Chile and Colombia carry out a technical exchange to learn from their experiences in monitoring climate finance

April 28, 2023.- On April 17 and 18, technical teams from Chile and Colombia met in Santiago de Chile to share their experiences in the implementation of their climate finance (CF) measurement, reporting, and verification systems. The instance was promoted by the Pacific Alliance Technical Subgroup for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (SGT-MRV), which has the financial and technical support of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). Technicians from the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Social Development and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on the Chilean side, as well as two specialists from the National Planning Department (DNP) of Colombia, the institution in charge of monitoring climate finance in Colombia, and the coordination team of the SGT-MRV.

The objectives of the meeting were:

  • Presenting the SGT-MRV, and the advances in the MRV component of climate financing to directors and technical teams in climate change in Chile and Colombia.

  • Generating a space for technical exchange and share lessons learned between Chile and Colombia in MRV of climate finance.

    • On the Colombian side, presenting its experience in the implementation and consolidation of the CF MRV system, detailed methodology for tracking financing (public, private and international), reporting platform and uses and applications that Colombia is giving it, and

    • Generating a space for exchange to understand the current status and needs of the MRV climate financing process in Chile, including the progress of technical support that is being carried out jointly with UNDP.

In conclusion, the vision of the Pacific Alliance countries to continue moving forward as a block towards standardized monitoring and reporting processes (what is reported and how) was ratified. The foregoing, including a common guideline on the classification of activities that are considered climate change. Part of this will be addressed in the next face-to-face meeting of the SGT-MRV that will be held at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Santiago de Chile on May 24, 25 and 26.

More than 50 professionals from tourist, gastronomic and hotel services in Chile participated in workshops of the APEC-Pacific Alliance Project on international occupational standards

  • With this initiative, maids, and cooks were able to comparatively analyze the Chilean standard in the hands of Australian advisors.

April 25, 2023.- The Human Capital table of the Undersecretary of Tourism of Chile together with Sernatur, Chilean Association of Tourism (ACHET); Chilean Federation of Gastronomy (FEGACH), Ministry of Education and ChileValora organized two training days for the occupational profiles of kitchen teacher and maid teacher for more than 50 tourism, gastronomy and hotel professionals.

In both days, Chilean standards were compared with the international level offered by APEC. These activities were developed within the framework of the APEC – Pacific Alliance project, promoted by the Education Department of the Australian Embassy in conjunction with Chilean public institutions since 2016.

For the Undersecretary of Tourism of Chile, Verónica Pardo Lagos, “these instances of national and international articulation around the professionalization of human talent are vital for our sector. We know that Chile has come a long way in international standards, but we can always continue to improve our quality of service and experiences through these initiatives that must be permanent over time.”

Likewise, from the Ministry of Education of Chile, the Undersecretary of Higher Education, Víctor Orellana Calderón, highlighted the importance of professional technical education and trades, “as a path to development, therefore, it is not just about training skills and obtain titles, but to build a capacity at the service of the modernization of our production processes. For this reason, it is very necessary to work in an articulated way in the definition of standards that facilitate and make the training processes even more relevant. In this sense, we have made progress in a Qualifications Framework policy to be clear about the skill profiles we need. We know that learning is a permanent process and if we want to continue advancing under international standards, we have to generate more instances like this one”, he indicated.

Australia, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru have developed these face-to-face workshops within the framework of the APEC-Pacific Alliance Project, and Australia is a member of APEC and an Observer State of the Pacific Alliance, which is why the Vice Head of Mission, the Mrs. Joanne Lovejoy emphasized the interest of both countries in promoting the recovery of the tourism sector after the pandemic, and that this depends on having trained personnel who can satisfy the national and international demand for work in this sector. He also stressed that “APEC has been carrying out cooperation work on qualifications for a long time that focuses on linking governments, industry and educational institutions so that the supply of training is better aligned with the demand for employment.”

From ChileValora, its Executive Secretary, Ximena Rivillo, mentioned that “the Pacific Alliance has shown significant progress in the recognition and homologation of labor certifications. This APEC initiative allows us to move further towards strengthening the employability of people who hold these certifications beyond national borders”.

