Pacific Alliance presents new AP Digital Teaching Network platform

  • The free training offer that will be available on the Network for teachers seeks to strengthen the digital skills of professionals from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru who work in basic or primary education.

  • The scope of the platform will be announced in the framework of the conversation “Radical Collaboration for Learning in the 21st Century” that will take place on May 3. It will also address the opportunities and challenges of collaborative work in virtual learning environments in schools.

With the purpose of inviting the teaching community of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, to learn about a new free training offer of high quality and relevance to today’s educational challenges, the Pacific Alliance will present on May 3 its new AP Digital Teaching Network, developed within the framework of the initiative “Strengthening the digital skills of teachers and directors of Basic Education”.

The platform, implemented by Fundación Chile, will offer online courses that aim to generate capacities for pedagogical use in digital technological tools that allow teachers, together with directors of educational institutions that work at the primary or basic school level (students between 6 and 14 years), strengthen their practices and continue with their professional development. In addition, it will provide a virtual meeting space for knowledge.

The training offer was designed considering a diagnosis that identified teaching needs in the context of the pandemic. This consisted of interviews with key actors in each country, a focus group to collect their experiences, perceptions and challenges, and a survey of self-perception of digital skills. In this way, the first three courses will address effective pedagogical practices mediated by technology at different levels of depth.

“This project, financed by the Pacific Alliance Cooperation Fund, was born as a response to the needs that the health pandemic has revealed. In the Pacific Alliance we work to consolidate ourselves as a more integrated citizen mechanism, therefore, the launch of the Digital Teaching Network is an important initiative that will allow the teachers of our countries to respond comprehensively and forcefully to the new reality, strengthening those key skills and updating essential knowledge for an effective educational process for girls, boys and young people”, maintains the block of the Pacific Alliance.

For her part, the  director of Learning for the Future of Fundación Chile, Andrea Osorio , refers to the seal of the new training offer that will be available from April 22: “The educational challenges of the region, exacerbated by the health crisis , require the construction of new methods for learning, and in this, technology and collaboration are tools that we seek to promote with the development of flexible courses, in tune with daily practices and from an innovative and transforming perspective of our educational systems. ”

The presentation of the AP Digital Teaching Network will take place in the virtual colloquium  “Pacific Alliance Digital Teaching Network: Radical collaboration for 21st century learning”.  The activity will feature the participation of  Valeria Kelly, consultant for the ICT Program at IIEP UNESCO , office for Latin America, who has specialized in educational technology, new literacies and distance education. Also participating will be Libertad Manzo, coordinator of Instructional Design for Learning for the Future of Fundación Chile , who led the development of the courses that will be announced.

To participate in the virtual colloquium and future webinars, interested persons must register at the following link:

To enroll in the courses of the AP Digital Teaching Network, teachers must join the new platform starting April 22: