Meeting of Ministers of the Pacific Alliance is held as an exercise of cooperation between countries

November 24, 2022.- The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon, along with the Undersecretary of Foreign Trade, Alejandro Encinas Nájera, led the meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Pacific Alliance (PA) today, with the participation of the Vice Minister of International Economic Relations of Chile, José Miguel Ahumada Franco; for Colombia, the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Germán Umaña Mendoza, and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Laura Gil Savastano; and for Peru, the Minister of Foreign Relations, César Landa Arroyo, and the Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, Miguel Julian Palomino, who endorsed the presentation of the following declarations:

  • Declaration of Mexico City
  • Declaration of the Pacific Alliance for the Protection of the Environment and adaptation to Climate Change
  • Declaration for Gender Parity in the Pacific Alliance
  • Declaration of the Pacific Alliance on MSMEs and Entrepreneurship
  • Declaration of the Pacific Alliance about Youth
  • Declaration for Well-being, Development and Social Inclusion in the Pacific Alliance

Likewise, the Council of Ministers signed decision 13, “Guidelines on the Relationship between the Pacific Alliance and Associated States”, and decision 14, “Work Plan 2023 of the Pacific Alliance Cooperation Fund”.

Subsequently, the Council of Ministers and the Council of Finance Ministers, in addition to sharing the progress achieved this year, received high-ranking authorities from Costa Rica and Honduras, who have expressed their intention to join the PA as full members; from Canada and Korea as Associate States candidates, and from Singapore as the next first Associate State of the mechanism.

The host and Minister of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard, pointed out that these meetings are a sign of the commitment of our countries to forge a more social regional integration; recognized the importance of continuing to promote the gender issue transversally within the PA; highlighted the progress achieved regarding the candidates for Associate States; he emphasized the interest of all the member countries and those invited to work under one roof and, finally, he indicated that the XVII Summit of the Pacific Alliance will take place in Peru on a date determined by the four heads of state.

He also assured that “the Alliance works. Alliances that do not work, do not have applications for membership, and today almost the entire session was to listen to the countries that want to be part of our Alliance”.

“What we are seeing here is an exercise of cooperation and addition, there are not many. This is good news, whether or not they participate in the Pacific Alliance, because it speaks of the potential of cooperation, multilateral instruments and understanding between nations. So, they have asked me to transmit it to them because this was mentioned throughout the meeting”, pointed out Minister Ebrard.

For his part, the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, Germán Umaña Mendoza, said that “only with social cohesion and inclusion, growth is warranted, because it is development and it is sustainability.” Sharing these values ​​today in the Pacific Alliance “is a privilege for my country, which is undergoing a profound transformation process, and for Latin America, which is responding in a really intelligent way to the serious difficulties we have experienced in recent years,” he said.

During her speech, the Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs of the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Laura Gil Savastano, thanked Mexico for its leadership and above all for emphasizing the social sphere. She expressed Colombia’s commitment to total peace and regional integration.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru, César Landa Arroyo, highlighted that “assuming the pro tempore presidency with Mexico leaving such a high bar, commits us to deepen this social agenda that has already been defined.”

Likewise, he assured that “this interest has to be reflected in a tangible way for the benefit of citizens, and in particular with the accompaniment of sister countries that are in the process of integration and that this process should be completed in the pro tempore presidency.”

He also expressed his faith and hope to face a troubled time that our region and the world are going through, “it is continental and transcontinental unity, including Asia-Pacific countries, which will guarantee being able to solve in a much more integrated way, sharing experiences and also overcoming the differences that may exist for the sake of a common good, not only universal but also regional and local for the benefit of our populations, for this reason, we will reinforce the Pacific Alliance process”, he concluded.

The delegation of Peru, as the next pro tempore presidency, ratified its commitment to maintain the Pacific Alliance as an agile and regional mechanism; encourage all instances to work in coordination to promote the work agenda; support the processes of incorporation of Costa Rica, Ecuador and Honduras to the Alliance; strengthen relations with Observer States and promote cooperation projects that generate greater integration within the Alliance.


XVII Summit of the Pacific Alliance will be held next week in Mexico

November 18, 2022.- The XVII Summit of the Pacific Alliance -bloc made up of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru-, will take place in Mexico City, next Friday, November 25, headed by the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador. The meeting will be attended by the representatives of the Candidates for Member State, Ecuador and Costa Rica, as well as representatives of Canada, Korea and Singapore in their capacity as Candidates for Associated State of the mechanism.

