Technical Group Trade facilitation and customs cooperation
¿What we do?

Committee of Rules of Origin and Procedures related to Origin, Trade Facilitation and Customs Cooperation: established in Art. 4.30 of the Additional Protocol to the Framework Agreement of the PA. It has jurisdiction over the provisions of Chapter 5 “Trade Facilitation and Customs Cooperation” and the function of monitoring the implementation and administration of this chapter. Annex 5.8 and Annex 5.9 are the Annexes established by the Committee.
In order to facilitate trade among the countries of the Pacific Alliance, a chapter on Trade Facilitation and Customs Cooperation was agreed, which is structured on the basis of the principles of transparency, predictability and cooperation among customs. In this way, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru have agreed on a series of commitments to make customs procedures more effective and simplified, as well as streamlined methods, processes and action systems based on risk management.
This, with the aim of providing agility in the clearance of goods; process automation; information available in databases; paperless environment; interoperability of the single windows; as well as the implementation of authorized economic operator programs for the subsequent subscription of mutual recognition agreements.
Likewise, it contemplates a mechanism of cooperation and mutual assistance for the exchange of information among customs administrations, which allows to strengthen and improve the procedures for control and prevention of operations contrary to customs legislation.
By virtue of the above, the referred chapter on Trade Facilitation and Customs Cooperation seeks to achieve the proper balance between the facilitation and control that modern Customs must exercise in the process of their functions.
Authorized Economic Operator (OEA, by its acronym in Spanish)
In April 2015 in Washington, the Strategic Action Plan for the implementation of Annex 5.8, on the Authorized Economic Operator, in the Pacific Alliance Agreement was designed and approved, with the support of the IDB, which includes three strategic objectives:
Strengthening of the OEA programs and their institutionality in the Pacific Alliance.
Increase the participation of the Private Sector in the OEA Program.
Establishment of Mutual Recognition Agreement (s).
Documents of interest:
Authorized (Guides – OMA)
WCO Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Trade (SAFE)
Subgroup mandates:
Sign the Mutual Recognition Arrangement in the area of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) during the last semester of 2017. This instrument will facilitate commercial operations among operators that meet minimum security standards in their logistic chain, thus contributing to a region with a more agile trade and facilitating the participation of the companies of the Pacific Alliance in the global context.
Single Foreign Trade Window (VUCE, by its acronym in Spanish)
The offices in charge of the VUCE in the member countries are meeting periodically in the development of a project that seeks to advance in the interoperability of the single windows, an initiative that originates from the Inter-American Network of Single Windows – Red VUCE, with the support of the IDB.
The work has focused on the implementation of the interoperability project of the phytosanitary certificates initially, and then on the digital certificate of origin, the animal health certificates and the customs declaration.
Entities in charge of customs legislation in each country


Contact points in each country:
Sitio Web:
Teléfono de contacto: 600 570 70 40
Correo electrónico:,
Teléfono de contacto: (57) (1) 6079800 Extensión para Origen 906492
Guía de servicios en línea:
Atención presencial:
Atención virtual:
Atención telefónica:
• Desde teléfonos fijos: 0-801-12-100 (costo de llamada local)
• Desde celular: (601) 315 0730
The Lima Declaration (2019)
- Approve in the first quarter of 2020, the strategy for identification, prioritization and implementation of the next foreign trade documents to be exchanged through the interoperability platform and the schedule for its execution. Also, incorporate at least one additional document in the second half of 2021.
Develop an electronic platform for the dissemination of rules on trade facilitation of the Pacific Alliance countries that allows commercial operators to know the certification schemes, advance certification procedures, benefits of Authorized Economic Operators, as well to know the websites of consultations and how to carry out the procedures through VUCE, among others.
Carry out a diagnosis on the normative and regulatory situation of seized merchandise and its methods of destruction by the Pacific Alliance countries, with the purpose of promoting the circular economy.