V Pacific Alliance Youth Meeting | Thousands of young people in the region participate in Youth Employability Meeting

November 27, 2020. This week, the V Meeting of Youth of the Pacific Alliance was held: “Youth, employability and the impact of the pandemic”, which actively convened, on November 24 and 25, about 25 thousand young people from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. The event was organized by the company Nestlé together with the Government of Chile, in its capacity as pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance (PA), and the Swiss Government, as Observer State.

At the inauguration, the President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, pointed out that “this meeting with representatives of the public and private world, academics, experts, entrepreneurs and above all thousands of young people, is an opportunity to reflect and dialogue on a topic that interests us all, the future of the youth of the countries of our region”.

The 2020 version, for the first time and due to the coronavirus pandemic, was carried out virtually and focused on giving visibility to the impact of the pandemic on youth employability, presenting the model of alternation as a concrete solution to combat youth unemployment, in addition to empowering young people with tools to cope with this new work reality.

“This Fifth Meeting is a unique occasion to support and complement the efforts of the governments of the countries that make up the Pacific Alliance to provide all young people with an opportunity to start their professional lives, integrate into the community and improve their future,” said Laurent Freixe, Nestlé’s CEO for the Americas. He added that “we are very proud that despite the crisis we are experiencing, both the public and private sectors have been able to meet at this meeting which is a platform for dialogue, exchange of good experiences and delivery of concrete tools for young people. And also that we have managed to generate 100,000 development opportunities together with our partner companies from 2017 to date”.

For two days, young people were able to participate in panels on “How the pandemic has impacted the employability of young people in the Pacific Alliance and what we are doing to combat this situation”, where the authorities of the Ministries of Labor of the 4 countries of the PA participated; in “Models of Alternation in Training: Another look to combat youth unemployment”, which had as panelists ministers and undersecretaries of Education of the PA; New Trends in the Labor Market: Do you have the skills for the employment of the future? which had the participation of the director of Sence, and representatives and founders of successful companies.

In addition, there were testimonials from partner companies, success stories, presentations on Women, technology and the work of the future; Youth, employability and digital transformation; and Tips that will change the way you work remotely. They also had access to six parallel talks on relevant topics such as digital marketing, employability and personal branding, equity in the business world, among others.

The presentation of the Puerto Rican singer Luis Fonsi stood out, who shared with the young people his personal and professional experience, and spoke of the importance of not stopping dreaming despite the difficulties, of resilience, adaptation and renewal.

At the closing of the V Meeting of Youth of the Pacific Alliance, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Chile, Andrés Allamand, and of Colombia, Claudia Blum, highlighted the importance of working with young people, of training them, and of generating opportunities for them to face the future.

Youth Meeting

The Meeting is held since 2016 in the Pacific Alliance, and was born under the auspices of the Nestlé global program “Initiative for Youth”, with the aim of strengthening this cooperation to promote employability, mobility and provide tools for young people, a meeting is held every year that seeks to be a platform for dialogue between public and private sector, experts and young people on the subject. In 2019, it was in Mexico City, in 2018 in Cali (Colombia), in 2017 in Santiago (Chile) and the first in 2016 in Lima (Peru).


With several offers of cooperation, the II Pacific Alliance International Cooperation Forum culminates

Among the most outstanding areas to explore possible joint cooperation projects are global value chains, education, gender, environment, digital agenda, disaster management, artificial intelligence, among others.

November 26, 2020 – Yesterday, the II Pacific Alliance (PA) International Cooperation Forum ended, where representatives of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru met with 226 delegates from 48 countries, representatives of the PA Observer States, the European Union, the Eurasian Economic Community (EEC) and ASEAN.

The Forum, which was intended to consolidate the relationship with the observer states of the mechanism, with which it has been working jointly for several years, was divided into five chapters: the Americas; the EEC, Eurasia, the Middle East and Africa; the European Union and its members; East Asia and Oceania; and ASEAN, and it was developed entirely virtually.

The chapters addressed topics of diverse technical scope, related to international cooperation and economic cooperation. These included: SMEs; Agenda and Digital Economy; Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment; Mobility of People and Security; Creative and Cultural Industries; Science, Technology and Innovation; Smart Cities and Transportation; Tourism Reactivation; Environment, Sustainability and Water Resources Management; Facilitation of Trade in Services; and Disaster Risk Management, among others.

“We are very pleased with the outcome of the Second Forum, as it has been demonstrated that our integration block today more than ever interacts vividly with its Observer States. We hope to be able to implement each of the projects, ideas and ambitions presented. From the Pacific Alliance we maintain our commitment to our citizens to push for solutions, and to work actively with our partners for economic reactivation,” said Rodrigo Yáñez, Undersecretary of International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, the country that holds the pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance.

The first session with the countries of the Americas was held on November 10, with the participation of 68 representatives from 10 observer countries. During this meeting, various proposals emerged, such as that of Canada to share experiences in relation to Global Value Chains, Services and Cultural Industries, in addition to reviewing elements on the Gender approach.

On November 12, in the chapter referring to Europe, Eurasia, Africa, the Middle East and India, 27 representatives from 11 observer states participated, highlighting the offer of cooperation from Switzerland to hold a workshop on Public Procurement, continuing cooperation with the private sector in water management; from Georgia the collaboration in the exchange of ideas on the facilitation of trade in services; while Norway invited to participate in a workshop on Disaster Management.

The third chapter was dedicated to the European Union, on November 17, where 80 delegates from 17 countries of the European bloc spoke with the PA counterparts on possible areas of cooperation. In particular, the European Union offered to deepen the technical work on the Environment, Digital Agenda and Tourism; while Spain expressed its interest in carrying out workshops of interest to the Alliance together with its Spanish centers in Latin America, as well as giving continuity in terms of Education to programs and scholarships; and Slovenia proposed to provide experiences in the field of artificial intelligence, deepening in areas of cybersecurity and digital threats.

At the fourth meeting, on November 19, representatives of the Pacific Alliance met with 21 delegates from Australia, China, South Korea, Japan and New Zealand, where they discussed cooperation interests in the digitization of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as facilitating access for SMEs to global value chains. In the area of innovation, New Zealand offered to exchange experiences on innovation applied to agriculture.

Finally, on the night of November 24, the final chapter of the II Forum was held with the meeting with countries of Southeast Asian and ASEAN, where 30 delegates participated. One of the most important topics was disaster management, in which Indonesia and Thailand pledged interest in participating in a workshop on the subject in early 2021. Indonesia also expressed its interest in collaborating with the Pacific Alliance on Mobility of People and Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery, as well as working with the PA on the gender gap, sharing good practices for overcoming the problem. the problem.


Women from the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur train for the digital age

On the occasion, the results of a study on the characterization of women entrepreneurs and businesswomen of the Pacific Alliance, carried out in conjunction with the IDB, were also presented.

November 11, 2020. Nearly a hundred women entrepreneurs and businesswomen from the countries of the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur, participated today in the webinar “Women and International Trade: Promoting Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age”, organized by the Technical Group on Gender of the Pacific Alliance.

The activity was inaugurated by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Andrés Allamand, and of Women and Gender Equity, Mónica Zalaquett, from Chile. “I am convinced that supporting the social and economic empowerment of women is key to accelerating the necessary economic recovery at all levels. I firmly believe that events like today’s provide a space to share and deepen experiences of female economic empowerment through financial inclusion, digital inclusion, and labor inclusion, all of which highlight and encourage entrepreneurship from a gender perspective, which is more relevant today than ever before,” said Minister Allamand.

This activity stems from the urgent need to provide tools and accompany companies in their digital transformation process, especially those led by women, due to the persistence of the digital gender divide and the current health crisis that has made it even more visible.

“We are facing an economy that is suffering the ravages of the pandemic, and that has seen how the processes of digitalization have accelerated in the way of working and interacting. We also know that it will take longer to recover jobs and pay levels like those we used to know, and that encouraging female entrepreneurship and training women in applied technological skills is essential to accelerate sustainable progress. Women are key to the recovery of our countries,” said Minister Zalaquett.

The webinar began with the presentation of the main results of the study “Women entrepreneurs in foreign trade of the Pacific Alliance: who are they, what barriers do they face, and how can we enhance their growth and internationalization­?” by Alejandra Villota, Coordinator of ConnectAmericas for Women and Trade and Investment Specialist of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). This study sought to characterize women entrepreneurs in the PA, identify the main challenges they face in their commercial and export activities, and make recommendations to support the growth of their ventures and increase their participation in foreign trade.

“The study shows a clear x-ray of who the women entrepreneurs of the PA are, what are the main characteristics of their companies, and the barriers they face in their commercial and export activity. This characterization will guide the formulation of public policies and the development of activities and programs that more effectively support women entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and consolidate themselves in the dynamic engines of intraregional trade and employment recovery throughout the region,” explained Alejandra Villota.

In addition, Villota pointed out that an update of the study is being carried out, integrating the factor COVID-19 and its effect on women entrepreneurs and their business activities.

Afterwards, Marco Terán Aguilar, Digital Development Director of Fundación País Digital, made a presentation entitled “Restart your business: The power of digital transformation”, where he gave guidelines for the digital transformation that has had to be accelerated due to the pandemic and also to rethink organizations and make positive, sustainable and lasting changes.

The webinar audience was then directed to participate in four workshops, where participants were able to receive more detailed information on topics such as “Digital Monetization Models” (Ximena Jaramillo); “Boosting my business through the Experience #DigitalizationInclusiva” (Jennifer Fernandez); “Digital Transformation and Change Management” (Patricia Barrientos); and “Are people happy when you arrive, or when you leave? Post-Pandemic Leadership Challenges” (Carolina Angarita Barrientos).


Vice Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Trade meet virtually | Pacific Alliance prepares Summit in the final stretch of the Chilean presidency

November 6, 2020. In preparation for the Summit of Presidents to be held in December, the High Level Group (GAN, by its acronym in Spanish) of the Pacific Alliance met virtually today, composed of the Vice Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

The meeting was headed by the Undersecretary of International Economic Relations of Chile, Rodrigo Yáñez -country that holds the pro tempore presidency of the bloc-, and had the participation of Adriana Mejía, Vice-Minister of Multilateral Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Laura Valdivieso, Vice-Minister of Trade of the Ministry of Commerce, on behalf of Colombia; from Mexico, Maximiliano Reyes, Undersecretary for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Luz María De la Mora, Undersecretary of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economy; and on behalf of Peru, Manuel Talavera, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Diego Llosa, Vice Minister of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism.

Among the topics reviewed during the meeting by the vice-ministers was the progress of the presidential mandates in the different areas of the Alliance. This year, the bloc has focused its efforts on advancing in the regional digital market, on implementing actions that help mitigate the effects of the pandemic and on advancing in areas that allow for more inclusive policies, incorporating instruments that promote the economic empowerment of women and the internationalization of companies led by women. Thus, the Vice-Ministers were informed of the work being done by the Working Groups and held a dialogue with representatives of ECLAC, the Business Council of the Pacific Alliance and the Council of Finance Ministers of PA.

In terms of cooperation, the GAN highlighted the virtual holding of the II Pacific Alliance International Cooperation Forum, where the 59 observer states of the Alliance will participate and will be developed by geographical area, between November 10 and 25.

Finally, Undersecretary Yáñez announced the preparations that are being made for the XV Summit of Presidents to be held in Santiago on December 11. In addition, at the end of this event, Chile will transfer the pro tempore presidency to Colombia.


