The workshop on ‘Design, implementation and monitoring of public policies from the perspective of gender equality’ within the EFE-PA Program, aimed at personnel from the Colombian public sector was accomplished

September 27 and 28, 2022.- The Pacific Alliance Education for Employment Program for sustainable development and skills for employment in the extractive sector of (PA- EFE), financed by the Government of Canada (Global Affairs Canada) and executed by Colleges and Institutes Canada, the Canadian Association of Technological Institutes, developed a two-day face-to-face workshop at the Hotel Tequendama in the city of Bogotá, on the ‘Design, implementation and monitoring of public policies from the perspective of gender equality’.

“We are very pleased to offer this course that will support the development of skills in the design of public policies, their implementation and monitoring from a gender equality perspective in teams in charge of the design, development and monitoring of sectoral policies in the ministerial teams of the four PA countries, contributing to the strengthening of regional dialogue” mentioned Brigid Shea, Principal Agent of the PA-EFE Program, at CICan.

This course benefited 38 representatives from 10 different public sector ministries such as: Social Prosperity, Mines and Energy, National Department of Planning, Finance and Public Credit, Environment, Education, Labor, Agriculture and Rural Development, National Defense. And also representatives of the Colombian Mining Association and the academic sector.

This activity is one of the last actions scheduled within the framework of the Program and its purpose is to develop skills in the officials in charge of the gender equality units and other units, in order to qualify their work through the mainstreaming of the gender equality approach and achieve one more of the objectives of the Gender Equality strategy of the PA-EFE Program, also contributing to the work on gender equality of the Pacific Alliance.

Similarly, through this workshop, one of the indicators of the Performance Measurement Table of the Program is fulfilled, related to the strengthening of policies and guidelines implemented through it, which significantly touch on gender equality considerations and strengthen the empowerment of women.

This course was facilitated by Araceli Vásquez (Gender Equality specialist from Mexico) in coordination with Eliana Gallardo (Regional Consultant for Gender Equality and Indigenous Communities for the PA-EFE Program) and lasted 16 hours, managing to develop in the participants the following skills:

  • Ability to understand basic terms about public policy with a gender equality perspective;

  • Perception regarding gender equality as a category of analysis and a strategic tool in the design and formulation of public policies with a gender equality perspective;

  • Integrate knowledge and resources of public policy analysis with an equality perspective that allows you to improve your performance as personnel responsible for the public function.

  • Knowledge in the cycles of design, implementation and monitoring of public policies from the perspective of gender equality.

  • Knowledge of tools for the mainstreaming of gender equality in public policies.

At the end of the workshop, a certification was granted by CICan, which recognizes the skills developed by each participant.

This activity was also carried out in Mexico and Peru, and the last workshop will be held in October in Santiago de Chile and will also be aimed at officials from the partner ministries with which the PA-EFE Program works.

Pacific Alliance movie nights: a movie series for multicultural people at Red Carpet Cinema, Shangri-La Plaza.

September 22, 2022.- This September 2022, the embassies of Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Singapore in the Philippines, in partnership with Red Carpet Cinema Shangri-La Plaza and the Film Development Council of the Philippines, are proud to present a film series PACIFIC ALLIANCE MOVIE NIGHTS, with the aim to showcase and promote the culture of the members of the Pacific Alliance through the film industry. The festival will run from 21 to 25 September 2022.

The Pacific Alliance Movie Nights will start off with Arráncame la vida (2016), a Mexican film set in the 1930s. This production revolves around a young woman who finds herself in an arranged marriage with a prominent politician.  Accompany her as she finds more and more difficulty in finding reasons to remain a loving, loyal wife. This romantic drama will surely make your hearts cry out.

In addition, Mexico will present Cuando los hijos regresan (2017), a movie that will refresh the palate as it brings a lighthearted theme of familial love. Join Manuel and Adelina as they try to restore peace and quiet in their simple abode while enjoying their retirement as their children come back home.