During the summit, Mexico will hand over to Peru the pro tempore presidency, which it will occupy from January 1, 2023. Mexico assumed the pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance on January 26, 2022, at the Bahía Málaga-Buenaventura Summit in Colombia.

The preparatory agenda will begin on November 21 and 22 with the meeting of the National Coordinations at the headquarters of the Mexican Foreign Ministry; where, likewise, the meeting of the High Level Group (HLG) will take place on November 23.

The Council of Ministers, made up of ministers of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade from the four countries, as well as the Council of Finance Ministers, will also hold meetings prior to the meeting of the presidents, headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard, the Minister of Economy, Raquel Buenrostro and the Minister of Finance, Rogelio Ramírez de la O.

In parallel, the VIII meeting of the Free Trade Commission will be held, the Business Council Summit of the Pacific Alliance (CEAP Spanish acronym) and the presentation of the book “The Pacific Alliance Facing its Second Decade”.


The Pacific Alliance Investment Portfolio is updated

The Promotion Agencies Technical Group of the Pacific Alliance ProChile, ProColombia, the Ministry of Economy of Mexico and PromPerú updated the Pacific Alliance Infrastructure Investment Opportunities Portfolio. This version, in addition to the already 15 interesting infrastructure projects with investment possibilities, has strategic information for investors, such as trade figures, investment, economic growth, population, and reasons why the Pacific Alliance block is an attractive destination to investors. The projects are from the following subsectors:

  • Roads
  • Water and sanitation
  • Railway
  • Fluvial
  • Ports

For the second year, this initiative will be disseminated through two face-to-face Investment Seminars in Japan and Canada, and a virtual Investment Roundtable in China. The objective is to disseminate information on the advantages for investment as well as promote the 15 most important infrastructure projects in the block.

Read «Opportunities Portfolio»

The Pacific Alliance extend the invitation to a virtual seminar “Competences to take advantage of the digital space at school: communication, collaboration and learning support”

In the activity, which will be broadcast free of charge and open on Thursday, November 24, aspects and skills that are essential for professional teacher development in an increasingly digitized society will be addressed.

November 15, 2022.- After the pandemic and the closure of educational institutions, teachers had to learn to use digital tools to teach their classes remotely, which contributed to accelerating the technological transformation of society. However, this emergency situation was not necessarily accompanied by professional development that would prepare teachers to use these tools with a pedagogical sense that, in addition to ensuring learning, would ensure an inclusive education.

Aware of the importance of closing this digital gap -which already existed but which worsened with the arrival of COVID-19-, this year the Pacific Alliance created the PA Digital Teaching Network, a platform implemented by Fundación Chile that offers free online courses of high quality to generate capacities of pedagogical use in digital technological tools in teachers and management teams of educational institutions that work at the elemental or primary school level in Chile, Colombia, Mexico or Peru.

On Thursday, November 24, the third virtual seminar organized by this initiative will be held, where the more than 3,000 teachers who have been trained on this platform will be able to participate, but also all those who are interested in learning more about these topics. The activity, entitled “Competences to take advantage of the digital space at school: communication, collaboration and learning support”, will take place at 12:00 p.m. in Mexico; at 1:00 p.m. in Colombia and Peru and at 3:00 p.m. in Chile.

The speaker will be Mariana Maggio, an academic in Education and Technology from the National University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and Director of the Master’s and Specialization in Educational Technology course at the same university. Maggio is also a renowned writer and is the author of the books “Education in a pandemic” (2021), “Reinventing the class at the university” (2018) and “Enriching teaching” (2012).

To participate in the virtual seminar, people who are interested must create a profile on the platform. Then, access the program’s webinar platform and enter your email to confirm your participation in the seminar. The day before the activity they will receive a personalized email with the access address to the seminar.

Those who wish to learn more about the initiative and the training programs can access the Learning for the Future podcast “PA Digital Teaching Network: an alliance to strengthen digital teaching skills”.

Dialogue on Educational Cooperation between China and the Pacific Alliance countries

November 12, 2022.- In Beijing, the Dialogue on Education Cooperation between China and the Pacific Alliance (PA) countries was successfully held.