Con una participación de más de 2000 personas, concluye Foro Intersectorial de Educación y Formación Técnico Profesional entre Alianza del Pacífico y Canadá

El Foro es parte de las actividades del programa Educación para el Empleo en la Alianza del Pacifico (EPE-AP) que se desarrolla en conjunto y es financiado por el gobierno de Canadá.

5 de noviembre de 2020. Hoy concluyó la cuarta y última sesión del “Tercer Foro Intersectorial de Educación y Formación Técnica y Profesional: Buenas Prácticas y Políticas en la Alianza del Pacífico y Canadá”, que contó con la participación, en sus cuatro sesiones, de más de 2.000 personas de los cuatro países de la AP: Chile, Colombia, México y Perú, y de Canadá, país observador de la Alianza, así como de otros países.

La directora general (s) de Asuntos Económicos Multilaterales de la Cancillería chilena, Angélica Romero, expresó los agradecimientos a Canadá, en nombre de la presidencia pro tempore Chile, de la Alianza del Pacífico, por su apoyo para realizar este Foro y explicó que “el desarrollo de esta actividad nos ayuda avanzar en el desafío de lograr una Alianza del Pacifico más integrada, ciudadana, global y conectada al año 2030; ya que la cooperación canadiense enlaza al sector educativo con el sector productivo de los países de la Alianza”.

El Foro, corresponde al tercero, que se realiza en el marco del Programa Educación para el Empleo en la Alianza del Pacífico, EPE-AP, ejecutado por Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan), asociación canadiense de institutos tecnológicos, y tuvo como propósito intercambiar buenas prácticas, políticas y lineamientos innovadores, compartir conocimientos y experiencias, a fin de generar un diálogo regional dinámico y enriquecedor entre las delegaciones participantes.

La presidenta y directora general de Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan), Denise Amyot, señaló que “estamos muy contentos y orgullosos sobre el excelente resultado del Foro virtual Intersectorial de EFTP. La impresionante lista de autoridades políticas y especialistas que se presentaron durante las últimas cuatro semanas, y el número de participantes que se conectaron durante las cuatro sesiones, demuestra la importancia de estos temas, el interés y el compromiso en el fortalecimiento de la EFTP y, por supuesto, el valor del diálogo y la cooperación. Estamos encantados de ver cifras de participación tan altas logrando un alcance e impacto generalizados”.

El Tercer Foro estuvo estructurado en tres paneles: Articulación Inter Niveles, Vinculación de la Educación y Formación Técnica y Profesional (EFTP) y el Sector Productivo, y Aseguramiento de la Calidad, que se realizaron los días 15, 22 y 29 de octubre, respectivamente. Estos tres webinarios permitieron cumplir el propósito de intercambiar buenas prácticas, políticas y lineamientos innovadores, así como compartir conocimientos y experiencias entre los cuatro países de la AP y Canadá, el evento contó con la participación de 25 expertos internacionales -incluyendo a la Directora del Centro Internacional EFTP de la UNESCO-UNEVOC, Soo-Hyang Choi, a fin de generar un diálogo regional dinámico y enriquecedor entre los expertos y los participantes.

La cuarta y última sesión del Foro realizada hoy tuvo un carácter participativo y dinámico, y estuvo dirigida específicamente a actores nacionales y ministeriales, del sector privado, de la sociedad civil y directivos institucionales de los cuatro países de la AP y Canadá, con el objetivo de identificar recomendaciones para una implementación práctica y sostenible de lo expuesto en estos últimos tres webinarios. Además, se trabajó en subgrupos geográficos lo que permitió identificar buenas prácticas y políticas prioritarias para cada ministerio u organización y el establecimiento de grupos de trabajo en sinergia.