These conferences were of great value for unions such as ACHET and FEGACH, which participated in the workshops, regarding which they pointed out that “it is of great relevance to position the work of the tourism human capital table in projects like this, which allow promote the process of continuous improvement in the professionalization of the human capital of the sector. The link with international peers in matters of job training is a very valuable element that we must maintain”, according to Lorena Arriagada, ACHET General Secretary, while Felipe Yáñez, FEGACH president, emphasized that “national and international articulated work is the key to continue advancing in the training and closing gaps of those who give life to the worker and professional sector”.

We invite you to apply to the Pacific Alliance Youth Volunteer Program 2023 face-to-face modality and live an integration experience with other young people from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru!

April 13, 2023.- From April 13 to May 10, the call for the Youth Volunteer Program of the Pacific Alliance 2023 will be open in face-to-face mode. This initiative, coordinated within the framework of the Technical Cooperation Group (GTC) of the integration mechanism and the institutions responsible for youth or volunteering in the four countries (focal points), seeks that young people between the ages of 18 and 29 from the four countries, contribute to overcoming the challenges of the region, through volunteer projects.

Participation in this Program provides an enriching social and cultural exchange experience between young people from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, in which significant links are created and proposals for change are built in the face of social and environmental problems that affect the region.

In 2023, the Pacific Alliance Youth Volunteer Program will resume face-to-face volunteer actions focused on strengthening the participation of young people to face regional challenges, including those derived from the COVID-19 pandemic.

With this type of activities, the Pacific Alliance promotes the formation of solidarity behaviors in young people, which have a positive impact on society, considering that young people are key actors of social change.

Below you can check the characteristics of the profiles to participate in volunteer projects for each country. Young people between the ages of 18 and 29 from the member countries of the Pacific Alliance, residing in their country of origin, can apply. No more than one application per person will be accepted.

To learn more about this call, click here.


The general objective of the project “Youth, Feminism and Memory” is to contribute to the integration of young people from the countries of the Pacific Alliance through an experiential training experience that strengthens advocacy skills and the developing of projects with a gender approach that seeks to relieve the historical memory of social leaders in the last 50 years.

This is achieved through the following specific objectives:

  • Developing capacities for the formulation of volunteer projects and activism with a gender perspective, promoting social and youth participation.

  • Making visible the importance of the historical participation of women as social activists in Latin America through an exhibition built from the perspective of the volunteers.

  • Learning about the experience of different women leaders who have contributed to political and social advocacy in the student, community, labor, climate change and sustainable development spheres.

  • Raising proposals to promote the development of volunteering in the Pacific Alliance from the perspective of the youth participating in the project.

The profile of the volunteer is:

  • Women between the ages of 18 and 29 from Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Chile.

  • That they participate in feminist, environmental, sustainable development, cultural and/or human rights-related activism and/or volunteer initiatives.

  • That want to carry out a project that promotes social participation with a gender approach.

  • Interest in participating in a process of training, reflection and voluntary action that will provide knowledge and facilitate the development of skills for activism with a gender perspective and as a strategy to relieve the historical memory of women leaders in different fields such as culture, politics, work and community participation, among others.

  • Have a computer with a web camera, internet connection and access to virtual communication platforms for the indicated preparation phase and availability to travel and stay in Chile throughout the development of the implementation stage.

  • Know and accept the conditions to participate, be motivated to learn, share with other people and willing to contribute to the good climate of the group in the virtual and face-to-face preparation phase of the program.

To learn more about this call, click here.


Within the framework of the Pacific Alliance, the National Government, through the Presidential Council for Youth-Colombia Joven-, promotes the call for Environmental Volunteers “Youth Weaving Agroecologies for Peace 2023”, which will be developed again in face-to-face mode, after several virtual versions, as a youth exchange experience for the strengthening of agroecological practices and adaptation to climate change in Colombia, as well as the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage of the region, allowing the consolidation of a network of trust and solidarity between the youth of Mexico, Peru, Chile and Colombia.

The general objective of the project “Youth Weaving Agroecologies for Peace” is to strengthen experiences among young people through a volunteer program and cultural exchange for the design and development of agroecological practices with a focus on food sovereignty, adaptation to climate change and peacebuilding.

Specific objectives

  • Training young volunteers theoretically and practically through participatory and diverse training processes on issues related to environmental protection, agroecological production, climate change and peacebuilding.

  • Developing significant practices in community work, making the garden a living classroom for the co-construction and dialogue of knowledge between rural and urban communities, intergenerational and intercultural dialogues.

