XI Pacific Alliance Business Roundtable holds nearly 530 meetings with business projections exceeding US$ 55 million

  • The three-day event was successfully concluded, where 102 exporters from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru had the opportunity to show their products to 52 importers from PA countries and markets such as North America, Europe and Asia.

July 11, 2024.- The XI Pacific Alliance (PA) Business Macro-Round, which took place between July 1 and 4 in Santiago, Chile, concluded successfully after three intense days of networking and business roundtables.

This commercial activity, which brought together exporters and importers from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, as well as the United States, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Japan, Denmark, Sweden and Italy, once again demonstrated the bloc’s potential for economic and commercial cooperation.

During this event, 154 participating companies held 538 business meetings, with business projections estimated at US$ 55 million. The 102 registered exporters from the four participating countries had the opportunity to present their products to 52 interested importers, thus opening up new possibilities for intra-regional trade as well as trade with other markets in North America, Asia and Europe.

The general director of ProChile, Ignacio Fernández -whose institution leads the Technical Group of Promotion Agencies of the PA- together with the Undersecretary of International Economic Relations, Claudia Sanhueza, headed the Chilean delegation.

Representatives from PromPerú, ProColombia and the Mexican Ministry of Economy also participated actively, underlining each country’s commitment to strengthening the Pacific Alliance.

Ignacio Fernández, general director of ProChile -the General Directorate of Export Promotion under the Chilean Foreign Ministry- highlighted that “the results of this Pacific Alliance Business Macro-Round show that this type of platform is important for the bloc’s exporting companies and, especially, for SMEs. This year we saw a remarkable interest from international buyers in search of innovative and sustainable products, which reflects current trends in the global market, and where Chile and the other PA countries have a high value-added offer that can be internationalized thanks to intra-regional and international trade”.

The participation of PromPerú, ProColombia and the Ministry of Economy of Mexico was crucial for the success of the macro-round and for the fulfillment of the objectives set this year by the Pacific Alliance, which focus on supporting the increase in productivity, sustainability and inclusiveness of these countries, as well as incorporating micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to intraregional and international trade.

To reinforce these commitments, this macro-round-which had the slogan “Road to a sustainable offer”- included a discussion on “Advances and challenges in the Pacific Alliance” on issues of sustainable exportable supply, moderated by Nicolás Millán (co-founder of GetFair, a SaaS that allows measuring, analyzing and tracing impact under ESG standards) and where four PA SMEs were able to present their experiences.

The president of ProColombia, Carmen Caballero Villa, comments that “Colombia, as a megadiverse country, has great potential to become a major supplier of sustainable agro-industrial products. For this reason, ProColombia celebrated the participation of Colombian exporters of coffee, processed fruit, cosmetics and containers and packaging. It is important to highlight that sustainability was the main focus of the Pacific Alliance Macro-round, in which, apart from the business roundtable, we had a significant space to present our proposals to invited buyers from countries such as Korea, India, the United States and Canada. This generated a deeper vision of the offer of Colombia, the Country of Beauty, as a bloc, awakening considerable interest in strengthening trade relations”.

Claricia Tirado, executive president of PROMPERÚ, comments that “the Pacific Alliance Business Macro-Round has been a clear example of the successful collaborative work between our agencies. This event has not only strengthened trade ties between Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico, but has also facilitated a fruitful exchange of appointments and business opportunities. The participation of 15 Peruvian exporters, who positively represented the Peruvian supply of food, clothing and inputs for the industry, has significantly reinforced the expectations of many companies to scale their ventures and enable their products to participate in value chains at the international level.

For her part, the Ambassador of Mexico in Chile, Dr. Laura Moreno Rodríguez, shared that “Mexico has 14 free trade agreements with the world and the Pacific Alliance represents a trading partner that strengthens Mexican foreign trade. The XI Pacific Alliance Business Macro-Round has been an important platform for B2B business linkages; a space of maximum use for the important presence of Mexican companies. The Ministry of Economy, in coordination with the Embassy of Mexico, participated as operational representatives in the Technical Group of Promotion Agencies of the PA. We shared strategic information for doing business, showcasing success stories of young entrepreneurs, guiding and approaching companies according to their focal interests in Mexican products, linking businessmen to other markets; increasingly creating more business opportunities with importing and entrepreneurial companies that appreciate the quality of Mexican products.

Activities of the Pacific Alliance Promotion Agencies Group

The Pacific Alliance Promotion Agencies Group will continue its activities this year 2024, under Chile’s pro tempore presidency of the bloc.