“La inspiradora lista de autoridades y expertos como presentadores en el Foro, así como el impresionante número de participantes que se conectaron durante las cuatro sesiones, demuestra la importancia de estos temas, el interés y el compromiso por fortalecer la EFTP y, por supuesto, el valor del diálogo internacional y cooperación. Fue emocionante ver a representantes del sector público, privado y civil, y en particular, a los aproximadamente 800 estudiantes y profesores. La Alianza del Pacífico se beneficiará de este alto nivel e impacto alcanzado”, concluyó Sara Cohen, directora general, Oficina de América del Sur y de Asuntos Interamericanos, Asuntos Globales de Canadá.


Pacific Alliance conducts virtual public-private dialogue on sustainable management of plastics

More than a hundred representatives of the public and private sectors of the four countries that make up this regional integration mechanism discussed different actions that contribute to implementing the roadmap of the Pacific Alliance for the sustainable management of plastics.

October 29th, 2020. With the presence of environmental authorities from the four countries of the Pacific Alliance -Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru-, a virtual public-private dialogue on sustainable management of plastics was held today, with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and is part of the roadmap developed by the Technical Group on Environment and Green Growth of the PA for the implementation of the Presidential Declaration on Sustainable Management of Plastics, adopted at the Lima Summit in July 2019.

This Presidential Declaration establishes the commitment to work on the analysis and development of initiatives that contribute to the integral management of plastics, including topics such as the regulation of single-use plastics, innovation, research and development, consumer education and information, use of substitute products, and reduction of the impact of plastic waste on ecosystems, among others.

In his speech, Javier Naranjo, Undersecretary of Environment of Chile, country that holds the pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance, highlighted that “in Chile, we understand that the sustainable management of plastics is a problem that transcends borders and, therefore, cannot be addressed only from national policies, but requires joint action both between countries and between different sectors, including the important contributions that may come from the private sector, academia and society in general”.

The Vice Minister of Environmental Management of Peru, Lies Linares, explained that “the Peruvian government has been promoting the proper management of plastic goods considering their entire life cycle, as an integral part of the commitment to the transition to a circular economy. This momentum will be strengthened with the collaboration and participation of all actors in the economy linked to plastic, and in which the alliance between fraternal countries, such as the Pacific Alliance, will allow to promote more sustainable economies as a regional bloc, thereby multiplying the positive impacts of this commitment”.

Meanwhile, the Undersecretary of Promotion and Environmental Regulation of Mexico, Tonatiuh Herrera Gutiérrez, added that “the sustainable management of plastics requires shaping management between the different countries. It is important to emphasize that the circular economy cannot be conceived without design and requires the involvement of consumers, producers, recyclers and authorities, as well as the importance that the effort must start from the communities.

The Pacific Alliance’s roadmap for the sustainable management of plastics identifies eight areas of action: (1) Regulation, good practices and public policies; (2) Innovation, research and business transformation; (3) Plastic waste management and recycling; (4) Circular economy; (5) Financing; (6) Education, information and citizen transformation; (7) Trade; (8) International cooperation.

During the dialogue, it was sought to identify concrete actions for public-private collaboration within the framework of the PA’s roadmap. To do this, the attendees participated in different working groups that analyzed a topic respectively: (1) Innovation, research and business transformation; (2) Plastic waste management and recycling; (3) Circular economy; and (4) Regulation, good practices and public policies. Each group was led by a Pacific Alliance country. The results achieved by each group were then shared and will be considered by the Environment and Green Growth Group in the development of actions to implement the roadmap.


The Technical Subgroup on MRV of the Pacific Alliance explores the relevance and effectiveness of MRV systems for the GHG emissions of Mitigation Actions

The SGT-MRV launches a synthesis report analyzing the challenges and opportunities of MRV systems for mitigation actions in the countries of the Pacific Alliance.

October 22, 2020. The increasing ambition to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Lima, 2019), the implementation of multilateral initiatives to combat climate change (Puerto Vallarta, 2018) and the strengthening of measurement, reporting and verification systems (MRV) for mitigation actions  (Cali, 2017) are part of the commitments made explicit by the countries of the Pacific Alliance (PA).