  • Acquiring knowledge and experiences in the young volunteers that allow them to generate transfer processes in the implementation of agroecological gardens in their countries of origin.

  • Consolidating a network of trust and solidarity among the young people of Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile, for the promotion of agroecological practices and the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage of the region.

The profile of the volunteer is:

  • Being young between the ages of 18 and 29 and being of Chilean, Peruvian, Mexican or Colombian nationality and residing in their country of origin.

  • Being part of one or several socially-based community processes and who can demonstrate belonging to the community process for over a year prior to the date of application.

  • Having professional, university, technical, associative or community fabric experience in one of the related areas:

“Agroecology, agronomy, social work, agriculture, agricultural engineering, biology, bioconstruction, cleaning and sowing of plants, monitoring, care and maintenance of seedlings, trees and shrubs, zootechnics, veterinary medicine, water systems, health, nutrition, popular education, market, marketing, manufacturing of agricultural products, design, digital marketing, community manager, web design, art for the development of the social fabric.”

To learn more about this call, click here.


The general objective of the Mexico project “Young Will of Youth and Chinampas” is to contribute to the strengthening of regional integration within the framework of the Pacific Alliance, through the following specific objectives:

  • Strengthening the actions of young people around the protection of the environment and mitigation of climate change, through agricultural activities, cooking and traditional medicine and cultural exchange.

  • Enabling the exchange of experiences that foster empathy, respect and culture for peace among young people.

  • Expanding the opportunities and tools to strengthen the participation of young people from the Youth Volunteers of the Pacific Alliance in an environment of friendship, cultural exchange, productive and supportive coexistence.

The profile of the volunteer is:

  • Young people between the ages of 18 and 29 from the member countries of the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru) residing in their country of origin at the time of applying.

  • To have an interest in participating in youth volunteer projects, and assume a commitment to participate in communities through actions in cultural matters and social action.

  • Young volunteers who are familiar with contact with two or more of the following topics:

    • Nature,
    • Sowing
    • Elaboration of traditional foods
    • Traditional medicine
    • Playing musical instruments
  • Young volunteers who carry out agro-productive activities in a family context or as part of a civil society organization or who carry out ecotourism service activities in their areas of origin.

  • With the ability to adapt to different working conditions and to maintain a close relationship with the colleagues in the program, respecting their cultural manifestations and promoting collaborative work.

  • To have initiative, good disposition and fully comply with the program.

To learn all about the requirements and details of this call, click here.


The general objective of the project “A-Gente de Cambio: Promotion of mental health in adolescents and their community” is to contribute to the strengthening of regional integration within the framework of the Pacific Alliance through a volunteer project that promotes health adolescents in vulnerable situations from a community approach, through the following specific objectives:

  • Strengthening the capacities of young volunteers from the member countries of the Pacific Alliance as agents of change to design, implement and evaluate programs that promote the mental health of adolescents in vulnerable situations and their community.

  • Accompany young volunteers in the design, implementation and evaluation of programs to promote the mental health of adolescents in vulnerable situations and their community.

  • Strengthening the skills of adolescents in vulnerable situations to care for their mental health through programs based on a community perspective.

  • Sensitizing the CEDIF community (participants, families and technical teams) for the promotion of mental health.

  • Evaluating the results and systematize the experience of the Peru project in the 2023 edition of the Youth Volunteer Program of the Pacific Alliance.

The profile of the volunteer is:

  • Young people between the ages of 18 and 29 from the member countries of the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru).

  • With training in social areas, health, psychology, education, communication, arts, sports, recreation and others that are linked to the project.

  • With experience in mental health promotion, community work or facilitation (face-to-face or virtual) of participatory, playful, experiential or artistic techniques with adolescents, or management of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for education and community work.

  • To have availability on the dates indicated in the description of the term of the project (virtual and face-to-face).

  • Not to have a criminal or police record, nor have an impediment to work with minors (the people selected as holders must send documents that prove this requirement).

To learn more about this call, click here.

To consult the general regulations of the call, click here.

To access the application form, click here.

