As a result of the commitments of the Presidents of the countries of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, adopted in Puerto Varas at the 11th Pacific Alliance Summit, held in July 2016, it was agreed to establish an ad hoc Group to build a joint strategy for the commercialization of fishery products of the Pacific Alliance (PA), based on the project proposed by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ECLAC: “Opportunities for Cooperation among the member countries of the Pacific Alliance for international marketing of fishery products”.
Technical Group ad hoc Fishing Group
Actions of the Ad Hoc Group on Fisheries and Aquaculture
The ad hoc Fisheries and Aquaculture Group, with Chile as pro tempore Coordinator of the Pacific Alliance and ECLAC as advisory body, prepared the matrix with short and medium-term actions that have established the lines of action to follow for the design of the work agenda in fisheries and aquaculture.
Since its creation, the alternate focal points of the ad hoc Group on Fisheries and Aquaculture of the countries of the Pacific Alliance have been coordinating actions through videoconferences. To date, the following has been completed:
Development of the annual meeting of high authorities of the fishing and aquaculture sectors of the PA in the international fair of Aquaculture – Aquasur.
Participation with the joint Pacific Alliance stand at the International Aquaculture Fair – Aquasur, held in Chile from October 19 to 22, 2016.
Coordination among the members of the ad hoc Group in support of the Organization of the First Meeting of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institutes of the PA countries, held in Lima, Peru from July 5 to 7, 2017.
Creation of the Network of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institutes of the Pacific Alliance, which will allow the exchange of experiences and the promotion of fisheries and aquaculture research among the PA countries.
Development of coordination among the members of the ad hoc Group to promote the exchange of experiences on the internal promotion of the consumption of fishery and aquaculture products in the PA countries. The institutions that have shared experiences are:
Mexico: COMEPESCA (by its acronym in Spanish) – Mexican Council for the promotion of fisheries and aquaculture products.
Peru: PNACP (by its acronym in Spanish) – National Program let’s eat fish – Ministry of Production – Deputy Minister Office of Fisheries and Aquaculture.
Chile: Program from the sea to my table – Ministry of Economy and Finance – Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture.
It is important to note that Chile created its program in May 2017, after learning about the experiences of Mexico and Peru.
At the Aquasur 2016 International Fair, held in Puerto Montt, Chile, from October 19 to 22, 2016, the authorities of the 4 countries on fisheries and aquaculture made a presentation on the perspectives and challenges of Aquaculture in each of the member countries. In addition, a first promotional stand of the Pacific Alliance was set up, through which the four countries exhibited information on the aquaculture and fishing sector products of each country.
Planned actions by the ad hoc Group
The ad hoc Group on Fisheries and Aquaculture has been developing a Work Plan between 2017 and 2018, which includes the activities described below. The most recent videoconference among the four countries took place on April 10 and another follow-up is planned for May 10 to monitor the following advances:
Through coordination pro tempore (Colombia), to get a space on the website of the PA, to make visible the work being done by the Ad hoc Group, the Network of research institutes of the PA, and others.
Organize the next annual meeting of high authorities in fisheries and aquaculture of the Pacific Alliance, for which the next food fair to be developed in 2018 must be identified.
Evaluate the possibility of having a PA stand at the next Aquaculture Fair to be held in Bogotá, Colombia, in the month of October 2018.
Evaluate the possibility of creating a Network of fishery and aquaculture health authorities of the PA (to date information is being collected in this regard).
Strengthen the existing programs for the promotion of seafood consumption and support Colombia in the implementation of a program in the country.
Prioritization of actions by countries of the ad hoc Group
Initiative | Specific activities | Leading country to manage the initiative |
Commercial intelligence and promotion activities | Creation of a catalogue of the PA’s exportable fisheries and aquaculture offer | CHILE |
Creation of a video of the PA’s exportable fisheries and aquaculture offer | ||
Joint participation with a common stand of the PA in fairs for the promotion of fishery and aquaculture products (countries within the Pacific Alliance) | ||
Joint work on standards | Conduct a benchmarking of experiences in the adoption of quality systems and certifications. Strengthening of quality systems | COLOMBIA |
Actions to promote internal human consumption (within the countries of the Alliance) of fishery and aquaculture products | Strengthen the Actions of Promotion of the Internal Human Consumption (within the countries of the Alliance) of fishery and aquaculture products, based on successful experiences | MEXICO |
Comparative diagnosis of competences, institutional capacities and equivalence for a joint initiative of the PA in terms of enhancing the fisheries and aquaculture sector | Creation of the Network of National Research Institutes in Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Pacific Alliance. | PERÚ |
Network of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institutes of the Pacific Alliance

The development of the following topics was prioritized:
Coordinate research activities in the Eastern Pacific.
Harmonize or standardize procedures, techniques, and research equipment.
Prepare a Coordinated Cruises Program.
Train the cadres of researchers, technologists, scientific observers, among other professionals, taking advantage of the different strengths of the research institutes in the region.
Facilitate the production of scientific publications.
Facilitate the exchange of experts.
It was also agreed that the aforementioned Network of National Research Institutes on fisheries and aquaculture could consider other research institutes in the region as observers, in order to improve and increase understanding of the Eastern Pacific marine ecosystems.
The Lima Declaration (2019)
Promote cooperation with a view to better promotion of sustainable consumption of fishery and aquaculture products; participation in trade events and international fairs with the aim of positioning the region’s products in new markets; as well as the consolidation of the cooperation of the Network of Research Institutes.