The Technical Subgroup on MRV and Climate Change (SGT-MRV) of the PA, supported by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), carried out baseline studies to analyze MRV systems for mitigation actions in Chile, Colombia and Perú (forthcoming for Mexico). With these studies as input, this synthesis report highlights the relevance and effectiveness of the MRV of mitigation actions in the PA countries.

The report reveals key elements to continue advancing the harmonization and effectiveness of the MRV of mitigation actions:

  • National MRV systems for mitigation actions are in different stages of development and operation. All of them facing the challenges of being sufficiently operational, relevant and effective for inter-sectoral decision making at the national level. Its maturation toward greater effectiveness will depend on the strength of cross-institutional collaborations.

  • National reports show the materialization of significant ambitions that are producing systemic change and the MRV of mitigation actions is on a solid trajectory towards a more effective configuration of equitable and low-carbon development policies and infrastructure investments.

  • The increasing interest and demand for MRV systems continues to grow beyond their preliminary justification of complying with reporting obligations to multilateral environmental conventions. The experience of the PA countries has important value for other regional climate collaborations.

Regionally, the SGT-MRV continues to promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences while strengthening capacities at the national level to advance the creation and implementation of more effective climate policies.

Forum on Technical and Vocational Education and Training organized by the Pacific Alliance and Canada begins

The event will be developed in four days and will be completely online.

October 15th, 2020. Today begins the “Intersectoral Forum on Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Good Practices and Policies in the Pacific Alliance and Canada”, which is jointly organized by the countries of the Pacific Alliance -Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru- and Canada, an observer country of the Alliance, and which will be developed online for the first time.

The forum, which corresponds to the third one held in the framework of the Education for Employment Program at the Pacific Alliance, EPE-AP, funded by the Government of Canada (Global Affairs Canada), aims at exchanging good practices, innovative policies or guidelines and sharing knowledge and experiences, in order to generate a dynamic and enriching regional dialogue among the participating delegations.

The forum also aims to strengthen the capacities of national and regional actors, to accompany the development and implementation of policies and good practices on the priority challenges of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) related to the development of competent human resources for the extractive sector.

In addition, it is an opportunity for a dialogue between public, private and civil society actors, in order to identify the challenges and priorities of TVET; reflect on good practices; identify good practices, policies and guidelines; identify key actors linked to TVET and the ES to contribute to the establishment of a sustainable dialogue and for the future planned activities of the Program.

Representatives from the public sector, the private/productive sector and civil society from the four PA countries and Canada, and the general public are expected to participate as the sessions will be completely open.

The Third Forum has been divided into four days between October 15th and November 5th, where the topics will be: Panel A: Inter-Level Articulation: Qualification frameworks, labour skills certification, passability, previous learning and regional articulation; Panel B: Linking TVET and the Productive Sector: Diagnosis of the labour force, mechanism of articulation, revaluation of TVET and use of technologies; Panel C: Quality Assurance:Assessment of learning, distance education and practice modalities such as dual education; closing with a working session in subgroups of interest per country and topic.

EPE-AP Program

The Education for Employment Program at the Pacific Alliance (EPE-AP by its acronym in Spanish) is funded by the Government of Canada (Global Affairs Canada) with a contribution of 16 million Canadian dollars. Implemented by Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan), the Canadian association of technology institutes, the Program is regional in scope and has a duration of 6 years (from July 2016 to September 2022).

VI Macro-Round of Tourism of the Pacific Alliance poses commitments and new challenges for the reactivation of the industry in the region

The Pacific Alliance Tourism e-Macro-Round concluded with business expectations exceeding US$ 6.7 million, thanks to the agreements reached by 189 participating companies that, during four days, completed more than a thousand business appointments and attended the academic activities programmed within the framework of the virtual event’s agenda.

