Meeting of National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance

August 25, 2022.- As a preamble to the meeting of the High Level Group of the Pacific Alliance (GAN, by its acronym in Spanish) made up by Vice Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, which will be held tomorrow in Lima, Peru, the meeting of National Coordinators of the PA will be held in that city with the objective of discussing issues on the common agenda such as the follow-up to joint declarations, the IV Cooperation Forum on the 30th and August 31, with the purpose of exploring opportunities for international cooperation with regional blocs, Observer States and other allied instances of the PA on issues such as creative industries, environment and sustainability, etc.; as well as the VII AP Youth Meeting, organized by Nestlé, which will bring together young people from the four countries in an event based in Mexico City.

Likewise, the representatives of the four countries moved forward on issues related to the reactivation of the audiovisual creative industries, the dissemination activities by the embassies of the 4 countries and improvements in the management of the mechanism.


Pacific Alliance promotes Second Latin American Meeting of DMCs

As part of the IBTM Americas, one of the most important meetings and incentive tourism fairs that took place in Mexico City, the tourism promotion entities of the Technical Group Promotion Agencies (Meet in Chile – National Service of Tourism, ProColombia, the Ministry of Tourism of Mexico and Promperu) participated in the Second Latin American Meeting of DMCs.

At the meeting, the technical group promoted the advantages of the Pacific Alliance in the meetings industry and showed the joint work it carries out to promote destinations and companies from member countries. Likewise, the infrastructures and services available to each of the PA countries were announced.

The union of forces beyond territorial borders is the basis for the construction of new tourism and the reactivation of the economy.

As ties strengthen within the Pacific Alliance, there is parallel work to turn the bloc into a world power for business and opportunity. The joint work of the four countries is also demonstrated by the presence of the Pacific Alliance in international promotion fairs, such as the IBTM Americas at the Citibanamex Center, Mexico City.

The offer for the Congresses and Conventions segment of the countries that make up the Pacific Alliance is diverse, the connections are multiple and the opportunities to do business are endless.

The Pacific Alliance is ranked #6 in the World Ranking of the ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association), 7 cities of countries of the block are within the top 20 at the level of the Americas. The AP contributes 41% of the congresses held in Latin American countries.

The Youth Volunteer Program of the Pacific Alliance 2022 is installed

August 18, 2022.- This August 18 will be carried out jointly the installation of the Youth Volunteer Program of the Pacific Alliance 2022, virtual modality, in order to generate a space for common participation among the participating volunteers, and to publicize the objectives and description of each project.

The welcoming remarks will be given by Álvaro Calderón Ponce de León, director of International Cooperation and coordinator of the Technical Group for Cooperation of the Pacific Alliance. Likewise, there will be the words of the youth and/or volunteer authorities of the four countries: Rafael González Gordillo, national director of the Special Administrative Unit of Solidarity Organizations of Colombia – Youth Volunteer Coordination of the Pacific Alliance 2022; Juan Pablo Duhalde, national deputy director of the National Youth Institute of Chile; Guillermo Rafael Santiago Rodríguez, general director of the Mexican Youth Institute; and Darío Barboza Fustamante, national secretary of the National Youth Secretariat of Peru.

As part of today’s activities, the volunteers from the four countries will take part in an interactive dynamic that invites them to participate and reflect on the value of cultural differences, the recognition of identity and the possibility to build community even at a distance, as well as expectations, experiences, and motivations with the exercise of volunteering.

Finally, the event will close with the artistic presentation by Leonardy Pérez, Colombian cultural leader and the farewell words by Angela Bohórquez Avendaño, Coordinator of Synergies and Special Attention to Women – Uaeos.

It’s worth to mention that the 2022 edition of the Program had the application of nearly two thousand young people from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, of which around 240 will be integrated into the projects that will be executed by each of the four countries.

The installation of the Program can be seen live from the Facebook account of the Pacific Alliance:, as well as through the Facebook accounts of INJUV Chile:, UAEOS from Colombia:, IMJUVE from Mexico: and SENAJU from Peru:

Youth Volunteering of the Pacific Alliance

Participation in this Program provides an enriching social and cultural exchange experience between young people from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, in which significant links are created and proposals for change are built in the face of social and environmental problems that affect the region.

In 2022, the Youth Volunteer Program of the Pacific Alliance will be focused on facing the difficult global, regional and national context generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected young people in health, education, economy and work. Thus, the actions proposed in the four volunteer projects are intended to be a window of opportunities and possibilities to motivate young people in their initiatives, on the road to recovery.

With these types of activities, the Pacific Alliance promotes the formation of solidarity behaviors in young people, which have a positive impact on society, considering that youth are key actors in social change.

The projects presented by the four countries are:


The general objective of the project “INJUV Laboratory: Leaders for transformative volunteering” is to create a network of youth leaders to promote integration among young people from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, in order to promote transformative volunteering initiatives in their communities.

The project seeks to strengthen the volunteering ecosystem, supporting young people from the different countries of the Pacific Alliance in mutual learning to strengthen their actions and the generation of common networks.


The general objective of the project “Generations that Connect and international solidarity as the articulating axis of Youth Volunteering” is to promote a network of young volunteers who support older people, and who, through the exchange of knowledge and intergenerational experiences, mitigate the effects of loneliness, isolation or discrimination; seeking to maintain the health, well-being and dignity of the elderly and young people, and at the same time strengthen volunteering in its international dimension with a transforming purpose and commitment of social capital to the development of the region.

The project seeks to integrate young people into the government strategy “Generations that connect” with a view to solidarity, in post-emergency times, towards older people, providing tools in soft skills, communication and humanized accompaniment strategies that materialize their volunteering, as well as providing knowledge and understanding of the concepts associated with volunteering such as assistance, philanthropy, charity, altruism, and cooperation in its international dimension, with a transforming purpose and commitment of social capital to the development of the region.


The general objective of the “Tierra Joven-Voluntad Joven” project seeks to strengthen the integration of young people from the four countries of the Pacific Alliance through actions that contribute to their empowerment and leadership, to intergenerational solidarity and to the reconstruction of the social fabric. The project seeks to strengthen skills for the creation and development of socio-environmental impact projects to improve their actions in environment protection and climate change mitigation and promote exchange in educational matters through digital tools, all this from a perspective of gender and having as its center the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda.


The general objective of the project «A-Gente de Cambio: Constructing experiences for the promotion of adolescent mental health» is to contribute to the strengthening of regional integration within the framework of the Pacific Alliance through the training of agents of change to the promotion of mental health in adolescents at risk in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The young volunteers will participate in a virtual training process to design and execute a mental health promotion program aimed at adolescents from the Comprehensive Family Development Centers (CEDIF) located in different regions of Peru to strengthen their skills to face the challenges of life in the context of the pandemic and the return to attendance, as well as to contribute to their community as agents of change.

National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance meet with the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN

August 18, 2022.- On August 16 the National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance held a virtual meeting with the Committee of Permanent Representatives to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN in order to review the implementation of the AP-ASEAN Work Plan (2021-2025), whose adoption in 2021 aims to continue strengthening the bonds of friendship and cooperation between both mechanisms. This plan is focused on the following areas: economic cooperation; in matters of education and culture; science, technology and innovation, as well as smart cities and connectivity; environment and sustainable development, and post-pandemic recovery.

As part of the meeting, the possible realization of the VII AP-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in the framework of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly was assessed and the upcoming IV Cooperation Forum of the Pacific Alliance was announced for August 30 and 31, with the objective of exploring opportunities for international cooperation with regional blocs, Observer States and other allied entities of the PA on issues such as creative industries, environment and sustainability, gender and women’s empowerment, among others.