On the other hand, the Embassy of Chile will present Calzones Rotos (2018). Join the cast as they discover the effects of one seemingly innocent confession from the family Matriarch. Watch how one secret can unravel and lead to an exciting and intense family reunion. Likewise, Chile is screening Mis hermanos sueñan despiertos (2021). This film tells the story of Ángel and his young brother Franco as they find friends and enjoy the day-to-day life of living in a reformatory. Watch as the siblings yearn and find freedom in the most unconventional way. 

From Colombia, the Festival will screen El Piedra (2018). This drama will surely bring tears to your eyes as you follow Reynaldo in finding the meaning and value of life amidst teaching a street kid to become a fighter like him. Unveil the challenges they will face as it continues to hinder their skills, values, and perseverance.

After such a heartwarming film, the public will enjoy Chiribiquete (2017) which takes them on an adventure throughout the luscious Chiribiquete National Park to discover the beauty and history of one of the oldest geological formations on the planet. This expedition is full of intrigue, excitement, and peculiar sights that will surely engage viewers.

Finally, the Embassy of Singapore is proud to present Motel Acacia (2019). A co-production between Singapore and the Philippines. In this film, the public will be surprised with the story of JC – a young half-Filipino, who is groomed to take over a haunted slaughterhouse disguised as a motel. Upon his father’s death, JC finds himself trapped in the haunted slaughterhouse along with the monsters he must face. 

The PACIFIC ALLIANCE MOVIE NIGHTS offers a wide range of genres for every moviegoer’s liking. Everyone will surely take interest and then after, enjoy and find something more. The Embassies and its partners aim for the public and lovers of cinema to discover and enjoy a wide variety of cultures. Looking at these films, one can see a glimpse of the tradition, style, and values of each participating country. Let us immerse ourselves and experience these nations through these wonderful films. Make no mistake, these films will make you jump, cry, and shout with glee as it hopefully teaches you the culture and tradition of each country. 

Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru created the Pacific Alliance as an economic block that pursues freedom in the movement of goods, services, capital, and people between the four member states in 2011. The Pacific Alliance and Singapore signed a free trade agreement which will allow Singapore to become the first Associated State of the Pacific Alliance. Mexico holds the presidency pro tempore in 2022.

All films will be streamed in their original languages, with English subtitles if applicable. Entrance is free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis. For further information, please visit the website of Red Carpet at the Shangri-la Plaza: or the Facebook pages of the Embassies of the Pacific Alliance members.

Today begins the call for Business Matchmaking Forums in Asia and Europe

September 19, 2022.- The sectors for the Business Matchmaking Forum in Europe are agrifood and beverages, consumer goods such as textiles and footwear, wooden articles and fine pearls. In addition, in this round, priority will be given to exporting companies owned or led by a woman.

As for the Business Matchmaking Forum in Asia, it will focus on the agrifood and beverage sectors and manufacturing in general, such as mechanical and electrical devices and plastics.

In the Pacific Alliance we have the mission of promoting the inclusion of micro, small and medium-sized companies to export processes in international commercial activities. For this reason, in each of the business roundtables, of the total places, 60% are reserved for SMEs.



Registrations September 19 to October 14

Validation and confirmation of companies October 3 to 14

Business Appointment Scheduling – Europe October 3 to 14

Business Appointment Scheduling – Asia October 3 to 19

Academic Agenda October 11 and 12

Europe Business Matchmaking Forum October 17 to 21

Asian Business Matchmaking Forum October 24 to 28

Check the bases and register for free at

Technical Subgroup on MRV of the Pacific Alliance (SGT-MRV) shares a report of its fourth face-to-face meeting

September 8, 2022.- The SGT-MRV of the Pacific Alliance shares the Executive Report of its fourth face-to-face meeting held in Bogotá the first week of August, which included delegates from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, as well as a representative from Ecuador as a guest country.

The Report gives an account of the beginning of the second stage of development of the SGT-MRV Coordination Framework, thanks to the technical and financial support of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and Gold Standard as implementing agency. It also notes that the Bogotá meeting:

  • Served as a meeting space between the focal points and delegates from the countries, who met for the first time officially since 2019.

  • Gold Standard was formally presented as an implementing partner of the second phase of the SGT-MRV.

  • A balance of the first stage and the main milestones generated from the implementation of the Coordination Framework (2018-2021) was made.

  • The countries disclosed the status of their MRV systems.