October 13th, 2020. The VI Macro-Round of Tourism of the Pacific Alliance successfully ended on October 8th, after being held for the first time in a virtual format. This event marked the beginning of the reactivation of the tourism industry at a regional level, by bringing together 189 emissive and receptive companies of the region during four days, in 1,033 meetings that provided an ideal scenario for the generation and development of business with an expectation of US$ 6.7 million in total, of which US$ 1.2 million correspond to multi-destination sales.

In the e-Macro-Round of Tourism, led by the National Tourism Service of Chile (Sernatur), the Ministry of Tourism of Mexico, PROCOLOMBIA and PROMPERÚ, 14 emissive companies from Argentina and 12 from Brazil -invited countries-, 15 emissive companies and 22 receptive companies from Chile; 14 emissive and 29 receptive companies from Colombia; 15 emissive and 26 receptive companies from Mexico and 14 emissive and 28 receptive companies from Peru, met to exchange relevant information and news on their tourism offer and to agree on possible business scenarios in the medium and long term. The Chilean Undersecretary of Tourism, José Luis Uriarte, described this meeting as a “Great teamwork in the Macro-Round of Tourism of the Pacific Alliance that will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the recovery of the industry. Chile, which holds the pro tempore presidency of the PA, reiterates its firm commitment to the reactivation of the sector in the region”.

“These four days of the Macro-Round of Tourism of the Pacific Alliance were very beneficial for the tourism sector of the region, not only because of the magnificent business expectations it leaves, which for Colombia amount to US$ 2.3 million, but also because of the high number of commercial appointments that were made and the importance that this type of meeting has for the exchange of knowledge between countries and to strengthen ties. I am sure that, working hand in hand, we will move our region forward and even more so when we come together through such successful events as this one,” commented the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, José Manuel Restrepo.

For the Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Mexico, Miguel Torruco Marques, “Today more than ever, these are times of innovation and therefore, these are times to create and to dream of a better tourism. With initiatives like this virtual Macro-Round we will make innovation our flag, and we will promote it as a key strategy for competitiveness, development and growth of this exciting activity, which is tourism,” says Miguel Torruco Marques, Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Mexico.

“The success of the Tourism Macro-Round, organized for the first time in a virtual way and in the midst of a pandemic, is the result of the commitment assumed by the members of the Pacific Alliance in order to reactivate regional tourism. But this does not stop here. Together, as a block, we will continue working on various innovative and strategic actions to promote the recovery of the companies dedicated to the sector and that form its value chain. Let’s see this crisis as an opportunity to reinvent ourselves and return with strength, with the task of taking forward the tourism of our countries,” says the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru, Rocio Barrios.

It is worth highlighting the impulse and hope that the regional industry receives, on the occasion of this VI Macro-Round of Tourism of the Pacific Alliance, after the aftermath left by the pandemic in most of the companies and businesses of the sector. In this sense, the Pacific Alliance foresees the development of additional innovative actions, aimed at supporting the tourism industry of the countries of the bloc, as well as third markets.

This is how the Pacific Alliance consolidates its commitment to tourism and the joint work in the development of actions and strategies that allow the good development of the economy of the member countries and allied markets of the Pacific Alliance.

Exporting SMEs of the Pacific Alliance benefit from the e-Business Roundtable program and achieve immediate sales of US$ 6.4 million

In addition, US$98 million in business is projected for the coming months. Nearly 300 entrepreneurs from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru participated in the virtual meetings, thus ending the special support plan to replace face-to-face promotional activities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

October 8th, 2020. As announced last May, and as a way to seek new business opportunities for the Pacific Alliance entrepreneurs in the face of the health, humanitarian and commercial difficulties that the COVID-19 pandemic has generated, the bloc’s promotion entities -ProChile, ProColombia, the Mexican Ministry of Economy and PROMPERU- organized three virtual business roundtables with European, Latin American, Oceania and Asian buyers between June and September.

