It seeks to establish and measure the progress of common policies in the countries of the Alliance, taking advantage of the potential of smaller companies as an engine for regional integration, productive transformation and inclusive productivity growth.
December 17, 2024.- The Council of Ministers of the Pacific Alliance (PA), meeting in Santiago, Chile, approved on December 13 the Public-Private Roadmap for the Development of MSMEs and Entrepreneurship, a cross-cutting initiative that seeks to establish and measure the progress of common policies in the countries of the Alliance, taking advantage of the potential of smaller companies as a driver of regional integration, productive transformation and inclusive productivity growth.
This Roadmap, led by the PA Technical Group on SMEs and Entrepreneurship (GTPyme), is based on the study of the Public Policy Index for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Latin America and the Caribbean, a methodology developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) with the support of the Development Bank for Latin America -CAF and the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA).
The initiative arose during the First Meeting of PA Exporting SMEs, held in November 2022 in Lima, Peru, where the need to promote the growth, development and competitiveness of business activity within the economies of member countries was identified.
The importance of this Roadmap lies in two key aspects: It fosters collaboration: as a public-private tool, it facilitates collaboration between key actors to establish shared objectives and joint strategies, which allows addressing challenges more effectively; It promotes transparency: its public nature guarantees open access to information and reinforces accountability in the implementation of agreed policies.
The Public-Private Roadmap for the Development of MSMEs and Entrepreneurship was developed on the basis of nine pillars:
- Institutional framework;
- Operating environment;
- Access to financing;
- Business development services / Public procurement;
- Innovation and technology;
- Productive transformation;
- Market access and internationalization;
- Digitalization; and
- Green economy.
The GTPyme will be in charge of its implementation and coordination with the private sector, academia and civil society.
In addition, in the context of the Roadmap for the Digital Market, the PA GTPyme agreed on the Action Plan “Strengthening the capacities of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in their insertion in cross-border electronic commerce between the countries of the Pacific Alliance”, in order to promote the participation of MSMEs in cross-border electronic commerce between the PA countries, and with a duration of two years.
The objectives of the Action Plan are to improve the capacities of a group of selected MSMEs, based on an equal participation of companies owned and/or led by women as a selection criteria, so that they become recurring exporting companies to other PA countries, through cross-border e-commerce.
Communications PPT 2024 Pacific Alliance