XI Pacific Alliance Business Macro-Round brings together close to 180 companies from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru

  • The event -which is organized by ProChile- takes place within the framework of Chile’s pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance and is carried out jointly with the PA Promotion Agencies Group, made up of ProChile, ProColombia, the Mexican Ministry of Economy and PROMPERÚ.

July 2, 2024 – Nearly 180 companies will be at the XI Pacific Alliance (PA) Business Macro-Round until July 4, an event that brings together importers and exporters from the member countries of the bloc plus guests from Europe, Asia and North America. Around 600 business meetings are expected between 120 exporters and 58 buyers from the agri-food, clothing, metal-mechanic, manufacturing and chemical sectors.

The event -which is organized by ProChile- takes place within the framework of Chile’s pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance and is carried out jointly with the PA Promotion Agencies Group, made up of ProChile, ProColombia, the Mexican Ministry of Economy and PROMPERÚ.

The Pacific Alliance has established itself as a strategic platform to strengthen trade ties between the countries of the region, promoting the diversification of the exportable supply of goods and services.

Chile’s Vice Minister of Trade, Claudia Sanhueza, highlighted that the Pacific Alliance has established itself as one of the main integration schemes in Latin America. However, she added that a major challenge is to increase trade between member countries, especially MSMEs, which underscores the importance of organizing this Business Macro-Round.

“Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises play a crucial role in the ecomomy of the Pacific Alliance. In fact, more than 90% of the companies in the four countries belong to this category. It is imperative to continue working on the development of policies that support them and to establish regulations that facilitate intra-Alliance trade, thus creating opportunities to access new markets,” she said.

Likewise, Chile’s Undersecretary of Agriculture, Ignacia Fernández, said that “agriculture is an important area of trade and business between Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Chile, as pro tempore presidency of the PA, has the challenge of consolidating intraregional trade between our countries. By promoting the agro-export agenda, we are intensifying efforts to diversify markets for the export of our agricultural products, and this Macro-Round seeks to consolidate our ties with these countries and other markets such as Europe and Asia, building a more equitable and sustainable future for everyone”.

PA Promotion Agencies

The general director of ProChile, Ignacio Fernández, commented that intra-regional trade within Latin American countries has the opportunity to continue to grow with events such as this. “Precisely, the Pacific Alliance seeks to continue promoting and projecting a regional integration that promotes greater growth and welfare of our countries through intra-regional trade. Chile recognizes the Pacific Alliance as a partner of great relevance. Not only do we share cultural and historical ties that facilitate commercial exchange, but it also shows an economic dynamism that opens many opportunities for our exportable supply, especially for light manufacturing, industrial supply, services and, for our SMEs, a priority segment”, said Fernández.

In turn, the president of ProColombia, Carmen Caballero Villa, added that “we celebrate this Pacific Alliance Macro-Round, which is nothing more than a manifestation of the determination of the country’s entrepreneurs to strengthen their presence in the international market and promote inclusive and sustainable development. This also symbolizes the constant evolution of our regions, of our entrepreneurship and of Colombia, the Country of Beauty”.

From Mexico, the Ambassador of Mexico in Chile, Dr. Laura Moreno Rodríguez, celebrated that “the XI Pacific Alliance Business Macro-Round has been organized taking into account the experience of the Alliance in 13 years, moving towards a fairer, more inclusive and sustainable trade, where MSMEs and women-led businesses should be at the center of the promotion of trade in the bloc, which is in line with Mexico’s policy of democratizing foreign trade”, and stressed ‘the importance of continuing to work on the potential for diversification and growth of exports from the four countries of the Alliance, through joint efforts and collaboration’.

For the executive president of PROMPERÚ, Claricia Tirado, “the XI Pacific Alliance Business Macro-Round is a valuable opportunity for our country to strengthen trade relations between its members and, at the same time, to make markets in Europe, Asia and North America aware of the quality of our exportable supply, as well as the commitment of our producers to sustainability. PROMPERÚ is very proud to have secured the participation of 15 companies from the agri-food sector, most of them small and medium-sized. We are convinced that the high quality of their products will open the doors to new international markets after this event”.