In November, the XI version of the Pacific Alliance Entrepreneurship and Innovation Forum LAB4+ will be held between November 21 and 23 together with EtM Day, which will seek to enhance the impact of this initiative and make the link with the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem part of the DNA of companies, contributing to generate a cultural change in the countries of the Alliance.

The activity will take place in Santiago de Chile and is expected to bring together more than a hundred companies from the PA, seeking to enhance the impact of this regional bloc through European observers interested in the supply of services and technological innovations of the companies.

Chile chairs meeting of the High Level Group of the Pacific Alliance

July 5, 2024 – This morning the meeting of the High Level Group (HLG) of the Pacific Alliance – composed of the Vice Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru – was held at the Federico Santa Maria Technical University in the city of Valparaiso, a meeting that closed three days of PA activities in this region of Chile.

The meetings were led by Chile, as the current pro tempore presidency (PPT) of this regional integration mechanism, and were attended by Chile’s Undersecretary of International Economic Relations, Claudia Sanhueza, and the Director General of Multilateral Economic Affairs and National Coordinator of Chile, Marcela Otero, who led the HLG; Colombia was represented virtually by the Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, Luis Felipe Quintero, and in person by the Director of Regional Integration Mechanisms, Ambassador Javier Higuera; Mexico was represented by the Undersecretary for Latin America and the Caribbean, Laura Elena Carrillo, and the Undersecretary of Foreign Trade, Alejandro Encinas; and Peru was represented by the Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, Teresa Mera, and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Eric Anderson Machado.

During the meeting, the HLG gave the mandate to implement the creation of the Working Group to advance the process of Costa Rica’s accession to the bloc; the progress of the 2024 work plan of the Cooperation Fund and the status of technical projects financed by this Fund; the status of the PA-Singapore economic trade agreement, along with other processes of external relations of the Pacific Alliance; along with the preparations for the IX PA Youth Meeting.

Also, the Digital Economy Subcommittee made a presentation on the Regional Digital Market and highlighted the upcoming Dialogue to Update the Roadmap of the Regional Digital Market of the Pacific Alliance, with the participation of academia, civil society and the private sector, to be held on July 30 and 31 in Santiago.

The vice ministers also met with the Sherpa of the Chile Chapter of the Business Council (CEAP), to learn about the concerns of the private sector of the four countries and the activities planned for this year by the CEAP, also currently chaired by Chile; and virtually, they spoke with representatives of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Public-Academic Dialogue

Before the start of the meeting, the members of the HLG participated in the “Public-Academic Dialogue on Economic Growth and Regional Integration in the Pacific Alliance”, organized jointly by PPT Chile 2024 and the Federico Santa María Technical University.

In this activity, the PA authorities shared their thoughts and perspectives on the future of the regional bloc with academics, representatives of trade unions, small businessmen and students.

Presentation of the results of the SME Policy Index 2024

In addition, yesterday the Vice Ministers participated in the closing of the presentation of the results of the “SME Policy Index 2024: Towards an inclusive, resilient and sustainable recovery”, where they highlighted the importance of MSMEs in the economic growth of the regional bloc, and the efforts of the PA to support these companies through joint initiatives, specialized policies, support to develop productive linkages, among others.

In her speech, the Undersecretary of International Economic Relations of Chile, Claudia Sanhueza, pointed out that the 2024 edition of the Index, “identifies new challenges and offers precise recommendations to our governments and highlights the importance of supporting the digital transformation of MSMEs and promoting a green economy, integrating

This Index is a valuable resource for the Technical Group of SMEs of the PA, which uses it as input for the preparation of the MSMEs Public-Private Roadmap that is expected to be launched during this year, with the objective of growing intra-regional trade of MSMEs in a sustainable and inclusive manner.

Communications PPT 2024 Pacific Alliance

National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance meet in Valparaíso

July 4, 2024 – The National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance (PA) met today in Valparaiso, Chile, in a preparatory meeting for the meeting of the High Level Group of the PA, composed of the deputy ministers of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of the bloc, to be held tomorrow in the same city.

The meeting was led by the National Coordinators of Chile, as pro tempore presidency (PPT), and included representatives from Colombia, Mexico and Peru, both virtually and in person.

During the meeting, they reviewed the status of processes and agreements of the Council of Ministers regarding Costa Rica and the 2024 work plan of the Cooperation Fund; they also discussed the status of technical projects financed by this Fund; the interest of other countries in this regional integration mechanism and its relationship with the ASEAN and Mercosur blocs, among other topics.