  • Activities and products of the new Coordination Framework for the short, medium and long term were updated and agreed upon, and

  • A common vision to 2026 was defined for the SGT-MRV: In 2026 the countries of the Pacific Alliance will have operational and sustainable MRV systems, which will be a reference for other regions and an input for South-South cooperation.

Likewise, three priority objectives were established to be achieved in 2026:

  1. Consolidate the technical capacities in the countries to lead the monitoring and reporting of climate mitigation, adaptation and financing.

  2. Move towards standards and protocols for monitoring and reporting policies and actions for climate mitigation, adaptation and financing, harmonized among the countries of the Pacific Alliance.

  3. Have in the countries of the Pacific Alliance with MRV systems implemented and harmonized with the next Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR).

The Report is now available on the website of the Pacific Alliance: click here

IV Pacific Alliance International Cooperation Forum

August 30, 2022.- Today the IV Pacific Alliance Cooperation Forum was inaugurated in order to create a space for dialogue, exchange of knowledge and experiences between the regional bloc, its Observer States and other partners, to promote and stimulate international technical cooperation, the Pacific Alliance Strategic Vision to the year 2030 and social and economic recovery with an emphasis on youth.

The Cooperation Forum is one of the main means of collaboration between the Pacific Alliance and its Observer States, which, year after year, seeks to strengthen cooperation ties with the international community.

This year’s meeting, held in a virtual format in two sessions, is organized into dialogue tables that will address issues such as disaster risk management: i) good practices for strengthening capacities in seismic risk including tsunamis, and its impact on the society; ii) technical assistance and good practices for sustainable production and better use of fertilizers; environment: sustainable management of plastics; gender; and economic recovery with a focus on youth and tourism (theme of the PA 2022 Cooperation Fund).

The IV PA Cooperation Forum was attended by more than 350 people from 36 Observer States, with Korea as a special guest who made presentations in three of the panels, thus being the Cooperation Forum with the greatest response in the history of the Pacific Alliance.

As part of its objectives, it seeks to invite Observer States to collaborate on the topics and projects presented by the Technical Groups, Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups in the 2022 call for the PA Cooperation Fund, as well as follow up on the offers of cooperation carried out by Observer States during past versions of the Forum.

It is expected that after the IV PA Cooperation Forum, the Observer States contribute with resources, human or financial, to the projects that are of mutual interest, which contribute to strengthening the capacities of the Pacific Alliance.


X Business Matching Forum of the Pacific Alliance seeks to promote SMEs

  • Exporters from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru will meet with more than 100 buyers in America, Europe and Asia.

August 29, 2022.- The Pacific Alliance Business Matching Forum is the iconic event focused on generating opportunities and promoting exports of goods from the bloc in strategic third markets. The X edition is made up of three virtual business roundtables focused on America, Europe and Asia and will seek to promote SMEs in the block. The first round will take place from September 26 to 30 and will focus on America for the agri-food and beverage, cosmetic and hygiene products, medical instruments and manufacturing sectors. The second round will focus on strategic markets for the bloc’s countries in Europe. The defined sectors are agri-food and beverages, consumer goods such as textiles and footwear, wooden articles, and fine pearls. Furthermore, in this round, the exporting companies owned or led by a woman will have the priority.

Finally, from the Pacific Alliance we want to expand the bloc’s presence in Asia, so the third round to be held in the last week of October will focus on Asian markets. The prioritized sectors are agro-food and beverages and manufacturing in general such as mechanical and electrical devices and plastics. A great novelty of this tenth edition is the boost to SMEs on three wheels. In the Pacific Alliance we have the mission of promoting the inclusion of micro, small and medium-sized companies in export processes in international commercial activities. For this reason, in each of the business roundtables, of the total number of places available, 60% are reserved for SMEs.

Check the bases and register for free at

High Level Group of the Pacific Alliance gathers in Lima

August 26, 2022.- Based in Lima, Peru, today the meeting of the High Level Group of the Pacific Alliance (GAN) was held, a body made up of Vice Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, in order to discuss issues on the common agenda.

On this occasion, the high officials evaluated the progress presented by the Technical Cooperation Group and the PA Cooperation Council, as well as commercial issues for the benefit of the four countries. Likewise, they approved the projects presented at the juncture of the 2022 Call for the Cooperation Fund of the Pacific Alliance.

Likewise, the analysis of the expressions of interest of Ecuador and Costa Rica to join the mechanism continued and it was approved to recommend to the Council of Ministers of the Pacific Alliance the admission of Malta as a new Observer State.

The High Level Group welcomed the forthcoming IV Cooperation Forum, on August 30 and 31, with the purpose of exploring opportunities for international cooperation with regional blocs, Observer States and other allied entities of the PA on issues such as creative industries, environment and sustainability, etc.; as well as the celebration of the VII AP Youth Meeting that seeks to bring together young people from the four countries in an event based in Mexico City.

Finally, the GAN received representatives from the Business Council of the Pacific Alliance (CEAP), a body made up of the private sector of the four countries, in order to learn about their contributions to the mechanism.

Participating in the meeting for Mexico, current pro tempore presidency of the mechanism, were Luz María de la Mora, Undersecretary of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economy, and Efraín Guadarrama, General Director of American Regional Organizations and Mechanisms, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; for Chile, José Miguel Ahumada, Undersecretary for International Economic Relations; for Colombia, Laura Gil, Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Luis Felipe Quinteros, Vice Minister of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism; and for Peru, Ana Cecilia Gervasi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Miguel Palomino, Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism.


Meeting of National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance

August 25, 2022.- As a preamble to the meeting of the High Level Group of the Pacific Alliance (GAN, by its acronym in Spanish) made up by Vice Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, which will be held tomorrow in Lima, Peru, the meeting of National Coordinators of the PA will be held in that city with the objective of discussing issues on the common agenda such as the follow-up to joint declarations, the IV Cooperation Forum on the 30th and August 31, with the purpose of exploring opportunities for international cooperation with regional blocs, Observer States and other allied instances of the PA on issues such as creative industries, environment and sustainability, etc.; as well as the VII AP Youth Meeting, organized by Nestlé, which will bring together young people from the four countries in an event based in Mexico City.

Likewise, the representatives of the four countries moved forward on issues related to the reactivation of the audiovisual creative industries, the dissemination activities by the embassies of the 4 countries and improvements in the management of the mechanism.


Pacific Alliance promotes Second Latin American Meeting of DMCs

As part of the IBTM Americas, one of the most important meetings and incentive tourism fairs that took place in Mexico City, the tourism promotion entities of the Technical Group Promotion Agencies (Meet in Chile – National Service of Tourism, ProColombia, the Ministry of Tourism of Mexico and Promperu) participated in the Second Latin American Meeting of DMCs.

At the meeting, the technical group promoted the advantages of the Pacific Alliance in the meetings industry and showed the joint work it carries out to promote destinations and companies from member countries. Likewise, the infrastructures and services available to each of the PA countries were announced.

The union of forces beyond territorial borders is the basis for the construction of new tourism and the reactivation of the economy.

As ties strengthen within the Pacific Alliance, there is parallel work to turn the bloc into a world power for business and opportunity. The joint work of the four countries is also demonstrated by the presence of the Pacific Alliance in international promotion fairs, such as the IBTM Americas at the Citibanamex Center, Mexico City.

The offer for the Congresses and Conventions segment of the countries that make up the Pacific Alliance is diverse, the connections are multiple and the opportunities to do business are endless.

The Pacific Alliance is ranked #6 in the World Ranking of the ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association), 7 cities of countries of the block are within the top 20 at the level of the Americas. The AP contributes 41% of the congresses held in Latin American countries.

The Youth Volunteer Program of the Pacific Alliance 2022 is installed

August 18, 2022.- This August 18 will be carried out jointly the installation of the Youth Volunteer Program of the Pacific Alliance 2022, virtual modality, in order to generate a space for common participation among the participating volunteers, and to publicize the objectives and description of each project.

