Technical Groups of the Pacific Alliance participate in the first training on “Gender Mainstreaming in the Pacific Alliance” 

Within the framework of the meetings of the Technical Groups and the High Level Group of the Pacific Alliance is held in Lima, Peru, the training “Gender Mainstreaming in the Pacific Alliance” aimed at the Technical Groups that make up this integration mechanism.

The event was opened by the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Peru, Jaime Pomareda, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Trade of Peru, Sayuri Bayona and the General Director of Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, Jeannette Llaja.

In his opening remarks, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Peru, stressed that carrying out this training constitutes in itself the fulfillment of a presidential mandate of the Pacific Alliance and that the presence of technical groups in this activity contributes to the purpose of mainstream the gender approach in the activities of the Pacific Alliance.

She also highlighted that “activities like this are a tribute and a clear message for women, in the sense that gender equality is a priority topic on our agendas.”  For her part, Vice Minister Bayona, stressed that this activity is a space for reflection so that, from the different technical groups of the Pacific Alliance, the role of women can be addressed in order to achieve a more just and equitable society.

As part of the training, the conference “Mainstreaming gender equality: with an emphasis on trade and gender” was held by the consultant to the Inter-American Development Bank, Alicia Frohmann, during which members of the various Technical Groups of the Pacific Alliance actively participated.

At the end of her presentation, the speaker highlighted that this activity represents a pioneering effort with a special level of depth in order to reach all the technical groups of the Pacific Alliance. She also emphasized that this is an initiative never before carried out in any country in Latin America and the world; in that regard, she congratulated the Technical Group of Gender for this activity.

Pacific Alliance Countries Collaborate to strengthen Climate Actions

Pacific Alliance countries launch national studies on the MRV of Mitigation Actions

The Technical Subgroup on MRV and Climate Change (SGT-MRV) of the Pacific Alliance (PA) has commenced a series of technical baseline studies across each of the PA countries. These studies are being prepared by national experts to synthesize the current status of the monitoring, reporting and verification systems (MRV) for greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation activities in each PA country. The analyses describe the challenges and opportunities for achieving the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement in each country. The project is benefiting from the technical and financial support of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).

The Baseline Analysis of the MRV of Mitigation Activities in Colombia, Peru, and Chile have been recently published. Mexico is currently analyzing to conduct a similar report. To support the dissemination of the results, public webinars are being organized in each country, with the key participation of additional national ministries, public institutions, private entities, and civil society organizations. The webinars for Colombia, Peru and Chile are available.

In a complementary, similar initiative to advance towards the harmonization and alignment of Climate MRV systems in the Pacific Alliance, the SGT-MRV is concurrently launching a series of technical baseline studies on the MRV of Climate Finance and the MRV of GHG Emissions and Short-lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs) Inventories in the countries of the PA.

The Pacific Alliance is a trade bloc for regional integration, comprised of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Among the multiple sectoral goals of the PA, there is an explicit commitment to the environment and green growth and to address the drivers and challenges of climate change. With the Cali Declaration in 2017, the Pacific Alliance reaffirmed its support for the Paris Agreement, and committed to intensify efforts to strengthen MRV systems of GHG/SLCPs in the region.

Likewise, the Presidents of the Pacific Alliance have recently expressed their full support to the Chilean presidency for the success of the upcoming 25th Conference of the Parties (COP 25) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to be held in Santiago Chile in December 2019. The Pacific Alliance is committed to continue advancing the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the Katowice Package for the Climate adopted at COP 24— increasing the ambition to reduce levels of GHG emissions and the ability to adapt to climate change, within the framework of the 2019 Lima Declaration.

The Technical Sub-group on MRV and Climate Change (SGT-MRV) was created by the countries of the Pacific Alliance, with the principal objective to strengthen and advance the harmonization and alignment of Climate MRV systems for the reduction of GHG and SLCPs. The SGT-MRV reports to the formal Working Group on Environment and Green Growth (GTAMCV) of the PA.

The SGT-MRV will continue exchanging knowledge at the regional level, and strengthening capacities at the national level in order to advance the creation and implementation of effective climate policies.

For more information on the Pacific Alliance MRV Technical Subgroup please contact the SGT-MRV Coordinator: Francisco Pinto

Cooperation Council of the Pacific Alliance starts working meetings to strengthen cooperation with Observer States

In the framework of the XXXV Round of Technical Groups of the Pacific Alliance held in Santiago, Chile, between October 14th and 16th, 2019, the first meeting of the Cooperation Council was held, the implementation of which was announced at the XIV Pacific Alliance Summit in Lima.

