Pacific Alliance holds public-private discussion on the roadmap for MSMEs and entrepreneurship

June 27, 2024. – This morning, in the framework of the International Day of MSMEs, the Technical Group of SMEs of the Pacific Alliance organized a discussion (in a hybrid way) on the Public-Private Roadmap for the Development of MSMEs and Entrepreneurship in the Pacific Alliance (PA) with the participation of authorities of the bloc, the PA Business Council, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), members of the TG of SMEs and representatives of MSME trade organizations from the four countries of the Pacific Alliance.

At the beginning of the activity, Marcela Otero, SUBREI’s Multilateral General Director and PA National Coordinator for Chile, pointed out that MSMEs play a crucial role in the economy of the bloc, “in fact, more than 90% of the companies in the four countries belong to this category. It is imperative to continue working on the development of policies that support them and establish regulations that facilitate intra-Alliance trade, thus creating opportunities to access new markets”.

She also highlighted that ”we have a great challenge as a bloc, which is to increase trade integration between our countries, considering that only 2.3% of Pacific Alliance exports go to our countries”.

Rodrigo Yáñez, secretary general of Sofofa and representative of the CEAP-Chile chapter, emphasized the importance of public-private coordination and highlighted the relevance of SMEs as a driver of job creation, as well as the need for them to have access to financing in order to scale up.

Next, the IDB representative, Rodrigo Contreras, as moderator, began the discussion with the presentation of the progress of the “Public-Private Roadmap for the Development of MSMEs and Entrepreneurship in the Pacific Alliance”, by the TG of SMEs, with the aim of identifying and prioritizing the main challenges and needs faced by MSMEs in the PA countries.

Subsequently, those present were asked to talk and discuss common short, medium and long-term objectives that are shared by both the public and private sectors, in order to create a shared vision and establish clear goals to guide joint efforts, promoting an effective alignment of interests and resources.

Finally, the creation of channels of communication and continuous coordination between the two sectors was discussed, facilitating ongoing collaboration and allowing for timely adjustments to ensure the success of the proposed roadmap.