierra el plazo de inscripción para las becas de la Alianza del Pacífico – Chile- Colombia- México y Perú

Desde el año 2013 hasta la última convocatoria de 2016, la plataforma de movilidad académica ha beneficiado a 1.440 personas en las diferentes modalidades.


Alianza del Pacífico (Sep. 30/17). Hasta el próximo 31 de octubre, los interesados en aplicar a las becas de la Alianza del Pacíficopara realizar intercambios en el 2018, tienen plazo para aplicar en la Plataforma única de postulación disponible enwww.alianzapacifico.net

El programa de becas para estudiantes “Plataforma de movilidad estudiantil y académica de la Alianza del Pacífico”, establecido por los países miembros en el marco de la Alianza del Pacífico, tiene por objetivo contribuir a la formación de capital humano avanzado, mediante el otorgamiento de becas de manera recíproca para el intercambio de estudiantes de licenciatura, doctorado y de profesores, para iniciar estudios o actividades docentes.

Cada país asigna anualmente 75 becas de un semestre para intercambio en pregrado y 25 becas de tres semanas a 1 año de duración, para intercambios de doctorado, movilidad docente y de investigadores.

Esta que es la X convocatoria la cual aplica para el primer y segundo semestre del 2018, espera recibir 400 becarios, en conjunto con todos los países, en las 10 áreas de estudio priorizadas:

Administración públicaCiencias PolíticasComercio InternacionalEconomíaFinanzasIngenieríasInnovación, ciencia y tecnologíaMedio ambiente y cambio climáticoNegocios y Relaciones InternacionalesTurismo

Los estudiantes de doctorado podrán realizar con esta beca: cursos, pasantías de co-tutela, o estancias de investigación en el marco desu programa de posgrado en la universidad de origen.

De otro lado, los profesores deberán ocupar esta beca para impartir clases como docente invitado, para ello deberán presentar un Programa de Trabajo con las materias que dictarán, el nivel y deberán dar al menos cuatro (4) horas a la semana si son programas de pregrado y al menos tres (3) horas a la semana si son clases en programas de postgrado en general.

No podrán postularse para las becas nacionales de Chile, Colombia, México o Perú aquellos estudiantes que no se encuentren matriculados en alguna universidad participante en las convocatorias de sus países de origen. Solo podrán participar las universidades adscritas a la Plataforma:https://alianzapacifico.net/assets/gallery/2017/06/IES_Participantes_Convocatoria20182.pdf

La beca de la Alianza del Pacífico requiere de un alto grado de compromiso por parte del becario y de una dedicación de tiempo completo. El programa no provee apoyo financiero o administrativo para los familiares del becario.

Para más información:

Chile: Agencia Chilena de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AGCID), Web:www.agci.cl, Correo Electrónico: agencia@agci.cl.

Colombia: Instituto Colombiano de Crédito Educativo y Estudios Técnicos en el Exterior ( ICETEX), Web: www.icetex.gov.co, Correo Electrónico: internacional_becas@icetex.gov.co; alianzapacifico@icetex.gov.co;

México: Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AMEXCID) Web: www.gob.mx/amexcid, Correo Electrónico: becasapmexico@sre.gob.mx; infobecas@sre.gob.mx

Perú: Programa Nacional de Becas y Crédito Educativo (PRONABEC), Web:www.pronabec.gob.pe, Correo Electrónico:balianza.pacifico@pronabec.edu.pe

Sesiones informativas sobre la X Convocatoria de Becas de la Alianza del Pacífico

Hasta el próximo 31 de octubre de 2017 estará abierta la X Convocatoria de Becas de la Plataforma de Movilidad Estudiantil y Académica de la Alianza del Pacífico a través de la cual se otorgan becas para realizar intercambios académicos en las modalidades de pregrado, doctorado, investigación y docencia en Chile, México, Perú y Colombia. La Plataforma tiene como fin beneficiar en total a 400 ciudadanos de los cuatro países interesados en realizar una estancia académica en el primer o segundo semestre del 2018 en las áreas de interés de la Alianza del Pacífico.