The Cooperation Council, formed by the cooperation authorities of the four countries of the Pacific Alliance, aims to promote and materialize concrete cooperation initiatives with the observer States that the mechanism has, which to date add up to 59. The areas of cooperation that are of interest to the Observer States are: SMEs, environment, culture, innovation, digital agenda, trade facilitation and education.

The Pacific Alliance Cooperation Council was created by presidential mandate and its functions were established by Decision No. 5 of the Council of Ministers.

Observer states

To date, the Pacific Alliance has 59 Observer States with which it develops various cooperation initiatives.

In line with the work done with the Observer States, the Pacific Alliance held the First Technical Forum of Cooperation of the Pacific Alliance with Observer States, in April 2019 in Lima, during which a first portfolio was presented that includes agreed projects of supply and demand for cooperation.

Co-chairs’ Press Release 6th ASEAN-Pacific Alliance Ministerial Meeting

ASEAN and the Pacific Alliance emphasized their commitment to forge stronger ties between the two regional mechanisms during the 6th ASEAN-Pacific Alliance Ministerial Meeting held on 28 September 2019 on the sidelines of the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York City, USA. The Meeting was co-chaired by H.E. Mr. Prak Sokhonn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia, and H.E. Mr. Teodoro Ribera Neumann, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chile.

The Ministers noted the recent developments in ASEAN and the Pacific Alliance, including the outcomes of the 52nd ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and Related Meetings, the 34th ASEAN Summit as well as the 14th Pacific Alliance Summit. The Ministers took note of the key priorities of the Pacific Alliance Pro-Tempore Presidency which are reflected in the Lima Declaration signed in July 2019. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of strengthening the cooperation through, inter alia, ministerial meetings on the sidelines of the UNGA in order to boost relations as well as to develop initiatives in dealing with regional and global issues for the benefits of the two regions.

Cognizant of global challenges such as an increase in protectionist measures, effects of climate change and the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Artificial Intelligence (AI), among others, the Ministers emphasized that countries and regions should cooperate and share best practices that support resilience and innovation in the Asia-Pacific. They also stressed the importance of promoting free trade and reaffirmed support for the open, rules-based multilateral trading system as embodied by the World Trade Organization as well as stressed the importance of supporting Micro, Small and Medium sized Enterprises since they play a significant role in both ASEAN and the Pacific Alliance.

The Ministers reviewed the implementation of the ASEAN-Pacific Alliance Work Plan (2017-2019), welcomed its extension for another year to December 2020 and agreed to expedite its implementation. While recognizing the existing four areas within the ASEAN-PA Framework of Cooperation that was adopted in 2016. Likewise, the Ministers underscored the importance of expanding cooperation to cover areas of mutual interests such as trade facilitation, smart cities, digital economy, disaster management, renewable energy, connectivity, addressing climate change, and combating plastic debris. Towards this end, the Ministers tasked officials to look into the development of a new Work Plan.

The Ministers recognized the importance to enhance efforts to achieve greater connectivity between the two regions via trade, tourism and people-to-people exchanges. In this regard, the Ministers encouraged utilizing technology such as video conferencing to increase contacts between both sides.

The Ministers extended their warmest congratulations to the Philippines for being conferred the status of Observer State of the Pacific Alliance at the 14th Pacific Alliance Summit held in Lima in July this year, joining Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand.ASEAN Ministers also congratulated Chile for its upcoming hosting of the 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25) in December this year. Similarly, they welcomed Chile as the newest Development Partner of ASEAN and the accession of Peru to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC).

New York, 28 September 2019

Presidentes de Alianza del Pacífico dialogaron sobre los desafíos del bloque durante foro en Nueva York

Con la participación de los mandatarios de Chile, Sebastián Piñera; de Colombia, Iván Duque; del Perú, Martín Vizcarra; y de la Secretaria de Economía de México, Graciela Márquez, se realizó, el 25 de septiembre en la sede del Council of the Americas en Nueva York, el foro titulado: “El futuro del trabajo de la AP frente a los desafíos de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial”.

