First meeting of the Working Group for the accession of Costa Rica to the Pacific Alliance is held

August 21, 2024.– Yesterday, the first meeting of the Working Group for the accession of Costa Rica to the Pacific Alliance (PA) was held, with the participation of the National Coordinators (NCs) of the PA and representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Costa Rica.

The meeting was chaired by the National Coordinators of Chile, Marcela Otero and Cristóbal Ramírez, representing the pro tempore presidency of Chile 2024, and was attended by the NCs of Colombia, Mexico and Peru. On behalf of Costa Rica, the Director General of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Adriana Castro, and the Minister Counselor of the Directorate of Foreign Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Rolando Madrigal, were present.

“The process of Costa Rica’s accession to the Pacific Alliance will strengthen Latin American integration and give new impetus to our regional integration mechanism, with emphasis on a mixed economy model that reacts to the inequalities generated by the market, with the equality and sustainability that our countries require,” said Marcela Otero at the beginning of the meeting.

For their part, the representatives of Costa Rica thanked the event and expressed their complete willingness to work with the CNs.

This first meeting between Costa Rica and the PA marks the beginning of the process of joining the regional integration mechanism.

Communications PPT 2024 Pacific Alliance