Basic information

OFFICIAL NAME: United Mexican States
CAPITAL: Mexico City
SQUARE KILOMETERS: 1,964,375 km2
POPULATION: 119,530,753
CURRENCY: Mexican Peso

Political system

Mexico is a democratic republic governed by the standing Political Constitution of 1917. It is organized around three branches of power: Executive (headed by the president of the republic), Legislative (Senate and Chamber of Federal Deputies), and Judicial (Supreme Court of Justice, Electoral Court, Collegiate and Single Judge Circuit Courts, and District Courts).


Mexico has positioned itself as the 15th economy with a GDP that represents 1.3% of the global total.¹

In Mexico, foreign trade is the equivalent of 76% of the GDP with products like automobiles, data processing machines, auto parts, crude petroleum oils, televisions and telephones.²

Mexico is one of the most open countries to foreign trade with a network of 14 FTAs with 50 countries, 30 Reciprocal Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements with 31 countries or administrative regions, and limited scope agreements (Economic Complementation and Partial Scope Agreements) within the framework of the Latin American Integration Association.³

Mexico imports auto parts, electronic circuits, petroleum oils, telephones, automobiles and data processing machines.

¹ Exports from Mexico to the world at the tariff item level with data from TradeMap for the year 2020, consulted on April 12, 2022.
² Exports from Mexico to the world at the tariff item level with data from TradeMap for the year 2020, consulted on April 12, 2022.
³ Information from the website of the Mexican Ministry of Economy mexico?state=published (April 12, 2022)
Information from the website of the Mexican Ministry of Economy mexico?state=published (April 12, 2022)

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