Con el fin de dar a conocer la convocatoria y aclarar dudas de los interesados, los puntos focales de los cuatro países decidieron realizar unas jornadas virtuales en las cuales fuera posible interactuar con los postulantes de la presente versión. El 9 de octubre de 2017 se realizó la primera sesión de preguntas y respuestas, a través del perfil de Facebook de la Alianza del Pacífico, que contó con más de 150 participantes en la que se resolvieron inquietudes sobre los requisitos de postulación, los documentos requeridos, entre otros trámites que se deben realizar para culminar exitosamente con la postulación. Para ver el video de esta sesión, puede ingresar al siguiente enlace: https://www.facebook.com/pg/thepacificalliance/posts/

Si no tuvo la oportunidad de conectarse en esta primera jornada, le informamos que se realizarán dos nuevas sesiones para responder a sus consultas los días 19 y 23 de octubre de 2017 a las 2:00 p.m. hora Colombia, México y Perú y 4:00 de hora de Chile a través del mismo perfil de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/thepacificalliance/posts/

Pacific Alliance keep advancing on regulatory issues

Lima, August 1st, 2017.- From today until August 3rd, a meeting of the technical subgroup of Regulatory Cooperation -Technical Barriers to Pacific Alliance Trade- is held in Lima, Peru.

Its purpose is to move towards the conclusion of the Annex on Regulatory Harmonization for Pharmaceutical Products, and to identify spaces for cooperation as a bloc on these subjects. The work agenda includes bioequivalence, labeling, cooperation and confidentiality, but other issues of interest will also be discussed.

It should be noted that the subgroup is working on an Annex for Pharmaceutical Products (negotiated under the Technical Barriers to Pacific Alliance Trade chapter), and that once it is in operation, it will maintain all procedures related to register and commercialization of medicines.

This is a fundamental aspect of the deep integration process of the Pacific Alliance, a mechanism committed to trade facilitation, the progressive reduction of non-tariff measures, and the revitalization of regional trade.

These works mean better access to quality, safeness, and effective medicines for all citizens.

Declaration of Presidents XII Summit of the Pacific Alliance


The presidents of the Republic of Chile, Michelle Bachelet Jeria; of the Republic of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos Calderón; of the United States of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto; and of the Republic of Peru, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard, reunited in Santiago de Cali, Colombia, on June 30th, 2017, at the XII Summit of the Pacific Alliance.


1.- Our commitment to the Pacific Alliance as a process that promotes deep regional integration through the free movement of people, goods, services and capital, to strengthen growth and sustainable development aimed at improving the living standards of our inhabitants and thus facing regional and global challenges.

2.- Our satisfaction with the first year of entry into force of our free trade area through the implementation of the Additional Protocol to the Framework Agreement, as well as with the significant advances in regional integration after six years of existence of the Pacific Alliance.

3.- We welcome the announcement of the kick off of negotiations to grant Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Singapore the status of Pacific Alliance Associate State by concluding and implementing agreements with high standards of quality in trade disciplines. In this way, we are making progress towards achieving the founding objectives of the Pacific Alliance to promote a strategic integration scheme, which will boost the economic development and competitiveness of our economies. In the case of Mexico and Canada, these negotiations will be without prejudice to the validity and functioning of NAFTA, to which both countries are parties.

4.- Our commitment to free trade, regional integration and the strengthening of the multilateral trading system as means to promote competitiveness and development of our economies.

5.- Our conviction to continue promoting a green growth strategy as a way to face the challenges of climate change, which affect the region especially; reaffirm the declaration we endorse at COP 20 / CMP 10 in Lima in December 2014, as well as our endorsement of the Paris Agreement of December 2015, and we will intensify the efforts of our countries in the measurement, reporting and verification of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions with a view to identifying possible voluntary market mechanisms between the region.

6.- Our willingness to intensify efforts to incorporate the gender perspective in a transversal way in the programs and activities of the Pacific Alliance, recognizing the important role of women, including businesswomen and entrepreneur women in the growth and development of our countries, as well as for compliance with 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

7.- We recognize and welcome the progress made by the Ministers of Finance in implementing their work agenda, which is set out in Annex 2, that seeks to promote integration in order to foster solid, stable and inclusive growth. Thus, we highlight the agreement to establish a debt fund that facilitates the financing of infrastructure projects and we value the decision to sign a multilateral agreement that approves the tax treatment of the income obtained by the pension funds recognized in our countries.

8.- Our recognition for the following achievements in the last year:

  • The interoperability of the Single Window for Foreign Trade, the electronic exchange of phytosanitary certificates, the homologation of certificates of digital origin, the methodology for reducing the time of goods clearance and the implementation of the action plan for the mutual recognition of authorized economic operators, for the facilitation of trade in the region.
  • The conclusion of the negotiation of the Annex on Food Supplements, which will remove unnecessary obstacles to trade, with a view to facilitating and increasing trade in these products in the region.
  • The launch of the regional digital agenda and the roadmap that outlines a way to improve the competitiveness of our countries through ICTs and the promotion of the digital economy as sources of growth and economic development.
  • The consolidation of the Platform for Student and Academic Mobility, which in its 9th call, held in 2017, granted 400 scholarships, using for the first time the Single Application Platform, reaching a total of 1,440 scholarships; as well as the creation of information gathering tools to foster progress in the recognition of degrees and national qualifications frameworks.
  • The creation of the Network of Innovation Agencies (InnovAP), the adoption of operating protocols for the Pacific Alliance Business Accelerators (Red AcelerAP) and the Network of Angel Investors (Ángeles AP), as well as the first version of the Pacific Alliance Innovation Awards, to promote the internationalization of innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • The implementation of the Entrepreneurial Capital Fund with the collaboration of IDB-MIF, the completion of the memorandum of understanding for collaboration between Business Development Centers, the identification of mechanisms to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) participation as suppliers in the public procurement processes of the member States, and the holding of the First SME Encounter to promote its export development.
  • The implementation of the Agreement on the Accelerated Patent Procedure, which streamlines administrative procedures and reduces the costs for obtaining them in the four member States.
  • The creation of the Pacific Alliance Investment Facilitation Initiative (IFIAP).
  • The creation of the Vacation and Work Program Guide, the Consular Cooperation Guide and the Pacific Alliance Traveler’s Guide, which facilitates the informed mobility of the citizens of the four countries and tourists.
  • The actions carried out in favor of the diversification of the supply of aquaculture and fishery products, as well as the identification of the exportable offer of the four member countries to promote their international commercialization.

9.-  Our satisfaction with more than 40 activities by the Pacific Alliance Technical Groups and Subgroups and more than 70 promotional activities led by our diplomatic representatives and promotion agencies, which reaffirm the complementarity and commitment of the Member States in deepening the four pillars of integration.

10.- Our approval for the incorporation of Croatia, Slovenia and Lithuania as Pacific Alliance Observer States, at the XVII Meeting of the Council of Ministers, held on June 2, 2017 in Mexico City.

11.- Our appreciation to the 52 Pacific Alliance Observer States that participated in the Meeting with the Council of Ministers on June 29, 2017. Likewise, we highlight the work done with the observers that during the last year have promoted activities and cooperation projects in areas defined as priorities by the Pacific Alliance, such as trade facilitation, SME internationalization, science technology and innovation, people movement and education.

12.- Our firm intention to strengthen integration in Latin America, for which we welcome the holding of the second Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers responsible for Foreign Trade of Mercosur and of the Pacific Alliance, in which a roadmap was adopted for the development of future works between the two mechanisms.

13.- Our satisfaction with the strengthening of the space for cooperation in areas of common interest and rapprochement with Asia-Pacific, through the holding in November 2016 of the Second Dialogue between the Presidents of the Pacific Alliance and the Leaders of the Economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Third Ministerial Meeting between our mechanism and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in September 2016 which adopted a Framework for Cooperation.

14.- We thank the Pacific Alliance Business Council (CEAP) for its contribution to the integration process through its various proposals and recommendations to governments on issues such as trade facilitation and investment, regulatory cooperation, innovation, finance, entrepreneurship, development of new technologies, SMEs and education.

15.- Our recognition of the support and cooperation provided by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Latin American Development Bank (CAF), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the World Bank (WB) and the European Union (EU) of great importance to advance deep integration initiatives.

16.- We are grateful to the Republic of Chile for the work carried out in its capacity as Pro Tempore Presidency of the Pacific Alliance in the last year and our support to the Republic of Colombia in the exercise of this responsibility that it assumes today.

17.- We thank the authorities and inhabitants of Santiago de Cali and Valle del Cauca, for the kind reception that contributed to the XII Summit of the Pacific Alliance and associated meetings.