The fifth meeting of the Pacific Alliance Network of Research Institutions was successfully held in Santa Marta, Colombia

March 23th, 2023.- From March 15th to 17th, the fifth meeting of the Pacific Alliance Network of National Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institutions (IIPA-AP Network) was held at the headquarters of the Marine and Coastal Research Institute “José Benito Vives de Andréeis” (INVEMAR), located in the city of Santa Marta, Colombia. This network includes the Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP), Chile; INVEMAR, Colombia; the Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE); and the Instituto Nacional de Pesca de México (INAPESCA). Also participate as observers the National Institute for Fisheries Research and Development of Argentina (INIDEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

The meeting was organized by IFOP (Chile), with support from INVEMAR (Colombia), and was attended by the Directors of both institutions, Mr. Gonzalo Pereira Puchy (IFOP) and Mr. Francisco Arias Isaza (INVEMAR). Also attending were the focal points of each institution and different invited researchers.

The objective of this meeting was to prepare a Work Plan for the period 2023-2024, based on the priority topics defined by the institutions in a previous meeting held in September 2022, which include the Ecosystem Approach, Biodiversity and Climate Change related to fisheries and aquaculture.

During the first day of work, each institution presented the lines of research it is developing, highlighting the progress made, and existing gaps and identifying opportunities for collaboration between institutions. On the second day, opportunities for collaboration were jointly identified and activities were defined to be included in the Work Plan. The work culminated in a proposed Plan containing five prioritized activities to be carried out in the 2023-2024 period. This proposal should be formalized once its final version is reviewed by each institution. The elaboration of this new Work Plan marks the beginning of a new cycle of joint work among the research institutions of the Pacific Alliance countries, allowing progress in achieving the objectives proposed since its creation, and the better generation of scientific knowledge in fisheries and aquaculture for the sustainable management of hydrobiological resources and ecosystems.

As part of the activities, on the last day of the meeting, participants visited the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, which is a RAMSAR site and a Biosphere Reserve. In this opportunity, two sampling sites for the monitoring of artisanal fisheries that are part of INVEMAR’s Research Program for the Valuation and Use of Marine and Coastal Resources were visited. In addition, there was the occasion to learn about the activities carried out by the inhabitants of the Palafitos villages located in the marsh and to share with the community.

At the end of the activity, the Director of INVEMAR, Mr. Francisco Arias Isaza, highlighted the need that, despite the differences in the contexts of each country that is part of the Network, the institutions can link and find common ground to achieve progress. At the same time, the Director of IFOP, Mr. Gonzalo Pereira Puchy, highlighted the work carried out at the meeting and the participation of the institutions, pointing out the importance of making progress in the implementation of the Work Plan.

Dr. Mario Rueda, Coordinator of INVEMAR’s Marine and Coastal Resources Valuation and Development Research Program, and focal point of the Network at INVEMAR, highlighted the possibility of working in parallel on non-prioritized activities, which in some cases are key to the fisheries and aquaculture development of some countries, in order to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and strengthen relations among the Network’s member countries.

Daniela Díaz Guisado, Head of Cooperation and International Affairs of FIFG, and focal point of the Network in this institution, indicated that, from now on, the implementation and follow-up of the Work Plan will be worked on, promoting cooperation between the institutions in other areas of interest that were identified as part of the work carried out at the meeting.

The next meeting of the Network will be held virtually in September this year, and in March 2024 a new face-to-face meeting will be held in the city of Puerto Varas, Chile, organized by IFOP.

Open call for startups with Sustainable Manufacturing solutions

The Tecnológico de Monterrey, Creditex S.A.A. and the Pacific Alliance invite Science and Technology Startups of the Pacific Alliance, which have solutions to reduce the carbon footprint and reduce energy consumption in manufacturing processes, to participate in the Open Call “Innovation Challenges for Sustainable Manufacturing”.

The open call aims to identify startups that have technological solutions and can develop a Minimum Viable Product (products or services, including technological integration) in 3 months to reduce the carbon footprint and reduce energy consumption in manufacturing processes. The goal is to implement the solution under an open innovation model with the participation of the startup, IAMSM researchers, and Creditex.

The open call is open to startups that can solve one of the following challenges:

Solutions for the reduction of energy consumption in electrical equipment.

Reduction of steam consumption in industrial plants.

Real-time energy consumption monitoring systems.

  • For more information, please visit:
  • Project registration:
  • Effective Date: March 13th to 24th, 2023 (23:59 hrs. Central Mexico time)
  • Questions and information:

This program is coordinated by the TransferenciAP Network and the Science, Technology, and Innovation Technical Group of the Pacific Alliance.

Open call for startups with solutions in Sustainable Agriculture

The Tecnológico de Monterrey, the company Agrosuper S.A. and the Pacific Alliance invite Science and Technology Startups from the Pacific Alliance that have solutions for water scarcity and efficiency in animal breeding processes and processing plants to participate in the Open Call “Innovation Challenges for Sustainable Agriculture”.

The open call aims to identify startups that have technological solutions and can develop a Minimum Viable Product in 3 months to solve water scarcity and efficiency in animal breeding processes and processing plants. The goal is to implement the solution under an open innovation model with the participation of the startup, researchers from the Water Center for Latin America and the Caribbean (CAALCA) of the Tecnológico de Monterrey and the Chilean company Agrosuper S.A.

The open call seeks a solution to the following challenges:

Recovery/reuse of process water with the goal of having a closed water cycle.

Products/processes to decrease water consumption involved in process plant cleaning.

Water treatment solutions.

Technologies aimed at energy efficiency in refrigeration and freezing systems in industrial plants.

  • For more information, please visit:
  • Project registration:
  • Effective Date: March 10th to 24th, 2023 (23:59 hrs. Central Mexico time)
  • Questions and information:

This program is coordinated by the TransferenciAP Network and the Science, Technology and Innovation Technical Group of the Pacific Alliance.

Pacific Alliance Technical Subgroup on Measurement, Reporting, and Verification held a second technical workshop to strengthen capacities for the implementation of Art. 6 of the Paris Agreement

March 13th, 2023.- The Technical Subgroup on Measurement, Reporting,  and Verification (SGT-MRV) of the Pacific Alliance, with the sponsorship of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and the technical support of Gold Standard, held on March 7th, the second in a series of four virtual technical workshops aimed at increasing knowledge and practical experience on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The meeting, in which more than 40 experts participated, delved into the economic instruments available under Article 6 for cooperation between countries in the global reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The first workshop focused on ‘authorization’, a practice that allows for one of the Parties involved to generate a statement that the mitigation results obtained can be used for the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of a different Party, and/or can be used for international mitigation purposes beyond the use for an NDC. The second workshop, on the other hand, addressed ‘corresponding adjustments’, or the practice whereby a Party applies an accounting adjustment for each Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcome (ITMO).

Although the attendees to the workshops are nominated by each country, the SGT-MRV will publish the material of each of the workshops on the official website of the Pacific Alliance. All the material related to the first workshop -technical documents, presentation, and summary- is already available on the web page, which can be accessed through the following link: (choose tab SUBGROUP MEASUREMENT, REPORTING AND VERIFICATION).

The next workshop will address the topic of ‘records and their interoperability’, and will be held virtually on April 4th.

Thus, the SGT-MRV continues to develop the objectives defined in its coordination framework, aligned with its goal to consolidate and harmonize the technical capacities of the Pacific Alliance countries and to advance towards harmonized standards and protocols for monitoring, policy reporting, and mitigation, adaptation, and climate actions among these countries.

The OEI analyzes the level of training in digital competencies of TVE teachers in the Pacific Alliance

March 9th, 2023.- More than 250 teachers and 17 vocational training centers participated in a diagnostic report on the level of digital competencies of technical and vocational education (TVE) teachers in Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, prepared by the OEI.

At the end of November, the diagnostic report of the project “Teacher Training in Digital Competencies in Technical Vocational Education (TVE) in the Pacific Alliance countries (Colombia, Chile, Mexico, and Peru)” -the second phase of the Strengthening of TVE Public Policies in the Pacific Alliance project-, financed by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation ( AECID), was completed, with the ultimate goal of supporting the design of a competency-based training program to improve the quality of teaching practice in these countries.

The project involved 265 teachers from 17 middle and high level vocational training centers in the countries that are part of this bloc.

In this diagnostic phase, the focus was placed both on the infrastructures of the educational centers and on the training and development of the digital competencies of the trainers. Different instruments were used for this purpose. First of all, the publications and products of phase 1 of the project and the inputs identifying the main training needs in the field of digital skills, carried out by the countries at the national level, were analyzed. In this regard, the roadmap document on digital transformation, developed by the IEO in 2021, helped to identify indicators for the diagnosis.

Afterwards, information was collected from 265 teachers through an online questionnaire with questions on the six areas on which the DigComEdu framework is based on the identification of teachers’ digital competence (professional engagement, digital resources, digital pedagogy, digital assessment, empowering students, and facilitating students’ digital competence). Finally, virtual interviews were held with the leaders of 14 of the 17 participating schools. With these interviews it was possible to triangulate the information gathered through the inputs of the previous project and that collected through the questionnaires answered by the teachers.

Some results obtained

The analysis of the information collected identified the level of competence of teachers in the six areas mentioned for each country. Thus, at the global level, it can be deduced that there are no teachers at the lowest level (A1), while 12% are at level A2; most of the sample is at level B1 with 53%, leaving 27% for level B2 and only 8% for advanced level C1.

The diagnosis indicates that for the four countries, it is important to standardize a common framework of digital competencies for teachers that will facilitate to help them to level up and thus define and program the continuous training that will be provided.

Regarding literacy, digital culture and the incorporation of digital competencies into the educational offer, the report highlights that the promotion of digital culture in institutions is an ongoing process in the Pacific Alliance, but that it is advancing slowly, while at the same time it points out a greater effort in digital training in secondary education than in higher education. Teachers in the four countries assume training in digital transformation as part of their professional practice, although it is from the administration or management of the centers where they are assigned.

Other conclusions warn that collaboration and exchange of good practices are still unresolved issues in practically all countries; likewise, the most repeated slogan indicates that it is not a matter of having knowledge of digitization and digital tools, but of knowing how to apply it to teaching practice. Finally, it is highlighted the need to promote partnerships with the private sector to obtain advantageous conditions for equipment, software, and connectivity, as well as to acquire other devices in addition to computers and tablets in educational centers.

These results will serve as a basis for the development of a virtual training offer to be delivered from the Virtual Classroom of the Ibero-American Institute for Training and Learning for Cooperation of the OEI during the year 2023.

Review the Diagnostic Report on Training Needs in Professional Technical Education on Digital Competencies in the Pacific Alliance countries.

Source: OEI

Fifth meeting of the Pacific Alliance Network of Research Institutions is held

March 6th, 2023.- The fifth meeting of the Pacific Alliance Network of National Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institutions (IIPA-AP Network) will be held at the headquarters of the Marine and Coastal Research Institute “José Benito Vives de Andreis” (INVEMAR), located in the city of Santa Marta, Colombia, from March 15th to 17th, 2023.

The objective of this meeting organized by the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP, Chile), with support from INVEMAR, is to develop a Work Plan for the 2023-2024 period, based on the priority issues defined by the institutions in a previous meeting held in September 2022. These topics include, among others, Ecosystem Approach, Climate Change, and Biodiversity. This Plan will allow progress in achieving the objectives of the network by promoting the development of joint scientific programs, the training of specialized human resources, and the exchange of experts between institutions, which will in turn progressively advance toward the best generation of scientific knowledge in fisheries and aquaculture for the sustainable management of these resources in the countries of the Pacific Alliance.

The meeting will be attended by the Directors of IFOP, Chile, Mr. Gonzalo Pereira Puchy; INVEMAR, Colombia, Mr. Francisco Arias Isaza; the National Fisheries Institute of Mexico (INAPESCA), Mr. Pablo Arenas Fuentes; and the President of the Board of Directors of the Institute of the Sea of Peru (IMARPE), Mr. Jorge Paz Acoste. Also attending the meeting will be the focal points of each institution, and representatives of the National Institute for Fisheries Research and Development of Argentina (INIDEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Pacific Alliance strengthens cooperation ties with Japan through the Together Program

February 9, 2023.- Within the framework of cooperation relations between the Pacific Alliance and Japan, nineteen young diplomats and government officials from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru visited Japan as part of the Together Program.

As part of this activity, the PA representatives visited the Japanese Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Shunsuke Takei, who welcomed their participation and affirmed that the Pacific Alliance is an important ally, as well as a partner to work and grow together with within the framework of relations of cooperation and friendship.

Minister Takei also pointed out that this edition of the Together Program provides his country with the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience in disaster prevention and mitigation issues, as well as initiatives that use ICTs.

For their part, representatives of the delegations expressed their gratitude for this invitation and highlighted the relevant points on what was learned through the program.

It was also highlighted that this kind of activity allows to strengthen further the relationship between Japan and the Pacific Alliance, as well as the possibility of future cooperation with this integration mechanism.

Japan joined the Pacific Alliance as an Observer State in January 2013.