Before the start of the meeting, the National Coordinators participated in the opening ceremony of the presentation of the results of the “SME Policy Index 2024: Towards an inclusive, resilient and sustainable recovery”, an analytical tool developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in cooperation with the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) and the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF). This Index is a valuable input for the Technical Group on SMEs, which will use it as input for the preparation of the Public-Private Roadmap for MSMEs.

Communications PPT 2024 Pacific Alliance


XI Pacific Alliance Business Macro-Round brings together close to 180 companies from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru

  • The event -which is organized by ProChile- takes place within the framework of Chile’s pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance and is carried out jointly with the PA Promotion Agencies Group, made up of ProChile, ProColombia, the Mexican Ministry of Economy and PROMPERÚ.

July 2, 2024 – Nearly 180 companies will be at the XI Pacific Alliance (PA) Business Macro-Round until July 4, an event that brings together importers and exporters from the member countries of the bloc plus guests from Europe, Asia and North America. Around 600 business meetings are expected between 120 exporters and 58 buyers from the agri-food, clothing, metal-mechanic, manufacturing and chemical sectors.

The event -which is organized by ProChile- takes place within the framework of Chile’s pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance and is carried out jointly with the PA Promotion Agencies Group, made up of ProChile, ProColombia, the Mexican Ministry of Economy and PROMPERÚ.

The Pacific Alliance has established itself as a strategic platform to strengthen trade ties between the countries of the region, promoting the diversification of the exportable supply of goods and services.

Chile’s Vice Minister of Trade, Claudia Sanhueza, highlighted that the Pacific Alliance has established itself as one of the main integration schemes in Latin America. However, she added that a major challenge is to increase trade between member countries, especially MSMEs, which underscores the importance of organizing this Business Macro-Round.

“Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises play a crucial role in the ecomomy of the Pacific Alliance. In fact, more than 90% of the companies in the four countries belong to this category. It is imperative to continue working on the development of policies that support them and to establish regulations that facilitate intra-Alliance trade, thus creating opportunities to access new markets,” she said.

Likewise, Chile’s Undersecretary of Agriculture, Ignacia Fernández, said that “agriculture is an important area of trade and business between Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Chile, as pro tempore presidency of the PA, has the challenge of consolidating intraregional trade between our countries. By promoting the agro-export agenda, we are intensifying efforts to diversify markets for the export of our agricultural products, and this Macro-Round seeks to consolidate our ties with these countries and other markets such as Europe and Asia, building a more equitable and sustainable future for everyone”.

PA Promotion Agencies

The general director of ProChile, Ignacio Fernández, commented that intra-regional trade within Latin American countries has the opportunity to continue to grow with events such as this. “Precisely, the Pacific Alliance seeks to continue promoting and projecting a regional integration that promotes greater growth and welfare of our countries through intra-regional trade. Chile recognizes the Pacific Alliance as a partner of great relevance. Not only do we share cultural and historical ties that facilitate commercial exchange, but it also shows an economic dynamism that opens many opportunities for our exportable supply, especially for light manufacturing, industrial supply, services and, for our SMEs, a priority segment”, said Fernández.

In turn, the president of ProColombia, Carmen Caballero Villa, added that “we celebrate this Pacific Alliance Macro-Round, which is nothing more than a manifestation of the determination of the country’s entrepreneurs to strengthen their presence in the international market and promote inclusive and sustainable development. This also symbolizes the constant evolution of our regions, of our entrepreneurship and of Colombia, the Country of Beauty”.

From Mexico, the Ambassador of Mexico in Chile, Dr. Laura Moreno Rodríguez, celebrated that “the XI Pacific Alliance Business Macro-Round has been organized taking into account the experience of the Alliance in 13 years, moving towards a fairer, more inclusive and sustainable trade, where MSMEs and women-led businesses should be at the center of the promotion of trade in the bloc, which is in line with Mexico’s policy of democratizing foreign trade”, and stressed ‘the importance of continuing to work on the potential for diversification and growth of exports from the four countries of the Alliance, through joint efforts and collaboration’.

For the executive president of PROMPERÚ, Claricia Tirado, “the XI Pacific Alliance Business Macro-Round is a valuable opportunity for our country to strengthen trade relations between its members and, at the same time, to make markets in Europe, Asia and North America aware of the quality of our exportable supply, as well as the commitment of our producers to sustainability. PROMPERÚ is very proud to have secured the participation of 15 companies from the agri-food sector, most of them small and medium-sized. We are convinced that the high quality of their products will open the doors to new international markets after this event”.


