Technical Subgroup on Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of the Pacific Alliance held the first technical session on sustainable taxonomies

September 22, 2023.- On September 20, with the participation of nearly 30 technicians from the region, the Technical Subgroup on Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (SGT-MRV) of the Pacific Alliance, with the support of the Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) and the Institute of the Americas, held the first of two virtual sessions on ‘Sustainable taxonomies: a key tool to…

Meeting of the High-Level Group of the Pacific Alliance takes place in Lima

September 6, 2023.- The High-Level Group (GAN) of the Pacific Alliance (PA), which brings together Vice Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and their representatives from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, met last Friday, September 1, 2023, in Lima. The high authorities and representatives addressed the status of negotiations with the candidates for Associated State and the accession of…

Cooperation, sustainability and positioning: the keys to the first seminar on attracting tourism investment of the Pacific Alliance

The meeting, which took place in Santiago, brought together the main sectoral authorities from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, as well as professionals from other Latin American countries. September 5, 2023.- To generate a strategy to attract tourism investments for the member countries of the Pacific Alliance, strengthen coordination and generate implementation mechanisms, encouraging development, growth and consolidating the post-pandemic…

Successful closing of the 1st Sustainable Tourism Business Meeting of the Pacific Alliance

A space to learn about the best of the sustainable tourism offerings of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, identify synergies and establish strategic alliances. September 4, 2023.- Within the framework of the Tourism Cooperation Agreement of the Pacific Alliance, the entities responsible for the promotion of international tourism of the four countries – National Tourism Service of Chile (SERNATUR), PROCOLOMBIA,…

National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance meet in Lima

31 August 2023 – The National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance (PA), a regional integration mechanism made up of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, met today in Lima, Peru. During the meeting, the National Coordinators addressed issues related to the expansion of the mechanism, the PA Cooperation Fund and the current status of the Joint Declarations of cooperation between the…

First Business Meeting on Sustainable Tourism of the Pacific Alliance

A space to learn about the best of the sustainable tourism offerings of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, identify synergies and establish strategic alliances. August 4, 2023 – Within the framework of the Pacific Alliance Tourism Cooperation Agreement, the entities responsible for international tourism promotion in the four countries – Chile’s National Tourism Service (SERNATUR), ProColombia, Mexico’s Secretariat of Tourism…


With the presence of representatives from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, the handover ceremony of the pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance from Chile to Peru was held today in Santiago. The ceremony was headed by Chile’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alberto van Klaveren, and the Undersecretary for International Economic Relations, Claudia Sanhueza, and was attended by Peru’s Minister…

National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance meet in Santiago, Chile

July 31, 2023 – The National Coordinators of the Pacific Alliance (PA) -a regional integration mechanism in which Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru participate- met in Santiago, Chile, in a meeting that, among other matters, addressed the transfer of the pro tempore presidency of the Pacific Alliance from Chile to Peru. During the morning, the National Coordinators (NCs) reviewed the…

Diagnosis of rural women’s entrepreneurship in the Pacific Alliance presented

July 18, 2023.- On June 28, 2023, Universidad de la Frontera presented in a virtual event the “Diagnosis on the participation of rural and indigenous entrepreneurship in productive chains: towards the construction of a strategy that promotes the participation of women, particularly rural women, in these areas”. The study was conducted by the Universidad de la Frontera (UFRO) within the…

Technical Subgroup for Measurement, Reporting and Verification of the Pacific Alliance presents results of the study on ‘devaluation and competitiveness in the carbon market’

July 18, 2023 – On July 12, the Pacific Alliance Technical Subgroup for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (SGT-MRV) presented the results of the study ‘Devaluation and competitiveness in the carbon market’, which was prepared by the Mexican consulting firm Mercado Ambiental. The work, which received financial support from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), is contextualized in the coordination framework…