“Public-Academic Dialogue on Economic Growth and Regional Integration in the Pacific Alliance”

The Undersecretary of International Economic Relations, Claudia Sanhueza Riveros, together with the Rector of the Federico Santa María Technical University, Juan Yuz Eissmann, are pleased to invite you to participate in the “Public-Academic Dialogue on Economic Growth and Regional Integration in the Pacific Alliance”.

This dialogue will include the participation of the Vice Ministers of Foreign Trade and Foreign Affairs of the countries that make up the Pacific Alliance (PA) – Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru – and representatives of the national academic world, who will analyze the current scenario of the PA economies from the point of view of their authorities and from the academic perspective, as well as with a look at the reality of the Valparaiso Region.

Venue: Events Center of the Casa Central Valparaíso Campus of the Federico Santa María Technical University, located at Avenida España 1680, Valparaíso, first floor of Building A. CHILE

Date: July 5, 2024 (8:30-11:00 a.m.)

Registration here.