“Public-Academic Dialogue on Economic Growth and Regional Integration in the Pacific Alliance”

The Undersecretary of International Economic Relations, Claudia Sanhueza Riveros, together with the Rector of the Federico Santa María Technical University, Juan Yuz Eissmann, are pleased to invite you to participate in the “Public-Academic Dialogue on Economic Growth and Regional Integration in the Pacific Alliance”.

This dialogue will include the participation of the Vice Ministers of Foreign Trade and Foreign Affairs of the countries that make up the Pacific Alliance (PA) – Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru – and representatives of the national academic world, who will analyze the current scenario of the PA economies from the point of view of their authorities and from the academic perspective, as well as with a look at the reality of the Valparaiso Region.

Venue: Events Center of the Casa Central Valparaíso Campus of the Federico Santa María Technical University, located at Avenida España 1680, Valparaíso, first floor of Building A. CHILE

Date: July 5, 2024 (8:30-11:00 a.m.)

Registration here.

Pacific Alliance holds public-private discussion on the roadmap for MSMEs and entrepreneurship

June 27, 2024. – This morning, in the framework of the International Day of MSMEs, the Technical Group of SMEs of the Pacific Alliance organized a discussion (in a hybrid way) on the Public-Private Roadmap for the Development of MSMEs and Entrepreneurship in the Pacific Alliance (PA) with the participation of authorities of the bloc, the PA Business Council, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), members of the TG of SMEs and representatives of MSME trade organizations from the four countries of the Pacific Alliance.

At the beginning of the activity, Marcela Otero, SUBREI’s Multilateral General Director and PA National Coordinator for Chile, pointed out that MSMEs play a crucial role in the economy of the bloc, “in fact, more than 90% of the companies in the four countries belong to this category. It is imperative to continue working on the development of policies that support them and establish regulations that facilitate intra-Alliance trade, thus creating opportunities to access new markets”.

She also highlighted that ”we have a great challenge as a bloc, which is to increase trade integration between our countries, considering that only 2.3% of Pacific Alliance exports go to our countries”.

Rodrigo Yáñez, secretary general of Sofofa and representative of the CEAP-Chile chapter, emphasized the importance of public-private coordination and highlighted the relevance of SMEs as a driver of job creation, as well as the need for them to have access to financing in order to scale up.

Next, the IDB representative, Rodrigo Contreras, as moderator, began the discussion with the presentation of the progress of the “Public-Private Roadmap for the Development of MSMEs and Entrepreneurship in the Pacific Alliance”, by the TG of SMEs, with the aim of identifying and prioritizing the main challenges and needs faced by MSMEs in the PA countries.

Subsequently, those present were asked to talk and discuss common short, medium and long-term objectives that are shared by both the public and private sectors, in order to create a shared vision and establish clear goals to guide joint efforts, promoting an effective alignment of interests and resources.

Finally, the creation of channels of communication and continuous coordination between the two sectors was discussed, facilitating ongoing collaboration and allowing for timely adjustments to ensure the success of the proposed roadmap.



Seminar on Pacific Alliance investment promotion focused on start-ups held in Korea

June 21, 2024.- The “Investment Promotion Seminar on the Pacific Alliance Markets”, organized by the Seoul Office of UNIDO ITPO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization – Investment & Technology Promotion Office) and the embassies of the Pacific Alliance (PA) countries in the Republic of Korea -Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru- was held on June 19. This took place within the framework of the “Smart Tech Korea” fair.

The seminar, inaugurated by the Chilean Ambassador to Korea, Mathias Francke, representing the current pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance, was attended by people interested in learning about the ecosystem for entrepreneurship and start-ups in the PA countries.

A representative from each country gave a presentation on the topic with a focus on start-ups, with the objective of providing a space for interaction between Korean ventures and diplomatic missions, as well as presenting public policies on the subject in each of the countries.


Pacific Alliance holds webinar on data registration and interoperability

June 4, 2024.- On this day, staff from the Ministry of Social Development and Family of Chile held a virtual webinar on the institutional and regulatory framework of the Social Information Registry, the Social Household Registry (RSH) and an interoperable administrative data system, which they currently manage in Chile.

The activity, which is part of the year’s actions of the Technical Group for Development and Inclusion (GTDIS), was aimed at peers from the countries of the Pacific Alliance – Colombia, Mexico and Peru – and other friendly countries such as Ecuador and Brazil, as well as the countries that make up the Secretariat for Central American Social Integration (SISCA), with about 120 participants.

The speakers reported on tools for the identification and selection of users of social programs; administrative records; national-subnational articulation; computer design and equipment, among others. In addition to showing interoperability, which allows the RSH to operate in conjunction with other systems, facilitating the user’s purposes.

Reference was also made to the Social Information Registry (RIS), a database containing social, civil and economic information on families, households and individuals who may potentially be beneficiaries of social programs in the country.

Likewise, the nature of the RSH, an information system whose purpose is to support the selection processes of beneficiaries of a wide range of subsidies and social programs, was explained. This Registry is built with data provided by the household and administrative databases held by the State, from various State institutions, municipalities and other public and/or private entities that administer social benefits created by law.

In addition, the modality of Socioeconomic Qualification was explained, which places each household in an income bracket, which are ordered in 7 brackets according to their income and the relationship with the organic and link with the citizenship and management of applications.

The GTDIS will continue its Webinar Program in July 2024 with the following topics: National System for Evaluation and Monitoring of Social Programs; Poverty Measurement; Intersectoral System of Social Protection and Resilient Social Protection System and Local Social Management.


IIPA-AP Network researchers participate in course on oceanographic data processing

The Pacific Alliance Network of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institutions (IIPA-AP Network) has agreed to promote and share training opportunities on topics of interest to the institutions of the member countries.

June 4, 2024.- During April and May 2024, the course “Phyton: Pre-processing of geophysical data for Hydrodynamic Models” was held virtually, organized by the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) of Chile, with the participation of researchers from the Pacific Alliance Network of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institutions (IIPA-AP Network).

The course, which was given by Dr. Frank Oyala of the Baja Marine Science Project of Mexico, aimed to train professionals in the mastery of Phyton programming, providing them with the necessary skills to acquire, analyze and visualize oceanographic data efficiently. The instructor indicated that “the participants were always attentive and expectant of what would be generated in each session during the course, they were motivated and surprised by the versatility and friendliness of the programming language, as well as by the multiple tools that Python offers for their work”.

In addition to researchers from IFOP, a researcher from the Peruvian Sea Institute (IMARPE), a researcher from the José Benito Vives de Andréis Marine and Coastal Research Institute (INVEMAR) from Colombia, and two researchers from the National Institute of Fisheries Research and Development (INIDEP) from Argentina also participated.

After the course, Katherine Vásquez from IMARPE pointed out the excellent development of the course in terms of subject matter and teaching methodology, since it not only addressed the topic of data processing and generation of figures, but also “showed in detail how to download the files themselves, even in a massive way, to be able to make our own climatological calculations of different variables and show the spatial distribution of these variables and their anomalies”.

For her part, Kelis Romaña of INVEMAR indicated that satellite and reanalysis products (due to their coverage and development) allow variables to be extracted at different scales, whose processing is facilitated using programming languages such as R, Matlab and Python. “This course provided us with the basic tools to initiate, strengthen and/or facilitate the pre-processing of oceanographic databases in Python”.

The executive director of IFOP, Gonzalo Pereira, highlighted the importance of generating this type of space where professionals from the different institutions that carry out research in fisheries and aquaculture in the region can develop and/or strengthen their capacities. Pereira said: “In IFOP we will continue promoting this type of initiatives that seek to promote capacity building for the generation of better information for decision making in our countries”.


Ninth Pacific Alliance Youth Meeting to be held in Chile is launched

The event to be held in Chile will feature three major events: a food innovation bootcamp, the largest international virtual job fair in the region and will culminate with the Youth Meeting that will take place on October 23 in Santiago de Chile, which will bring together a thousand people in person.

May 23, 2024.- With the participation of the Undersecretary of International Economic Relations of Chile, Claudia Sanhueza, representing the current pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance, and the CEO of Nestlé Chile, Rodrigo Camacho, the ninth Pacific Alliance Youth Meeting was kicked off. The event, which will be held this year in Chile in conjunction with the Swiss company, annually brings together young people between the ages of 18 and 29, as well as the public and private sectors of the countries that make up the bloc, to discuss the challenges facing youth employability.

“During our pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance we want to link the PA with citizenship and one of the axes is youth. In this context, the promotion of solutions to the problem of youth employment in the region is also an urgent part of our work, so this Youth Meeting is an iconic event to address this common challenge among member countries. It is also time to consolidate the bloc with a sustainable, inclusive and productive approach, focused on the environment, MSMEs, investments and global value chains, linking us more strongly with citizens”, said Undersecretary Sanhueza.

The moments that will mark this version of the Pacific Alliance Youth Meeting are: the Food Innovation Bootcamp -an online event organized by the Innovation Center of the Catholic University, where interregional teams of young people will face challenges and propose innovative solutions-; the Virtual Employability Fair -the largest in Latin America, which expects to offer 5000 job and training vacancies- and the development of the Meeting, to be held on Wednesday, October 23, 2024.