First ministerial meeting on empowerment and economic autonomy of women of the Pacific Alliance

August 5, 2022.- On August 5, 2022, the First Ministerial Meeting on Empowerment and Economic Autonomy of Women of the Pacific Alliance was held.

The opening was in charge of Mexico as pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance, in which the Undersecretary of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economy, Luz María de la Mora, and the President of the National Institute for Women, Nadine Gasman Zylbermann gave the welcome highlighting the importance of women’s empowerment and gender equity within the Pacific Alliance.

The meeting was divided into 3 blocks. The first one included the participation of Diana Miloslavich Tupac, Minister of Women and Vulnerable Populations of Peru, Gheidy Gallo Santos, Presidential Adviser for Women’s Equity of Colombia, Luz Pascuala Vidal Huiriqueo, Undersecretary of Women and Gender Equity Chile, and Luz María de la Mora, Undersecretary of Foreign Trade of Mexico, as well as the moderation of Nicole Bidegain, ECLAC Social Affairs Officer. During this segment, the ministers and deputy ministers highlighted the progress of their countries in promoting gender in economic and commercial matters, and pointed out the challenges that still persist to expand the participation of rural and indigenous women in trade.

The meeting was divided into 3 blocks. The first included the participation of Diana Miloslavich Tupac, Minister of Women and Vulnerable Populations of Peru, Gheidy Gallo Santos, Presidential Adviser for Women’s Equity of Colombia, Luz Pascuala Vidal Huiriqueo, Undersecretary of Women and Gender Equity Chile, and Luz María de la Mora, Undersecretary of Foreign Trade of Mexico, as well as the moderation of Nicole Bidegain, ECLAC Social Affairs Officer. During this segment, the ministers and deputy ministers highlighted the progress of their countries in promoting gender in economic and commercial matters, and pointed out the challenges that still persist to expand the participation of rural and indigenous women in trade.

Officials from the World Bank, CAF, ECLAC and the OECD participated in the second block, and it was moderated by the Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of UN Women, María Noel Vaeza. During this segment, the panelists pointed out the importance of betting on economic and foreign trade policies with a gender approach; and exposed the need to take ambitious actions to close gender gaps. During their presentations, the panelists highlighted that only 11% of women in Latin America export and the importance of increasing this number, pointing out that the participation of women generates a positive impact on exports, on the quality of goods and services, in the quality of work and contracts. Likewise, the urgency of promoting access to digitalization was pointed out, as this is what really allows women to face the world out there world with their enterprises.

For its part, in block 3 there was a dialogue with different rural entrepreneurs from the Pacific Alliance countries. In this segment, attendees had the opportunity to participate and delve into the success stories of the businesswomen present.

At the closing ceremony, the Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs of Colombia highlighted the work of the Technical Gender Group of the Pacific Alliance based on the 2022 Bahía Málaga Declaration to promote greater participation of companies led by women in production chains, with special emphasis on rural women’s enterprises. Additionally, all the countries of the Pacific Alliance were urged to work to create a favorable business ecosystem for women, promoting cooperation between the private and public sectors and collaboration and coordinated work at all levels.

Canada makes official a CAD$4.5 million economic support package to the Pacific Alliance countries to strengthen their climate measuring, reporting, and verification systems

August 2nd, 2022.- Canada announced on July 14th a new support package for the Pacific Alliance countries with the objective of strengthening domestic climate measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems. The best development and quality of these information systems are the key to design and implement coherent, robust, and effective climate policies.

The announcement was made by the Canadian Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Steven Guilbeault, at the 29th annual session of the Council of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, held in Mérida, Mexico, where he met with the Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico, María Luisa Albores González, in which he announced CAD$4.5 million for the next four years to support the Pacific Alliance countries.

The member countries of the Pacific Alliance recognize that climate change today represents the main threat to human development, and they also understand that the region is an extremely vulnerable area to its effects. All four countries have made significant efforts to adjust and they have committed to ambitiously reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, today they face the challenge of moving towards a green recovery after the social and economic ravages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2018, after the Declaration of Cali 2017, the Pacific Alliance reaffirmed its individual and collaborative commitments to the Paris Agreement, making the decision to strengthen information to monitor the impacts of the implementation of actions, programs, and policies. Under this approach, the countries stressed the need for a better understanding and compatibility of their MRV systems. Then, the MRV Technical Subgroup of the Pacific Alliance (SGT-MRV) comes up as an opportunity to work jointly and collaborate among the countries of the region to address this need.

Thanks to a first support package from the Government of Canada, it was possible to develop and implement a Coordination Framework that guided the work of the SGT-MRV between 2018 and 2021. In this first phase, the focus was on MRV of climate financing, mitigation actions, and carbon price instruments, establishing a broad and active community of exchange and knowledge around the MRV systems in the Pacific Alliance countries.

This second support package, which will be implemented by the Gold Standard Foundation, consolidates the work of the SGT-MRV. It will undoubtedly be a fundamental contribution to continue advancing the robustness, transparency, and harmonization of our MRV systems. As well as an opportunity to continue promoting decision-making based on data and evidence, and improve the implementation of the regional climate agenda.

To start this second phase, the SGT-MRV focal points will come together on August 3rd and 4th in Bogotá, Colombia, to assess the first phase of implementation, as well as officially launch the second phase and define the main milestones to accomplish in the next four years.

Some of the reactions of the governments involved:

Climate change is affecting communities and countries around the world. Global solutions, including Canada’s climate finance commitments, are vital in helping countries not only track and understand their emissions but also increase their climate action. Our engagement with the Pacific Alliance will provide new tools and help national and local governments to build the capacity to establish effective and efficient climate measuring, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems to set mitigation priorities and attract the funding needed to implement their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)”.

– Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Canada

Gold Standard hopes to support cooperation between governments to maximize the impact of climate finance and achieve the ambitions of the Paris Agreement, but also – and this is important – to warrant that this financing offers tangible contributions to the national development priorities of the countries. Pacific Alliance governments and support local capacity to unlock ongoing progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)”.

– Margaret Kim, CEO of The Gold Standard Foundation

Monitoring progress in the implementation of mitigation measures and in financing flows are essential to strengthen the comprehensive management of climate change. As well, they contribute to the increase in climate action, directing the country toward a sustainable, resilient, and carbon neutral development.

In this context, the Measuring, Reporting, and Verification Technical Subgroup constitute a valuable space for the exchange of experiences among the countries of the Pacific Alliance, which allows sharing of lessons learned about the national processes underway to implement ambitious climate action, in countries with similar contexts and problems. In this regard, Canada´s support has been essential for the development of the subgroup´s activities and its continuity will allow the feedback of experiences and information to uplift the development of the monitoring systems of the member countries”.

– Milagros Sandoval, General Director of Climate Change and Desertification. Ministry of Environment of Peru

“The technical and financial support provided by Canada for the installation and development of the Pacific Alliance´s SGTMRV was highly successful. We have a community around MRV technical topics that are actively operating. The new support that Canada will provide will be essential to strengthen our work towards more harmonious and sophisticated MRV systems in areas such as mitigation actions, carbon price instruments, and climate funding”.

– Jenny Mager, Head of the Climate Change Division. Ministry of Environment of Chile

From Colombia as the current Technical Secretary of the Pacific Alliance´s SGTMRV, we highlight the value of sharing experiences and learning with other countries in the Region to strengthen MRV and the comprehensive management of climate change. On this matter, having the support of the Canadian government in this process is an opportunity to technically guide the SGTMRV work based on the needs of the countries, and thus promote more robust, transparent, and regionally aligned MRV systems”.

– Alex Saer, Director of Climate Change and Risk Management, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia

The Government of Mexico recognizes the need to build measuring systems that contain a common structure and methodology but are sensitive and appropriate to the context, which allows having statistical and documentary information, implementer perceptions, beneficiaries understanding, and collective reflections on the processes and results obtained. Therefore, and given that it is essential to develop multidisciplinary work, the task carried out by the Pacific Alliance´s Technical Subgroup of Measuring, Reporting, and Verification has made it possible to promote institutional work. Its continuity will generate a sense of urgency in the governments of the Alliance to democratize access to international resources, guarantee climate action in the territory, and transparency in the use of financing destined to address climate change.

Thanks to exchange actions between similar countries such as those carried out within the framework of this community of MRV experts, international funds will serve to strengthen the priority programs of governments and the needs of the communities most vulnerable to climate change”.

– Agustín Ávila, General Director of Policies for Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico (SEMARNAT) 

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Forum of the Pacific Alliance LAB4+ will connect companies from the region for the first time with Korea and Singapore

Year after year, the member countries of the Pacific Alliance, through their promotion agencies ProChile, ProColombia, the Ministry of Economy of Mexico and PromPerú, seek to promote and endorse trade relations with each other and with third markets.

As part of the iconic initiatives to promote exports in the region, the X Entrepreneurship and Innovation Forum of the Pacific Alliance LAB4+, which, in its 9 previous editions, has generated export opportunities for more than USD $70 million and investments for more than $100 million.

The main objective of the Forum is to promote service companies in the region by offering a virtual space in which business opportunities are generated, through one-on-one business meetings, between exporters and buyers of Technological Services, as well as between startups and investors. This year it is expected to have commercial meetings that benefit more than 150 companies from the prioritized sectors.

Likewise, the Forum seeks to position the Pacific Alliance as a regional integration mechanism that promotes entrepreneurship, innovation and trade in services, among its members, and with third countries. According to Endeavor Review, the block has currently received a significant amount of investment from Venture Capital. In 2021 alone, the Pacific Alliance was the destination of 6,158 million dollars from Venture Capital.

Regarding the raising of capital during 2021, in Chile FinTech had a representative increase of 30%; in Mexico FinTech represented 53%. In the case of Colombia, electronic commerce obtained 60%, while Peru was in EdTech with 58%.

This year, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Forum of the Pacific Alliance LAB4+ will focus on the promotion of technological services companies and startups from the bloc in the markets of the United States, Canada and the Pacific Alliance countries themselves. In addition, promoting the projection to the world with special emphasis on Asia, for the first time, the markets of Singapore and Korea were invited. These markets are among the top 15 service importers in the world and among the top 5 on the Asian continent.

Also new in this edition of the Lab4+ Forum is the promotion of the participation of women. According to a study on the Venture Capital Ecosystem in Latin America, “women are still underrepresented in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and are the ones who face the most barriers in terms of access to capital.”

For this reason, of the total number of places available for this X edition, 30% are reserved for companies and startups led by women.

The commercial component of the X Lab4+ Forum will be held from August 8 to 12. The prioritized sectors for the X edition are FinTech, HealthTech, AgriTech, EdTech and IT Services (Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, creative and cultural industries software).

Seminar COVID-19: Lessons learned and its impact on the insurance sector in Latin America

July 13th 2022.- On July 12 and 13, 2022, the virtual seminar ‘COVID-19: Lessons learned and its impact on the insurance sector in Latin America’ was held. This event is part of the activities carried out by the Catastrophic Risk Management Working Group, part of the Council of Finance Ministers, to analyze the risks arising out from the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impact on the countries of the region.

The seminar included the participation of representatives of the supervisory and regulatory authorities of the insurance sector of the member countries of the Pacific Alliance (PA), personnel from the World Bank, the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization, as well as representatives of the insurance sector of the PA countries.

This seminar allowed to know the real impact of the risks derived from the pandemic, both in the public and private insurance sectors, from the experiences of the actors who faced it, and reflecting on the points to be strengthened in the region to face future challenges of this nature.

Workshop on ‘Design, implementation and monitoring of public policies from the perspective of gender equality’ within the EFE-PA Program, aimed at officials of the Government of Mexico

July 7 and 8, 2022.- The Pacific Alliance Education for Employment Program for sustainable development and skills for employment in the extractive sector of (PA- EFE), financed by the Government of Canada (Global Affairs Canada) and executed by Colleges and Institutes Canada, the Canadian Association of Technological Institutes, developed a two-day face-to-face workshop, in Mexico City, at the Hilton Reforma Hotel, on the “Design, implementation and monitoring of public policies from the perspective of gender equality ”.

In this regard, Brigid Shea, Principal Agent of the PA-EFE Program, at CICan mentions: “We are very pleased to offer this course that will support the development of skills in the design of public policies, their implementation and monitoring from a gender equality perspective in teams in charge of the design, development and monitoring of sectoral policies in the ministerial teams of the four PA countries, contributing to the strengthening of regional dialogue”.

This course benefited 31 public officials from seven different public secretariats of the Mexican state, such as: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Welfare, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Ministry of Tourism, and the National Institute for Women.

This activity is one of the last scheduled activities and its purpose is to achieve the objectives of the Gender Equality strategy of the PA-EFE Program and one of the indicators of the Performance Measurement Table, related to the strengthening of policies, guidelines implemented through of the program that significantly cover gender equality considerations and reinforce the empowerment of women.

This course was facilitated by Araceli Vásquez (Gender Equality specialist from Mexico) in coordination with Eliana Gallardo (Regional Consultant for Gender Equality and Indigenous Communities for the PA-EFE Program) and lasted 16 hours, managing to develop in the participants the following skills:

  • Ability to understand basic terms about public policy with a gender equality perspective;
  • Perception regarding gender equality as a category of analysis and a strategic tool in the design and formulation of public policies with a gender equality perspective;
  • Integrate knowledge and resources of public policy analysis with an equality perspective that allows you to improve your performance as personnel responsible for the public function;
  • Knowledge in the cycles of design, implementation and monitoring of public policies from the perspective of gender equality;
  • Knowledge of tools for the mainstreaming of gender equality in public policies.

At the end of the workshop, a certification was granted by CICan, which recognizes the skills developed by each participant.

It is planned that this activity will also be carried out in the other three countries of the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia and Peru) in presence-based modality in the upcoming months, and will also be aimed at officials of the partner ministries that work with the EFE-PA Program.

Launch of the ‘Analysis Report on policies and good practices of gender equality in the countries of the Pacific Alliance’

July 6, 2022.- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Mexico was the venue for the presentation of the ‘Analysis Report on policies and good practices of gender equality in the countries of the Pacific Alliance’ of the Education for Employment Program for sustainable development and skills for employment in the extractive sector of the Pacific Alliance (AP) which is financed by the Government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada and executed by the College and Institutes Canada (CICan).

This report is the product of the teamwork between the four countries under the coordination of CICan to promote the gender equality strategy. This document collects the experiences in the design and implementation of 29 policies and programs in the member countries of the Pacific Alliance. The systematization of the policies was done in two phases, documentary (29 policies) and participative (25 policies) and had the objective of identifying, together, policies and good practices that can be shared between the countries and institutions, as an input to the regional dialogue and knowledge of advances in gender equality.

One of the objectives of the preparation of the report is to disseminate good practices among the countries, with the possibility, beyond the program, of establishing relationships between specialists from public and private entities of the PA countries and promoting horizontal advice based on knowledge about the identified policies.

During both processes of documentary and participative systematization, representatives of the ministries or secretaries of Education, Mining, Energy, Women, Foreign Affairs, Economy were summoned; as well as Universities and other instances of the four countries of the PA.

The report includes the analysis of both phases, as well as recommendations for countries that seek to improve their processes, identify good practices, dialogue with their peers and learn about gender equality policies that are implemented in the 4 countries, promoting dialogue, sharing and learning together.

Read the report here