Santiago de Cali, Colombia, June 30, 2017


Michelle Bachelet Jeria President


Enrique Peña Nieto President


Juan Manuel Santos Calderón President


Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard President


Women entrepreneurs participate in business roundtable of the Pacific Alliance

The business roundtable is part of the activities of the Leading Women Entrepreneurs Forum

34 women exporters and 28 buyers that includes invitees from Canada, United States, Taiwan, Panama and Germany participate.

The Peru Export and Tourism Promotion Board – PROMPERÚ informed that as part of the Pacific Alliance Leading Women Entrepreneurs Forum, a business roundtable between 34 women-led exporting companies and 28 buyers will take place for the first time on the 29th of November.

This forum is organized by the governments of the countries of the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru) through their promotion agencies (ProChile, ProColombia, ProMéxico and PROMPERÚ) to strengthen capabilities and foster women’s empowerment and financial independence.

From the total of exporting companies that will take part in this roundtable, the majority come from Peru (15), followed by Mexico (8), Chile (7) and Colombia (4). Buyers come mainly from Chile (12), followed by Colombia, Peru and Mexico, in addition to invited importers from Canada, United States, Taiwan, Panama and Germany.

For this roundtable, more than 200 business encounters are expected with deals from different sectors: fresh, processed, organic and gourmet foods; babies and children clothing; cotton garments; costume jewelry, jewelry and gift and decorative items.

Standing out among the Peruvian products that will be offered are the maca (Peruvian ginseng), quinoa, chia, beverages prepared from superfoods, Andean grains, organic chocolate, berries, mango, coffee, and craftwork.

Products from the rest of the countries of the Pacific Alliance will include swimwear, underwear, coffee, avocado and its derivatives, chia oil, craftwork, spicy sauces, limes, dry fruit and mango.

It is worth mentioning that the forum will hold five workshops for women entrepreneurs on topics related to women’s leadership, entrepreneurship and others.

One of these workshops will be led by the Pacific Alliance Technical Group on Gender, providing information on how gender issues are being approached by the Alliance, among other subjects.

The Pacific Alliance Leading Women Entrepreneurs Forum is scheduled for 28-29 November and includes panels and workshops featuring prominent authorities, specialists, women entrepreneurs and representatives of the academic world from the member countries of the bloc.

Download HERE the Official Program for the second Pacific Alliance Leading Women Entrepreneurs Forum.

Lima, November 28, 2016.


Pacific Alliance holds a forum for leaders women


Takes place in Lima, on 28-29 November.

It will include the participation of authorities, important personalities and women entrepreneurs from the member countries of the PA.

In order to strengthen abilities and reduce inequalities, the governments of the Pacific Alliance (PA) member countries, through their promotion agencies, ProChile, ProColombia, ProMéxico and PROMPERÚ, organize the second Pacific Alliance Leading Women Entrepreneurs 2016 forum.

The forum will address topics around the importance of the contribution of women to the reinforcement of social equity, as well as to the economic and social development of the member countries of the Pacific Alliance.

There will be two master lectures and three panels with representatives from the PA countries who will discuss the impact of women on global economy, financial inclusion, and the gender approach/perspective within a scope of future goals.

Additionally, Warmikuna (women, in Quechuan) talks will be held, where successful women will share their experiences and strategies in breaking the barriers they have had to face, as well as those skills that have proven to be invaluable to reach their goals.

A business roundtable will also be held on the second day of activities, with the participation of 30 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) led by women exporters and potential exporters, 20 buyers from the PA countries and 5 importers from Germany, Canada, United States, Panama and Taiwan.

Included in the program are four workshops for women entrepreneurs, which will deal with subjects related to women’s leadership and entrepreneurship, among others.

Gender in the Pacific Alliance

Gender is one among the many issues related to the lines of action that the Pacific Alliance must advance to fulfill the presidential mandates, and so the Gender Group –currently led by Chile– has become one of the 26 technical work groups of the PA.

This group will be in charge of a workshop to be held on the forum’s second day, addressing, among other topics, the manner in which gender issues have been addressed within the Alliance.

Download HERE the Official Program for the second Pacific Alliance Leading Women Entrepreneurs Forum.

Business Opportunities for Australia and the Pacific Alliance

The ambassadors of the four countries of the Pacific Alliance: Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, and the commercial counselors from their promotion agencies made a joint statement highlighting the potential of this integration bloc to foster the trade in services with Australia. This took place during the promotion seminar BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR AUSTRALIA AND THE PACIFIC ALLIANCE that was held on October 20 in Sydney, Australia, with the participation of business representatives from different sectors, entrepreneurs, chambers of commerce, government representatives and academics.

