Work plan for the Regional Qualifications Framework for the Pacific Alliance moves forward

September 12, 2024.- The Pacific Alliance Network of Qualifications Framework Specialists (REMCAP), composed of representatives of the Ministries of Education of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, continues to advance in a work plan that aims at the future consolidation of a Regional Qualifications Framework for the regional bloc.

The technical teams of the Qualifications Frameworks of the Ministries of Education of the PA countries have been holding monthly sessions since June, which develop agendas to update the understanding of the state of progress of the Qualifications Frameworks in each country, as an input to constitute the first phase of contrast of the qualifications of the tourism sector.

Based on the progress made by Colombia and Chile in the development of the qualifications of the target sector, together with the development of the REMCAP sessions, it is projected that Peru and Mexico will optimize the population process they are initiating for their qualifications frameworks.

It is expected that the Network and the Technical Group on Education of the Pacific Alliance can make significant progress during the remainder of Chile’s pro tempore presidency and in the management that Colombia will assume in 2025.