The event was organized with the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), and included the participation of Dr. Liu Limin, president of CEAIE; Ms. Fu Bo, CEAIE Assistant Secretary General; Dr. Chen Dali, Deputy Director General of the Department of International Exchange and Cooperation, Ministry of Education of China; Mr. Sergio Narea, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. from the Chilean Embassy in China; Mr. José Francisco Díaz Ulloa, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. the Embassy of Colombia in China; Mrs. Erika Lizardo, business manager a.i. from the Embassy of Peru in China; and the Amb. of Mexico in China, Dr. Jesús Seade, as well as representatives of a large number of Chinese universities and PA member countries.

Dr. Liu Li Min, in his opening speech, stressed that educational cooperation is a very important issue.

For his part, Amb. Seade stressed that the progress, development, and innovation of specialized knowledge is only possible through programs that lay the foundation for the educational cooperation of excellence and for long term.

Sergio Narea pointed out that academic cooperation has been a priority for the PA from the beginning, and noted the importance of the event within the framework of the IV PA Cooperation Forum that was held on August 30 and 31 of this year.

Francisco Díaz Ulloa reiterated his commitment to strengthen exchange ties with China, and the common goal of making the PA known in multiple forums in that nation.

Finally, Erika Lizárraga invited to expand the mobility platforms of the PA youth and stressed that next year Peru, as President Pro Tempore of the PA, plans to continue with the dialogue and the ideas that were developed.


Pacific Alliance holds dialogue workshop with Finland on roadmaps for sustainable management of plastics and regulatory systems on this matter

November 7, 2022.- Within the framework of the Presidential Declaration signed in 2019 in line with the strategic vision of the Pacific Alliance (PA), in 2020 a Roadmap for the Sustainable Management of Plastics was developed, which identifies eight areas of action focused on regulation, good practices and public policies; innovation, research and business transformation; plastic waste management and recycling; circular economy; financing; education, information and citizen transformation; trade; and international cooperation.

At the initiative of the Mexico pro tempore presidency of the PA, the Technical Group for the Environment and Green Growth (GTMACV) organized a virtual workshop for dialogue and exchange of experiences with experts from the Finnish Ministry of the Environment on the subject of roadmaps on sustainable management of plastics and regulations on this matter.

This activity is the second conversation that the Technical Group has held with an Observer State of the integration mechanism, within the framework of the aforementioned roadmap, after the one held with Switzerland on October 29, 2020, during the then presidency pro tempore of Chile.

In their opening remarks, Annika Lindblom, Director of International and European Union Affairs at the Finnish Ministry of the Environment, and Constance Nalegach, Head of the Office of International Affairs at the Chilean Ministry of the Environment and Coordinator of the GTMACV, highlighted the global problem of plastic pollution and the need to achieve joint solutions in this matter, including through existing international mechanisms and new initiatives to deal with this challenge.

The workshop included presentations on Finland’s “Plastic Roadmap” and the PA’s Sustainable Plastics Management Roadmap, including the development of these instruments, definition of goals and regulatory progress by both parties, in addition to international cooperation in different instances, among other matters. After the presentations, there was a space for consultations and the potential for existing cooperation between Finland and the Pacific Alliance in this matter.

Dialogue between the Pacific Alliance and Poland

November 7, 2022.- The ambassadors of the Pacific Alliance in Poland held a working meeting at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, five state agencies in economic and commercial matters, and two chambers of commerce, with a view to intensify exchanges.

In the meeting, Aleksander Siemaszko, Deputy Director of the Department for Trade and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of Poland, highlighted that the resumption of this dialogue is an opportunity to advance in the internationalization of Polish companies beyond the European Union.

On the other hand, the Pacific Alliance was presented in general, as well as the cooperation projects with Observer States that were presented at the IV PA Cooperation Forum.

The attendees agreed to follow up on specific projects of mutual interest, including topics such as the digital transition of SMEs and academic cooperation.


With the participation of more than 200,000 people, the VII Pacific Alliance Youth Meeting took place in Mexico

October 22, 2022.- On October 20, the VII Pacific Alliance Youth Meeting was inaugurated in Mexico City, under the theme CREATORS OF CHANGE. The forum, organized by Nestlé, in cooperation with the PA, facilitates the space for dialogue and exchange of experiences and seeks to increase cooperation and job placement, in order to contribute to the productivity and competitiveness of the four countries.

