At the XIII Pacific Alliance (PA) Summit (Puerto Vallarta, July, 2018), the presidents announced their decision to create a Cooperation Council made up of the cooperation authorities of the four countries. Its aim is to promote and achieve specific initiatives, and to improve the management of cooperation with the Observer States that is in line with the 2030 Strategic Vision and consolidates the dual role of the PA as both a partner and recipient of cooperation.
On July 4, 2019, the Council of Ministers signed Decision No. 5 regarding the Functions of the Pacific Alliance Cooperation Council.
Main functions of the Council:
- Propose to the National Coordinators guidelines between the Observer States and the Technical Groups that are in line with the priorities and strategic pillars of the Pacific Alliance
- Direct and manage the supply and demand of Pacific Alliance cooperation with the Observer States
- Establish procedures for communication and dialogue with the Technical Groups, Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups to develop cooperation programs, projects and activities in accordance with the interests of the Observer States in joint efforts