During the 11th Pacific Alliance Summit, held on July 1, 2016 in Puerto Varas, Chile, by presidential mandate, the Digital Agenda Sub-group was created in order to build a roadmap that would allow the four countries to implement, develop and deepen specific issues in accordance with what is established in the telecommunications and electronic commerce chapters of the Commercial Protocol of the Pacific Alliance.
This roadmap was jointly built with the private sector and presented during the 12th Pacific Alliance Summit, held in June 2017. Subsequently, the Digital Agenda Subgroup was constituted as a Working Group to implement the actions agreed in the roadmap of the Digital Agenda.
The Digital Agenda Group (GAD, by its acronym in Spanish) aims to promote scenarios of coordination and convergence among the four countries in order to improve the conditions and development of business in the digital economy. It will also be responsible for implementing the actions established in the roadmap in order to promote the construction of a regional digital market.
The Group currently works on the development of specific activities in four pillars or work axes: Digital Economy, Digital Connectivity, Digital Government and Digital Ecosystem.
Technical Group Digital Agenda
About us

Contact points
Pierina Ignazia Giachetti Guzmán / Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Piero Guasta Leyton / Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Veronica Isa Pelaez Garcia / Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
Maria Paula Arenas Quijano / Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
Francisco Javier Molina Escamilla / Secretariat of Economy
Leslie Sarahí González Cortés / Secretariat of Economy
Karla Shantal Ayala Molina / Secretariat of Economy
Diana Victoria Calderón Valle / Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Karina Nicole Tejada Castro / Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism
Antonella Cadenas Terrones / Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism
The Puerto Vallarta Declaration (July 2018)
Develop actions around the four axes of work: Economy, Connectivity, Government and Digital Ecosystems, through a permanent mechanism of public-private dialogue.
The Cali Declaration (June 2017)
Implement in the Pacific Alliance a Regional Digital Market platform to identify the opportunities and barriers associated with electronic commerce, in coordination with the ministries responsible for foreign trade. The first reports on this platform will be held for the first quarter of 2018.
Strengthen the cooperation of the countries of the Pacific Alliance in the field of digital security and building confidence in the use of ICT.
Support the design, implementation, use and recognition of information exchange mechanisms for advanced electronic signature or digital signature and cross-border interoperability to facilitate the provision of Digital Government services. Likewise, promote the exchange of experiences and good practices for the use of open data, among the member countries of the Pacific Alliance.