Durante su participación, el presidente de Chile, Sebastián Piñera, destacó el plan de acción con el que cuenta la Alianza del Pacífico a fin de enfrentar, entre otras cosas, los desafíos de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial. Asimismo, subrayó que la infraestructura, la educación y reglas de juego que impulsen el emprendimiento son fundamentales para esta revolución.

Por su parte, el presidente de Colombia, Iván Duque, destacó el enorme potencial de las industrias creativas, así como la necesidad de añadir componentes humanísticos y creativos a las áreas de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial a fin de generar grandes oportunidades de empleo para la juventud, cerrando brechas sociales y mejorando la calidad de vida.

El presidente del Perú, Martín Vizcarra, afirmó que el gran reto de los países de América Latina es cerrar las brechas en tecnología a fin de mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. El reto de nuestros países es lograr que estas nuevas tecnologías sirvan para mejorar el nivel de vida de todas las personas, puntualizó.

Finalmente, la Secretaria de Economía de México, Graciela Márquez, señaló que la innovación es una herramienta importante para enfrentar el reto que presenta la Cuarta Revolución Industrial en términos de empleo y desigualdad. Precisó que es necesaria una innovación que permita hacer un uso más eficiente de todos los recursos e insumos puestos en la producción.

Este evento, dio a conocer a los presentes los logros alcanzados por el mecanismo. Además, propició un intercambio de ideas que permitirá a la Alianza del Pacífico retomarlas y trabajarlas para enfrentar los retos actuales, incluidos los de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial.

En esta ocasión, los mandatarios y la Secretaria de Economía dialogaron sobre la necesidad que tiene la Alianza del Pacífico para avanzar en la ejecución de la Visión Estratégica 2030 para una Alianza más integrada, mejor conectada, más global y más ciudadana, y que aspire hacia un desarrollo más inclusivo y sostenible.

El evento contó con la presencia de inversionistas internacionales de alto nivel, representantes de fondos de capital, multinacionales del sector de servicios, empresas del sector inmobiliario y de infraestructura, así como empresas de capital de riesgo, entre otras.

Este foro, fue organizado por Chile en su calidad de presidencia pro témpore del mecanismo, con el apoyo de los demás países que integran este bloque -Colombia, México y Perú.

La Alianza del Pacífico es una iniciativa de integración regional profunda que apunta a disminuir las barreras comerciales y fomentar la libre circulación de bienes, servicios, capital y personas entre sus cuatro países miembros: Chile, Colombia, México y Perú.

Conformada en 2011, con especial énfasis hacia el Asia – Pacífico, la Alianza del Pacífico ha desempeñado un papel destacado en la economía de América Latina y el Caribe.

The European Union and Pacific Alliance commit to deepening their partnership

Today, in New York City, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini and the Council of Ministers of the Pacific Alliance composed of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, signed a Joint Declaration, in which they agreed to deepen the partnership between the two regional blocs.

High Representative Mogherini said at the occasion: “The European Union is committed to strengthening its political, economic and cooperation ties with the Pacific Alliance. The Alliance is a driver of regional integration in Latin America, with whom we have a solid friendship and we share fundamental values, a strong belief in multilateralism and a joint commitment in promoting the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals”.

Mr Teodoro Ribera Neumann, Foreign Minister of Chile, the country who currently holds the Presidency Pro Tempore of the Pacific Alliance, stated: “The instrument we subscribe today will allow us to strengthen these bonds of friendship and solidarity, and at the same time consolidate the economic relationship and cooperation we have, as Pacific Alliance, with the European Union.”

The Joint Declaration signed today provides a framework to strengthen cooperation and dialogue between the European Union and the Pacific Alliance for the coming years. It identifies multiple areas of common interest, where there is clear potential to deepen cooperation. Such areas include regional economic and financial integration, digital strategies, the fight against climate change and the promotion of green growth, the facilitation of the movement of persons, as well as innovation, science and technology.


The European Union and the Pacific Alliance have been working for many years to strengthen their relationship and accomplish its objective of achieving the free movement of people, goods, services and capitals. In that sense, both parties have committed to promote these objectives in areas as such as trade and investment, financial integration, SMEs, digital economy innovation, science and technology.

In the margins of the EU-CELAC Foreign Ministers Meeting in Brussels in July 2018, hosted by High Representative Mogherini with Foreign Ministers of the Pacific Alliance and European Union Member States, both sides agreed to identify specific areas of dialogue, cooperation and mutually beneficial activities. The Joint Declaration is the result of this commitment and will guide the work towards a deeper and strengthened EU-Pacific Alliance partnership.