The e-Business roundtables started in June with importers from the United Kingdom. During August it was the turn of the commercial activity with the countries of the Pacific Alliance and Central America, to conclude with the largest meeting in terms of volume of participants and results, with buyers from Asia, Oceania and the Middle East.

As a final result of these unprecedented meetings, total deals were registered for US$ 105 million for the exporters of the four countries. This is the result of immediate agreements (reached at the same meeting) for US$ 6.4 million, as well as 12-month business projections for US$ 98.6 million.

“We are very satisfied with the results obtained, far exceeding our initial expectations. The Pacific Alliance is a powerful and internationally prestigious commercial platform, which allows our exporters to access buyers with the support of the bloc. As an alliance, we have been forced to adapt quickly, generating concrete actions to push the economic reactivation of Chile and our partners in the region” said the General Director of ProChile, Jorge O’Ryan Schütz.

For her part, the President of ProColombia, Flavia Santoro, indicated that “these virtual business meetings are fundamental to energize intraregional trade, reactivate the economies of our countries and continue positioning ourselves in key markets such as the United Kingdom, Central America, Asia and Oceania. The result reflects the world’s interest in learning about the value offerings of the Pacific Alliance. We will closely follow the business intentions generated by these appointments to make them a reality.

A total of 276 exporters from Chile (54), Colombia (71), Mexico (70) and Peru (81) participated in the meeting, all of them belonging to the food sector (fruits, vegetables, wines and beverages, grains, or sea products), health supplies and pharmaceutical products, containers and packaging, furniture and components for construction, among others; which, through 100% online tools, managed to hold more than a thousand business meetings.

On the Mexican side, Sergio Silva Castañeda, head of the Global Economic Intelligence Unit of the Ministry of Economy, commented that: “From Mexico we are very happy with the results of the three e-Roundtables. The virtual format allowed to increase the number of participating companies, target markets and business expectations compared to 2019, drastically reducing costs and limiting the impact of the pandemic. Mexico also granted all the available quotas for the country, in the three e-Roundtables organized, exclusively to MSMEs, to contribute directly to their incorporation into global markets and their economic recovery”

“In the current juncture the world is facing, the four promotion entities quickly took on the challenge of adapting to new digital tools and carrying out activities that contribute to improving the international business of our companies, mainly small and medium-sized ones. The results achieved regarding the number of participating Peruvian exporters, the meetings held, as well as the projections of commercial opportunities, fill us with satisfaction and only reinforce our commitment to continue articulating efforts to achieve growth and competitiveness of our economies,” said the Executive President of PROMPERU, Luis Torres.

This activity was created as a way to help the exporting companies of the bloc that have been affected by the disruption of international trade due to COVID-19 and its advance around the world. Originally, by 2020, the VIII Pacific Alliance Business Macro-Round was planned to be held in Santiago, Chile, but it was replaced by these virtual activities.

As a complement, the e-Roundtables included training spaces prior to the negotiation rounds where the bloc’s entrepreneurs were able to be trained by experts in key aspects such as: market access, cross-border e-commerce and sustainability. These matters are especially relevant in the process of reactivating the economies of the region.

Adjustments to the mission

The Promotion Entities make up one of the 26 technical groups within the working structure of the Pacific Alliance and through their mission they lead the joint promotion plan of this regional integration initiative in multiple aspects.

For 2020, this group received a presidential mandate to develop a promotion plan focusing on sustainable trade, services and industries 4.0, as well as to promote the internationalization of business innovation in member countries and with Observer States. Because of the pandemic, it had to be adapted to the new circumstances in order to meet these objectives.

In order to deepen these actions for the coming months, the group will hold from November 30th to December 4th the LAB4+ Entrepreneurship and Innovation Forum with a business roundtable dedicated especially to the Services sector, as well as a pitch round for startups from the four countries, all in virtual format.