Paula Moreno, Commercial Director for ProChile in Australia, made an introductory presentation about the Pacific Alliance as part of her welcoming the attendants, on behalf of Chile’s pro tempore presidency.

Mr. Grame Barty, Executive Director of International Operations for the Australian promotion agency Austrade, also welcomed the participants, noting the relevance of the Pacific Alliance for doing business with Australian companies, encouraging them to diversify their trade with this growing region and to consider a greater rapprochement in order to explore new business possibilities with the member countries.

Augusto Castellanos, commercial counselor for ProColombia, Esaú Garza, commercial counselor for ProMéxico and Ricardo Salamanca, counselor from PromPerú, along with Ms. Moreno, also spoke about the business opportunities and complementarities that each of the member countries offers to Australian exporters.

The importance and the impact of the Pacific Alliance were addressed by a panel formed by HE Daniel Carvallo, ambassador of Chile, HE Clemencia Forero-Ucrós, ambassador of Colombia, HE Armando Álvarez, ambassador of Mexico, and HE Miguel Palomino de la Gala, ambassador of Peru. The panel was moderated by Ms. Rhonda Piggott, Director of the New South Wales State Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade –DFAT. The main advances and goals of the Pacific Alliance were pointed out during this exchange of ideas, those being, in a nutshell, to reach the development and competitiveness of the member States in order to achieve a greater wellbeing, overcome socioeconomic inequality, promote social inclusion among their inhabitants and become a platform of projection to the world, with a special emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region, through the free flow of goods and people.

Important details for the Australian industry were also highlighted, such as the completion of the agreement between the four countries of the PA for the total trade of goods, the joint opening of consular and trading offices and the consolidation of the mechanism as the most dynamic bloc of countries in Latin America.

Later on, Ms. Loreto Leyton, Executive Director for the Chile-Pacific Foundation, spoke about the most important aspects of the Pacific region.

Lastly, Director Piggot summarized the high points of the event, reiterating the enormous potential that the Pacific Alliance represents for the expansion of business and trade between Australia and the Alliance’s member countries.

There will be an ongoing work to analyze business opportunities with the Pacific Alliance with the more than 70 people who attended the seminar, which concluded with a reception providing a space for exchange and reach out between the participants and the speakers.

Vice-ministers of the Pacific Alliance conclude 37th Meeting of the HLG in Santiago

Alianza del Pacífico (octubre 14/16). After finishing a round of meetings of more than 10 technical groups of the Pacific Alliance (PA) that took place this week in the city of Santiago, today gathered the High Level Group, formed by the vice-ministers of Commerce and Foreign Affairs of Colombia, Mexico and Peru, and the general director of International Economic Affairs of the Foreign Office, Andrés Rebolledo, who led the meeting on behalf of Chile’s pro tempore presidency of the PA.

“This is the first meeting of vice-ministers after the Puerto Varas Summit. We were greatly impressed by the advances reported by each of the technical groups involving the presidential mandates set forth last July. After listening to their reports, we established an action plan for the next High Level Group meeting in Colombia by the end of this year in order to continue strengthening our integration mechanism”, said Andrés Rebolledo.

It is also worth mentioning the progress made on the coordination with the four countries’ business sectors, which is why the HLG received today representatives from the PA Business Council and the Swiss company Nestlé, along with the ambassador of Switzerland in Chile, all of which participate in developing an important cooperation program to foster youth employability within the member countries.

Another topic of relevance is the current work being done to close ties between the Pacific Alliance and ASEAN, where the agreement made between both integration blocs last September in New York as part of the UN General Assembly, is paramount.

Significant progress

Part of the review of the work of the technical groups performed by the vice-ministers of the HLG includes the level of progress on Regulatory Cooperation for pharmaceuticals and food supplements. This time the Regulatory Cooperation Group also met with representatives from the private sector of those sectors from the four countries that took part in the “Adjoining Room” (Cuarto Adjunto) exercise.

One of the groups that reported important progress is the People Mobility Group, who noted the definitive start of the exemption for visas to permanent residents of third markets when visiting member countries of the Pacific Alliance; the consulates cooperation project; and the agreements of the Vacation & Work program.