The welcoming remarks will be given by Álvaro Calderón Ponce de León, director of International Cooperation and coordinator of the Technical Group for Cooperation of the Pacific Alliance. Likewise, there will be the words of the youth and/or volunteer authorities of the four countries: Rafael González Gordillo, national director of the Special Administrative Unit of Solidarity Organizations of Colombia – Youth Volunteer Coordination of the Pacific Alliance 2022; Juan Pablo Duhalde, national deputy director of the National Youth Institute of Chile; Guillermo Rafael Santiago Rodríguez, general director of the Mexican Youth Institute; and Darío Barboza Fustamante, national secretary of the National Youth Secretariat of Peru.

As part of today’s activities, the volunteers from the four countries will take part in an interactive dynamic that invites them to participate and reflect on the value of cultural differences, the recognition of identity and the possibility to build community even at a distance, as well as expectations, experiences, and motivations with the exercise of volunteering.

Finally, the event will close with the artistic presentation by Leonardy Pérez, Colombian cultural leader and the farewell words by Angela Bohórquez Avendaño, Coordinator of Synergies and Special Attention to Women – Uaeos.

It’s worth to mention that the 2022 edition of the Program had the application of nearly two thousand young people from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, of which around 240 will be integrated into the projects that will be executed by each of the four countries.

The installation of the Program can be seen live from the Facebook account of the Pacific Alliance:, as well as through the Facebook accounts of INJUV Chile:, UAEOS from Colombia:, IMJUVE from Mexico: and SENAJU from Peru:

Youth Volunteering of the Pacific Alliance

Participation in this Program provides an enriching social and cultural exchange experience between young people from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, in which significant links are created and proposals for change are built in the face of social and environmental problems that affect the region.

In 2022, the Youth Volunteer Program of the Pacific Alliance will be focused on facing the difficult global, regional and national context generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected young people in health, education, economy and work. Thus, the actions proposed in the four volunteer projects are intended to be a window of opportunities and possibilities to motivate young people in their initiatives, on the road to recovery.

With these types of activities, the Pacific Alliance promotes the formation of solidarity behaviors in young people, which have a positive impact on society, considering that youth are key actors in social change.

The projects presented by the four countries are:


The general objective of the project “INJUV Laboratory: Leaders for transformative volunteering” is to create a network of youth leaders to promote integration among young people from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, in order to promote transformative volunteering initiatives in their communities.

The project seeks to strengthen the volunteering ecosystem, supporting young people from the different countries of the Pacific Alliance in mutual learning to strengthen their actions and the generation of common networks.


The general objective of the project “Generations that Connect and international solidarity as the articulating axis of Youth Volunteering” is to promote a network of young volunteers who support older people, and who, through the exchange of knowledge and intergenerational experiences, mitigate the effects of loneliness, isolation or discrimination; seeking to maintain the health, well-being and dignity of the elderly and young people, and at the same time strengthen volunteering in its international dimension with a transforming purpose and commitment of social capital to the development of the region.

The project seeks to integrate young people into the government strategy “Generations that connect” with a view to solidarity, in post-emergency times, towards older people, providing tools in soft skills, communication and humanized accompaniment strategies that materialize their volunteering, as well as providing knowledge and understanding of the concepts associated with volunteering such as assistance, philanthropy, charity, altruism, and cooperation in its international dimension, with a transforming purpose and commitment of social capital to the development of the region.


The general objective of the “Tierra Joven-Voluntad Joven” project seeks to strengthen the integration of young people from the four countries of the Pacific Alliance through actions that contribute to their empowerment and leadership, to intergenerational solidarity and to the reconstruction of the social fabric. The project seeks to strengthen skills for the creation and development of socio-environmental impact projects to improve their actions in environment protection and climate change mitigation and promote exchange in educational matters through digital tools, all this from a perspective of gender and having as its center the fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda.


The general objective of the project «A-Gente de Cambio: Constructing experiences for the promotion of adolescent mental health» is to contribute to the strengthening of regional integration within the framework of the Pacific Alliance through the training of agents of change to the promotion of mental health in adolescents at risk in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The young volunteers will participate in a virtual training process to design and execute a mental health promotion program aimed at adolescents from the Comprehensive Family Development Centers (CEDIF) located in different regions of Peru to strengthen their skills to face the challenges of life in the context of the pandemic and the return to attendance, as well as to contribute to their community as agents of change.