On this occasion, for the first time, the Youth Meeting is being held in a hybrid format, with the participation of more than 200,000 young people from different countries.

Representatives of the High Level Group of the four member countries participated in the inauguration. José Miguel Ahumada, Undersecretary of International Economic Relations of Chile, invited young people not to fear failing and always act consistently, regardless of adversity. He also stressed that people’s spirit of curiosity brings the necessary changes to society.

Marcelo Ebrard, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, pointed out that “investing in young people, listening to young people, trusting young people is the best thing we can do.” The Mexican Foreign Minister added that “the Pacific Alliance is strong, because it has a common vision, and part of that vision, an important dimension, is listening to young people” because that is what gives it strength and vitality.

Likewise, Ana Cecilia Gervasi Díaz, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru, invited young people to be persevering and optimistic. On behalf of Colombia, the Minister of Commerce, Germán Umaña, participated.

During the second day of activities, among others, the panel “International mobility: the young route” was held in order to publicize the student mobility opportunities offered by the PA countries within the framework of their scholarship program. #JóvenesCREA

The Meeting has been held since 2016 in the Pacific Alliance, as a result of Nestlé’s global program “Initiative for Youth”, with the aim of strengthening this cooperation to promote employability, mobility and provide tools for young people.

Coordination of the Technical Subgroup on MRV of the Pacific Alliance meets with the Vice Minister of the Environment of Peru

October 21, 2022.- The Coordination of the Technical Subgroup on Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (SGT-MRV) of the Pacific Alliance, represented by Francisco Pinto, met with the Vice Minister of Strategic Development of Natural Resources, Fey Silva, and the Director of Climate Change and Desertification, Milagros Sandoval, of the Ministry of the Environment of Peru. The bilateral meeting was aimed to highlight:

  • The scope and opportunities offered to Peru by the second stage of development of the SGT-MRV (2022-2026)

  • The transfer of the Secretariat of the SGT-MRV from MINAMBIENTE (Colombia) to MINAM (Peru), after the next Summit of Presidents of the Pacific Alliance.

  • Coordinate the fifth face-to-face meeting of the SGT-MRV that will take place in Lima on December 12, 13 and 14.

  • Highlight the new contribution from Canada and the potential incorporation of new partners that would support the SGT-MRV in the execution of its Coordination Framework.

The Vice Minister valued the contribution of the work of the SGT-MRV and the exchange instances that enrich the development of climate policies of the Pacific Alliance countries.

Likewise, taking advantage of the visit to MINAM, the SGT-MRV invited a Chilean expert to share his experience with the technical team of the Directorate- General of Climate Change and Desertification, regarding the challenges in the design and implementation of the first green taxes in Chile (including a carbon tax) and the compensation system that should start operating at the beginning of 2023. This exchange was leaded by the economist Rodrigo Bórquez, who was working directly on both instruments as part of the Ministry team of the Chilean Environment.

The Pacific Alliance is strengthened during the XXVI Meeting of the Pacific Alliance Council of Ministers

October 20, 2022.- The pro tempore presidency of Mexico before the Pacific Alliance held the XXVI Meeting of the Council of Ministers, made up of the ministers of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, with a view to the XVII Summit of the mechanism.

As part of the meeting, the issues of process of accession of Costa Rica and Ecuador were taken up again, during which the members of the mechanism agreed to establish preparatory working groups for the incorporation of these countries as soon as possible into the mechanism. At this juncture, the Council of Ministers received the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica, Arnoldo André Tinoco, as well as Juan Carlos Holguín, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Julio José Prado, Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investments and Fisheries of Ecuador to share their request to join the Pacific Alliance as Member States with full rights.

As part of the resolutions adopted, the requests of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Malta as Observer States of the mechanism were unanimously accepted.

Finally, the logistical and substantive aspects of the XVII Summit of the Pacific Alliance that Mexico will host in its capacity as pro tempore presidency, in Oaxaca, Mexico, on November 25, were reviewed.

The Pacific Alliance represents 42.9% of the Gross Domestic Product and 45% of the foreign direct investment flows received in Latin America and the Caribbean.