The Pacific Alliance reaffirms its commitment to integration, sustainable development and free trade

With the commitment to continue to engage in integration, sustainable development and free trade, the XIV Pacific Alliance Summit was completed in Lima, Peru from July 1st to 6th.

On the occasion, the governments of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru signed the Lima Declaration as well as special statements on the environment and free trade.

With the Lima Declaration, the four countries committed to promoting a better quality of life for their population and fostering integration, with a vision of inclusive development.

This agreement also incorporates the commitment of the members of the Pacific Alliance to expedite the procedures in order to achieve the incorporation of Ecuador as a full member of this integration bloc, which could be completed shortly.

“Our welcome to Ecuador as a new Candidate for an Associated State of the Pacific Alliance, with a view to its future accession as a full member, which constitutes an important step towards strengthening the alliance. We express our commitment to define, during the second half of 2019, the terms of reference that will guide the negotiation, as communicated to Ecuador”, the document mentions.

Regarding the Declaration in favor of the Environment, the members of the regional bloc highlighted the importance of developing and implementing new policies to promote the integral management of plastics, reduce the use of single-use plastics, in addition to reducing the presence of this waste in ecosystems and preventing pollution. Additionally, the high-level authorities signed the Declaration on the multilateral trading system by which they expressed their conviction to continue promoting free trade that contributes to generating greater competitiveness and development.

Following the signing of these agreements, the President of Peru Martín Vizcarra transferred his counterpart from Chile, Sebastián Piñera, the pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance.

Pacific Alliance signs free trade support declaration

The member countries of the Pacific Alliance signed a declaration on the multilateral trading system.

This agreement reaffirms the original conviction of promoting free trade and globalization as engines of the economic and sustainable development of the peoples of the Pacific Alliance.

It is also an expression of defence to open, predictable trade with clear rules underpinned by the multilateral trading system.

The declaration also notes the common determination to address the challenges facing the Multilateral Trade System and restore confidence in it, through measures to strengthen, modernize and reform the WTO in its three pillars: the dispute settlement system, the monitoring and transparency function and the negotiating function.

The text was signed by the presidents of Chile, Sebastian Piñera; from Colombia, Ivan Duque; from Peru, Martin Vizcarra and the Foreign Minister of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard after the closing session of the XIV Pacific Alliance Summit on July 6th in Lima.

Pacific Alliance signs agreement for sustainable management of plastics

At the end of the XIV Pacific Alliance Summit on July 6th in Lima, Peru, the Presidents of Chile, Sebastián Piñera; from Colombia, Ivan Duque; from Peru, Martín Vizcarra and the Mexican Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard, signed the Lima Declaration as well as various agreements among which the Declaration on Sustainable Plastics Management stands out.

This agreement highlights the importance of developing and implementing new policies in order to promote the integral management of plastics, reduce the use of single-use plastics, in addition to reducing the presence of this waste in ecosystems and preventing pollution.

In addition, it should be noted that the eighth point of the Lima Declaration expresses the approval of the four governments for the subscription of this Declaration which exemplifies the sustained commitment of the Pacific Alliance to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Members of the Pacific Alliance also pledged to work for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources.

Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Media Field of the Pacific Alliance

In the framework of the XIV Pacific Alliance Summit held from July 1st to 6th in Lima, Peru, the Memorandum of Understanding in the media field of the Pacific Alliance was signed in order to promote cooperation between public television companies and radio companies.

The agreement seeks to promote and develop cooperation in the field of media in order to obtain reciprocal benefits in areas such as the acquisition and exchange of audiovisual material, cooperation in the training of professionals and participation in radio and television festivals, among other points.

The document was signed by Marcela Abusleme, director of TVN’s Press Department; Juan Ramon Samper, RTVC manager of Colombia; Jenaro Villamil Rodriguez, President of the Public Broadcasting System of the Mexican State; and Hugo Coya, executive chairman of the National Institute of Radio and Television of Peru.

The agreement, which is valid for three years, with the possibility of being automatically renewed for the same period, was signed at the end of the Presidential Summit and had as witnesses of honor the presidents of Chile, Sebastian Piñera; from Colombia, Ivan Duque; from Peru, Martín Vizcarra and the Foreign Minister of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard.