High Level Group of the Pacific Alliance gathers in Lima

August 26, 2022.- Based in Lima, Peru, today the meeting of the High Level Group of the Pacific Alliance (GAN) was held, a body made up of Vice Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, in order to discuss issues on the common agenda.

On this occasion, the high officials evaluated the progress presented by the Technical Cooperation Group and the PA Cooperation Council, as well as commercial issues for the benefit of the four countries. Likewise, they approved the projects presented at the juncture of the 2022 Call for the Cooperation Fund of the Pacific Alliance.

Likewise, the analysis of the expressions of interest of Ecuador and Costa Rica to join the mechanism continued and it was approved to recommend to the Council of Ministers of the Pacific Alliance the admission of Malta as a new Observer State.

The High Level Group welcomed the forthcoming IV Cooperation Forum, on August 30 and 31, with the purpose of exploring opportunities for international cooperation with regional blocs, Observer States and other allied entities of the PA on issues such as creative industries, environment and sustainability, etc.; as well as the celebration of the VII AP Youth Meeting that seeks to bring together young people from the four countries in an event based in Mexico City.

Finally, the GAN received representatives from the Business Council of the Pacific Alliance (CEAP), a body made up of the private sector of the four countries, in order to learn about their contributions to the mechanism.

Participating in the meeting for Mexico, current pro tempore presidency of the mechanism, were Luz María de la Mora, Undersecretary of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economy, and Efraín Guadarrama, General Director of American Regional Organizations and Mechanisms, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; for Chile, José Miguel Ahumada, Undersecretary for International Economic Relations; for Colombia, Laura Gil, Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Luis Felipe Quinteros, Vice Minister of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism; and for Peru, Ana Cecilia Gervasi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Miguel Palomino, Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism.